Ubisoft Says Gamers Just Don't Understand The Wii U


New member
Feb 22, 2012

Maybe I am just being selfish wanting a console that just focuses on the games. I am asking myself "Why is my console now a multi-media center and not a console?"

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
So if we run this through the bullshit translator:
"Oh shit we sunk all this money into WiiU titles but it's not the hottest thing on the market, quick quick someone make absurd statements to raise awareness!"

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
Ahh yes, the gaming industry's go-to explanation for terrible sales:

"You idiot gamers just don't understand our product!"


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Eh, there's no games that interest me on the system. That's the reason I don't give a shit about it.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
It's not that gamers don't "get" the WiiU. It's that we don't "Need" the WiiU. After all that we have been subjected to, we recognize a gimmick when we are handed one. And we are getting more and more sick of them. We are skipping the WiiU because it does not do what we have wanted in a next gen console. We want a huge performance boost. True HD. Huge storage. For many of us the WiiU's "assymetric" dual screens is at best a vaguelly cute gimmick, kinda like a cute cat picture on the internet. We may look at it, but we really don't want it in our house. We get a better touch gaming experience from our iPads and we can take those on the bus.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
Owwww, one thing you don't tell us geeks about anything is that we "don't get it". Because then what we do get is annoyed and possibly mad.

Anyway, if compared to the Wii the WiiU is obviously going to have disappointing sales. The Wii simply had crazy buzz and family fun appeal to it. Still, I'm more interested in the WiiU than I ever was for the Wii, but that might just be because of Wind Waker HD.
Haha, this is so true. The moment I read the headline I thought "Fuck you Ubisoft, I know damn well why I don't want a WiiU." then I read the actual quote and thought "Double fuck you." You can't help but get a bit mad when someone tells you "You can't possibly understand."

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
I love how every time a company tries something new that ends up flopping, it's not because it turns out the new thing was just a bad idea (it's alright to admit to a bad idea, Game Industry Person, everyone has them). No, it couldn't possibly have been a bad idea, it HAS to be because the gamer community is too stupid/dense to understand it.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Oh I get it. It's like a hipster thing. You have buy it ironically. And then it's only fun if you've been drinking a lot of Padst and you're listening to Radiohead.

Gmans uncle

New member
Oct 17, 2011
The WiiU is going to "win" this console generation, there's no doubt in my mind, after Sony patented it's disturbing anti-used games system, and the rumors that Microsoft may be doing the same, the WiiU will be the only place to play used games, do you know how many games enthusiasts will JUMP on the WiiU if Sony and Microsoft really are both removing an absolutely integral part of the games market?
Mark my words, the WiiU WILL reap the crop of Sony and Microsoft's failure.


New member
Jan 30, 2013
Kwil said:
That the Wii-U isn't selling well is a myth. It is bullshit by any real world analysis.

For reference, the Xbox 360 sold about 1.5 million units from it's launch in mid-November 2005 to the end of the year.
The PS3 sold about 1.68 million units from it's launch in mid-November 2006 to the end of the year.
The Wii sold 3.2 million in about the same time frame as the PS3.

The Wii-U? 3 million units, from mid-November 2012 to the end of the year. Didn't quite beat the Wii, but do remember that the Wii was selling at about 2/3rds the price of the Wii-U, and was doing so as we were nearing the peak of the bubble when everybody felt wealthy.

The only way it's "not selling well" is in comparison to Nintendo's and various analysts completely made up launch numbers of what they thought it should sell at. Launch numbers which have never been attained by any console -- ever. Seriously, they were talking as if it would sell 5 million units.. in this economy, at this price point. And compared to that, yeah, it's pretty slow.

Except that latest figures put the Wii-U's attach rate at 3.8 or so. That's over double the Wii's initial attach rate.

So.. an attach rate double that of the Wii, with unit sales nearly equal, and about double the comparable launches of Xbox 360 and PS3.

Were I a software developer, that's a definite "Ka-ching" market.

All these stories about the Wii-U having slow sales and slow attach rates are because of idiot analysts who made up wild expectations based on.. well.. whatever they could pull out of their arse.
I'm sure the Wii U's sales will look good in comparison once the PS4/Nextbox launch.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
I haven't seen any evidence so far that developers and publishers understand the Wii U anymore than gamers.


New member
Jan 6, 2009
"What is to blame for the Wii U's slow start?" Lack of games, plain and simple, I still don't regret buying my system just for ZombiU but it desperaly needs more quality titles and not just a New Mario and 1-2 others... but once Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, Bayonetta 2 or Pikmin 3 (I think is the nearest one to relese) are out hopefully the Wii U will be start selling again.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
While I am in agreement that gamers are underestimating the system and great things that can be done with a setup like this, they are not going to understand it out of context. In other words, there needs to be games out there that show the awesome things that can be done with this type of setup. Those games must also appeal to gamers in general.

Also, those Justin Bieber splashes are annoying. Selena Gomez isn't so bad on the eyes, but stop with it already. I know it's advertising, but I'm tired of looking at Justin Bieber. As a side not, I do find it funny how they constantly show him with really short or no sleeves, and he has those girly little arms.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Gmans uncle said:
The WiiU is going to "win" this console generation, there's no doubt in my mind, after Sony patented it's disturbing anti-used games system, and the rumors that Microsoft may be doing the same, the WiiU will be the only place to play used games, do you know how many games enthusiasts will JUMP on the WiiU if Sony and Microsoft really are both removing an absolutely integral part of the games market?
Mark my words, the WiiU WILL reap the crop of Sony and Microsoft's failure.
If the PS4 and Xbox720 rumors are true, then you're probably right. The core gaming demographic typically uses the money from selling old games to buy new games. The vast majority of the video game enthusiasts are not going to buy a console where the concept of ownership is stripped from them and the games are still costing $60. The Playstation and Xbox will only remain attractive to the hardest of the hard-core, people who can and do buy their games new on launch day and never sell them whether they like them or not. With only a few exceptions, I predict every developer and publisher would face financial disaster or run screaming to Nintendo because the average person is not going to buy a $60 game they can never sell.

Dead Seerius

New member
Feb 4, 2012
Or maybe because it doesn't have a very strong library of games yet?
Or that most people are holding onto their cash these days?
Some current hiccups concerning the system's online services?
A name that most casual consumers will assume is some sort of add-on to the Wii?
Lack of publicity? (at least here in the States; hardly heard a thing about the Wii U outside of gaming related news outlets)

The list goes on and on. Plus most people don't buy a newly-released console so soon anyway. If you wait a few years you'll be getting better deals on better versions of a console so why buy in right out of the gate in the first place? (Other than being among the first to experience it, obviously.)

Give yourself time, Nintendo. Release some games, build Wii U recognition, profits will follow.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
I can't help but think he was misquoted. I am sure, since he theoretically has a fully functioning brain he actually said 'Gamers don't WANT to get it'.

It's not so much that the Wii U is a bad console, it's just that Nintendo have finally caught up to the 360 and PS3, who are about to pass the gamer baton to their relay partners the 720 and PS4. That and most gamers who have noticed how often Nintendo keep essentially reselling their main franchises which is exclusive to their console, at least with Microsoft and Sony they are going with new IPs to milk to death.

The Wii U has some interesting ideas, but unless they release Pokemon Snap 2 (and yes, this is the ONLY reason I am not jumping on this console) I don't care about the Wii U. If Nintendo were to catch upto gaming ideas in this millenium, then I will give them a chance.

Oh, and if any Nintendo fans try and say that the new Mario, Zelda, Pokemon games are from this millenium, I would like to point out how little the overall game design has changed. Mario will always have to save his Stockholm Syndrome infested 'best friend', Link will always have to save Zelda/Hyrule, and Pokemon will always involve the three same starters and becoming the Pokemon 'Champion'. And yes, I know they are adding a third dimension to this franchise... I just don't care


New member
Apr 25, 2008
Normally I'd dispute this, but considering that everyone seems to say "better than expected," this Ubisoft claim may have some merit.

Your Gaffer

New member
Oct 10, 2012
Its all about the games and right now the line up is fairly weak. If Nintendo would hurry up and get some good games out for it I am sure the system would start selling better.