Ubisoft Posts Laundry List of Assassin's Creed Unity Issues


New member
May 15, 2012
ScrabbitRabbit said:
What I don't get is why they didn't just release Rogue as this year's Assassin's Creed and release Unity next year. I don't mean delaying Unity, either, I mean actually just developing it with a 2015 release in mind.

Did we really need two titles in one year? Rogue is likely to sell really poorly now, too.
Funny thing is, lots of people don't even know that Assassin's creed Rogue exists. Personally i was more interested in it than unity anyway, but I have seen almost zero coverage or marketing for it.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
So, Ubisoft put out a "laundry list" of problems, eh? You know what you do with laundry...right? Ya get it cleaned in a rather timely manner. Given Ubisoft's track record, I don't think they'll be changing the laundry until the smell is so bad it can chase skunks away.

Just another case of a big-time publisher trying to reduce costs while trying to sell a shit product they know to be shit to a consumer base they have looooooooooong since cared for or about. The only place they care about the consumer is at the point of sale, that's all and that's it. Until people stop giving in to a pre-order culture with publishers who have a history of things like this, expect it to continue for as long as they exist.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Assassin's Creed games always seem to have problems at launch, but Unity really takes the cake. It's appalling, but they'll likely do it again next year as well, because people will continue to pre-order and pick up these games "Day One", because "Day One" is a thing that publishers are now saying should be extremely important to us, when really, it's only important to them. They need Day One sales and fucking Season Pass attach rates, so the answer is simple... stop giving them to these AAA companies. If they don't have their shit together when the game actually launches, why should we care enough to pick the game up, let alone buy a season pass for it?

This applies not just to Ubisoft, of course. With Dragon Age: Inquisition next week, I'm waiting for feedback from actual users before picking it up. Dragon Age II was plagued with terrible bugs and glitches that ranged from events not triggering to multiple corrupted save files causing me to lose at least 10 hours of gameplay at one point.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Open the door, fall through the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur...

Oh, Ubi. This is when you grit your teeth and announce a delay in your release date. Release date grumbling passes; brand damage endures.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
webkilla said:
Whelp... at least they seem to working on fixing this

But damn, someone's gotta be feeling the heat for letting that many bugs and crap slip out from beta to gold

Yeah.. the heat generated by piles and piles of money.

I've worked as a tester for a major games publisher and I've learned that 99.9% of issues are found during the testing process. They are just ignored.

"Known Shippable" is the term for them issues.


New member
Sep 7, 2011
Ubisoft press release

"All of these bugs occur within the Animus, so therefore are features to immerse yourself into the world. Please directs complaints to Abstergo because they are the developers of animus technology, not Ubisoft."


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Hey, wanna have more fun?


They already fixed their microtransaction service. That got fixed before falling through the level and the hilarious inverted faces.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
crimson5pheonix said:
Hey, wanna have more fun?


They already fixed their microtransaction service. That got fixed before falling through the level and the hilarious inverted faces.
I'm really not shocked that this got fixed before, I don't know, the problem of pc gamers literally not even being allowed to play the game.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
I know that hating Ubisoft is a thing now, hell, I personally hate Ubisoft, and Assassins Creed in particular, but can we take a moment to remember that Bethesda also released a game in the last 5 years that was unplayable and buggy and the gamer community just laughed? I'm recalling Skyrim, the game where looking too deeply into a puddle could literally delete your save file, and after several months of "patching out the worst of it" Bethesda just clocked out and said "Good enough". My PS3 version of the game still occasionally lets me walk through the floor and makes me reload to get back on top of the land.

So while Ubisoft did drop the ball and deserves public ridicule, this isn't the first time that an unfinished product was released on the gaming market.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
OrokuSaki said:
My PS3 version of [Skyrim] still occasionally lets me walk through the floor and makes me reload to get back on top of the land.
Getting a PS3 version of Skyrim is like playing Borderlands without the coop. You miss out on so much content, and what's the point? Bethesda games are made for, and made better by, the easy availability of mods to do whatever you want with them.


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
If their QA budget was this bad, no wonder they couldn't afford to put in female characters.


New member
May 6, 2013
Between this and Watch Dogs, Ubisoft really desperately needs to slow down it's rate of release, stop saturating the market with advertisements and hype, and focus hard on quality control. They make games that I like. Nothing I consider ground breaking, but things like Far Cry and Assassin's Creed are usually at least solidly enjoyable games. Even so, this recent trend of them putting out glitch-filled games that cannot come even close to living up to the hype they built for them is going to do very serious damage to the trust of their consumer base.

I honestly hope that Far Cry 4 knocks it out of the park, because if that one turns out to be another unpolished buggy mess rushed to the door for the holiday seasons, I'm going to be adding Ubisoft to my list of publishers whose games I patiently wait to fall into the bargain bin to play.


New member
Jan 24, 2012
Strazdas said:
EHKOS said:
I'm getting worried because I'm getting FC4 tuesday, but afaik it's running on the same engine as the last one so there shouldn't be much of a problem. I don't give a toss about Uplay so I can play it offline if necessary. Not like I could platinum it anyway. THANKS...for the multiplayer trophies.
Uhm, if your offline you CANNOT play with Uplay. thats what Always-online-DRM mean - you have to always be online.
Not championing Uplay or anything, but as with steam, Uplay has an offline mode you can use to play games with. It's not an always-on rights launcher.

EDIT: Fixed quote, my bad


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Zachary Amaranth said:
Strazdas said:
If you notice in the list there is alsoa Uplay servers not working correctly problem, also with "working on it" tag.
Yes, which is not the same as uPlay itself not functioning, which kind of makes it irrelevant.
you do realize that if Uplay servers are not functioning then neither will Uplay itself, unless you restrict that to solely software is running on your system in which case it was never a problem to begin with.

andago said:
Not championing Uplay or anything, but as with steam, Uplay has an offline mode you can use to play games with. It's not an always-on rights launcher.
Not fir games that use Ubisofts Always-online DRM, which Assasin Creed games do.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Framerate in a single player game can be helped by diconnecting from the internet? Damn it Ubisoft, your ubiplay is basically malware.

Does anyone know what kind of data or connections it's making currently?

Ugh, this shouldn't be a post-launch release bug list. This is what a development project looks several months before release. They aren't Bethesda. This isn't a huge Skyrim-esque universe as far as I know.

Or is it?


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Dark Knifer said:
Let's watch some of the things that need fixing all together now yay.

They have a lot of work ahead of them that they probably won't do.
WTF, Ubisoft! I've seen early access games less buggy than this!


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
bjj hero said:
This is why I no longer buy games on release day. It doesnt matter what the reviews say.
But aren't you using this list of reviews about the game and it's flaws to justify your stance of not buying on release date? Thereby making what reviews say actually matter?

I mean I agree with your stance of not buying on release, but it seems sort of contrary to use the evidence of flaws from reviews, to say that reviews don't mean anything. xD

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Happyninja42 said:
bjj hero said:
This is why I no longer buy games on release day. It doesnt matter what the reviews say.
But aren't you using this list of reviews about the game and it's flaws to justify your stance of not buying on release date? Thereby making what reviews say actually matter?

I mean I agree with your stance of not buying on release, but it seems sort of contrary to use the evidence of flaws from reviews, to say that reviews don't mean anything. xD
Not really. Reviews do impact on my purchases, it makes sense to look into what youre buying. I just never buy on release day or preorder as testing is saddly lacking on most games. Let the dust settle and see what the community can work out first.