No, they just remade GTA3 with better graphics and LESS TO DO.derelix said:Snip
If you believe that then you never played the original GTA.derelix said:HAHA!DarkSaber said:No, they just remade GTA3 with better graphics and LESS TO DO.derelix said:Snip
That's adorable.
And GTA 3 was just a remade GTA 1 WITH WAY LESS TO DO!!!!
Which part of "with less to do" gave your inferior brain the impression I said it's "exactly like"? I'm the only gamer out of my friends, so I guess that ruins your little ad hominem, eh?derelix said:Well then it's a good thing it was obvious sarcasm, but you knew that right?DarkSaber said:If you believe that then you never played the original GTA.derelix said:HAHA!DarkSaber said:No, they just remade GTA3 with better graphics and LESS TO DO.derelix said:Snip
That's adorable.
And GTA 3 was just a remade GTA 1 WITH WAY LESS TO DO!!!!
And if you think GTA 4 is just GTA 3 remade (and with less to do) then you haven't played 3.
See how easy that is? The problem is your making a silly claim that can easily be disproved if you play both games for even 5 minutes. I would love to make a list of all the features GTA 4 has that GTA 3 doesn't and of all the changes but honestly i just don't care that much.
If you think its exactly like gta 3, don't bother trying it. It's as simple as that. Sort of like if you think The Dark Knight is exactly like the Adam West Batman TV show, don't watch it, but claiming such a thing just shows that you didn't even bother to try it before you made your judgement.
I would hate to think what my life would be like if I avoided anything new because my friends told me it was "lame", i guess thats your curse.
Yes I'd love to see a sequel to BG&E, but I want it made with care and love. That takes time.derelix said:Am i missing something? you wanted them to make Beyond good and evil 2 but you hate their announcement that their doing more sequels?Beatrix said:Wait, what?
Ubisoft used to be the good guys, these are the people I have hope for with Beyond Good and Evil 2.
And they do this?
...I hope this ends well.
So i assume beyond good and evil 2 is just a clever name for a game that was never made, and that its not at all a sequel, right?
Hope they don't get sued for that, i'm pretty sure theres a game called "beyond good and evil"
AceDiamond said:Not to be a jackass (too late) but which part of your post has an opinion that's yours, you know, instead of parroting stuff said by other people that may or may not be correct. Also I enjoy a lot of multiplayer games and I hate reality TV so there's your theory out the window already. Hell you don't even provide examples, just expecting us to take your word for it because "Yahtzee said it so it must be true!"ingsoc said:I refer to this as the lowest common denominator strategy. As Ben put it in a way only he can, 75% of the consumer base is made up of emotionally sensitive retards that are mindless consumers so why not. Look at Modern Warfare 2. How many people bought that steaming pile of blank? How many bought Halo 3? Most multiplayer is mediocre or bad and simply serves as bottom line padding low cost fluff that is little more than garbage and not worth playing. These are the same morons reality TV is geared towards. Nothing more than idiocracy in action.
When did we as gamers decide that sequels were bad? When did we decide multiplayer was something to be abhorred? I certainly missed that meeting. Oh right, gamers are not one universal hive mind and to imply otherwise would be pretty damn presumptuous. Of course I was coming in here to joke that nobody was going to accuse Ubisoft of Franchise Milking like everyone seems to want to do to Nintendo all of a sudden (I WONDER WHY).
Oh well I guess this was an early April Fool's joke then. [;title;4]Paragon Fury said:Multiplayer in every game?
But they already cut the multiplayer out of Splinter Cell: Forev....Convictions.