Dear Ubisoft,
I'd love to say it's been fun, but I must not lie. Though you may do so, and call me vile filth, I've been fair to you. Once I considered you a good company, but little of what you do now is indeed good. You don't want my money anymore? I've not wanted your games for quite some time. So feel free to tell your friends you're the one who broke it off with me, but we'll always know the truth. You always wanted to watch me, even when I was alone. It stopped being about me long ago, and even though you always pretended otherwise, calling me a cheater so much has made it clear YOU were cheating on me. I'm sorry if this breaks the illusion, however, it needs to be said: You need help, you are self destructive, your work has been sub-par, and breaks if you're not there to keep it going. I did care once, but you've mistreated me so. Call me if you ever sober up, maybe we can still be friends.
Link Kadeshi