Ubisoft: More Sequels, More Often and More Multi

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
TheDoctor455 said:
Oh bloody hooray. They're going for the EA strategy.
Yeah. When hasn't the "more games more frequently" plan translated into "more shitty games released more often so that you can drown yourself in the shit"?
i'm also sad...

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
Multiplayer in every game?

But they already cut the multiplayer out of Splinter Cell: Forev....Convictions.


New member
Feb 12, 2008
I refer to this as the lowest common denominator strategy. As Ben put it in a way only he can, 75% of the consumer base is made up of emotionally sensitive retards that are mindless consumers so why not. Look at Modern Warfare 2. How many people bought that steaming pile of blank? How many bought Halo 3? Most multiplayer is mediocre or bad and simply serves as bottom line padding low cost fluff that is little more than garbage and not worth playing. These are the same morons reality TV is geared towards. Nothing more than idiocracy in action.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
ingsoc said:
I refer to this as the lowest common denominator strategy. As Ben put it in a way only he can, 75% of the consumer base is made up of emotionally sensitive retards that are mindless consumers so why not. Look at Modern Warfare 2. How many people bought that steaming pile of blank? How many bought Halo 3? Most multiplayer is mediocre or bad and simply serves as bottom line padding low cost fluff that is little more than garbage and not worth playing. These are the same morons reality TV is geared towards. Nothing more than idiocracy in action.
Not to be a jackass (too late) but which part of your post has an opinion that's yours, you know, instead of parroting stuff said by other people that may or may not be correct. Also I enjoy a lot of multiplayer games and I hate reality TV so there's your theory out the window already. Hell you don't even provide examples, just expecting us to take your word for it because "Yahtzee said it so it must be true!"

When did we as gamers decide that sequels were bad? When did we decide multiplayer was something to be abhorred? I certainly missed that meeting. Oh right, gamers are not one universal hive mind and to imply otherwise would be pretty damn presumptuous. Of course I was coming in here to joke that nobody was going to accuse Ubisoft of Franchise Milking like everyone seems to want to do to Nintendo all of a sudden (I WONDER WHY).

Paragon Fury said:
Multiplayer in every game?

But they already cut the multiplayer out of Splinter Cell: Forev....Convictions.
Oh well I guess this was an early April Fool's joke then. [http://uk.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/tomclancyssplintercellconviction/news.html?sid=6243784&mode=previews&tag=topslot;title;4]

Mr. Fister

New member
Jun 21, 2008
I see Ubisoft is still sticking to the "waterfall" method of producing games: Make them as quickly and efficiently as possible. I can understand why they would stick to this method: A lot of the titles will be "safe" games, i.e. they're almost guaranteed to make some sort of profit. The problem is this only works for so long. Eventually, the audience you're constantly appealing to gets bored or overwhelmed with titles, and you'll find a lot of the games you're making are generating less profit, if any. If Ubisoft doesn't realize that the success this method brings them is only short-term, they may end up suffering for it like EA recently did.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
But of course. What were they thinking releasing an awesome 30-hour long game like AssCreed 2 and only selling it for 60$. NO MORE MR.NICE GUYS. I can't wait to pay 240$ for AssCreed 3, because it will actually be AssCreed 3,4,5 and 6, released every year with a 7 hour single player and with the option to go online and teabag noobs after jumping on them from a belltower.

Fucking. Retarded. Publishers.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
derelix said:
It seems like people hate the titles more than the actual games. If GTA 4 was called saints row 2, it would have been widely praised on the forums. Doesn't anyone else find that a little sad?
Er no. If GTA4 was called Saints Row 2, it would have got exactly the same reactions on forums, just with a different name being used.


New member
May 7, 2009
For the most part i've liked alot of the ubisoft titles i have got, so i trust them with this decision.

I personally think most games can be improved if you can have a mate along for the ride, so i welcome the multiplyer choice. Though i do hope i don't come to regret saying that.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
We believe we can launch them more often without risk of brand fatigue," Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said during a financial call yesterday.
Er, no, you can't. People have had enough with a number of the franchises listed. Take the last PoP game, or the dismal sales of the last couple of Driver games. And haven't we had a Splinter Cell at least once every year since about 2001 anyway? Sam Fisher's been around the block more times than Lara Croft.

EDIT: If they mentioned Beyond Good & Evil 2 then I imagine it would've been better received.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
derelix said:
DarkSaber said:
derelix said:
It seems like people hate the titles more than the actual games. If GTA 4 was called saints row 2, it would have been widely praised on the forums. Doesn't anyone else find that a little sad?
Er no. If GTA4 was called Saints Row 2, it would have got exactly the same reactions on forums, just with a different name being used.
You really believe that? People were nitpicking the craziest things, and then when Saints row 2 came out, most of them (at least the ones i talked too) completely ignored alot of the same flaws.
I actually saw a large group of people complaining that GTA 4 ripped too much off from saints row. I thought it was a joke but the explanation i was given was "well at least saints row admits it rips off"
People complained about how bad the graphics were in gta 4, but then when saints row 2 came out, anyone who liked GTA 4 more was a "Graphics whore"
Many people complained that GTA 4 was EXACTLY like the others. I really don't understand what they were expecting but it kind of makes me wonder if most of them even played the games.
I love saints row 2 but the release of that game showed me its not about how good of a game you can make, its about how you market it.

"would you rather go bowling, or streak in public?"
Well since its a video game and both of those things are nothing but button presses on a controller, i suppose i would rather have fast gunfights and enemies that react to gunshot wounds instead of standing in place.
And I'd rather play a game that is as fun as GTA used to be up to and including San Andreas over GTA4.

*Goes back to GTA2*


New member
Jul 4, 2009
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother playing games when multiplayer is all everyone cares about. I only care about singleplayer...Well looks like I may as well quit gaming now.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Jesus, not one mentioning of Rainbow Six Vegas!!! I want more Rainbow Six, the game is very old, and people still play it!
I'd love for them to come out with a new Rainbow game.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Oh wonderful, more buggy undeveloped messes for games. I will h

If they dare botch up Assassins Creed 2 with a shitty sequel...


New member
Mar 10, 2009
I want to kill Ubisoft to put it out of it's misery.

I want to remember it as the amazing dev who created PoP:SoT...