U.S. Senator: We Need to Look Into Anonymous, Pronto


New member
May 13, 2010
Aerograt said:
Waaaaaaaaaaaait wait wait wait... They're going after Lulzsec as well, right?
Unfortunately the politicians don't care about them too much. I'd wager the FBI etc would rather be dealing with those little shits than Anonymous (though Lulzsec purportedly now joining Anonymous...) but the politicians do what the people want and most people have only ever heard of Anonymous and now Sony blaming them ("oh yeah it was their fault lol, our bad we just missed this big note the first time we looked, it wasn't planted at all." Seriously Sony, be more suspicious) makes them prime targets.

Anyway, they're already pissed at Wikileaks but since they've had a hard time getting that down they're probably going to gun for Anonymous since it's...harder and more nebulous.

I like Anonymous for the most part, yeah their members can be dicks, and? Let's face it the US government isn't all roses and happy powder (or maybe too much happy powder). In this cyber war I'd put my money on the US government being the bad guys, they've consistently shown to be fucking crazy over anyone who dares blow the whistle and reveal them doing naughties which is pretty much what Anonymous is all about.
If they do really go all out though I get the feeling they don't quite realise what they're in for, Anonymous is not impossible to bring down but it's not exactly an easy task and they're everywhere...


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Personally, I think it's about time someoine took the initiative...

And LOL at the image by the way.

radioactive lemur

New member
May 26, 2010
Whenever some politician tries to go after Anonymous, I become strongly reminded of this scene from Fight Club.


Michael K

New member
Mar 19, 2010
Maybe it's out of line. But if there will be an committee for internet security I'd rather have it run by the UN (international) then you Americans.

Get your greedy American fingers off my European Internet.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
Get rid of it for one reason they are massive woman users look on the net they attacked a teen girl as she refused to get her tits out the lass had to be put into protection as she got attacked alot so in my opinion send in soldiers into everyones homes check their stuff if they are them shoot them atleast then we have stopped one problem to modern life

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Is anyone reminded of Scanners at the moment?

But sure, we can trust McCain. He chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. What more proof do you need?
I think more to the point here, we have a man who admitted his computer ineptitude telling us we need to get on this whole "Anonymous" thing. It's like your grandfather, the one who can't program the VCR, plotting to build a nuclear reactor.

Granted, appointing Palin was not the best in judgment, but HE CAN'T WORK A FREAKING COMPUTER!

Then again, we should probably just be thankful someone in the Government is getting to this within a decade of it being an issue.