Ubisoft Says Gamers Just Don't Understand The Wii U


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Asuka Soryu said:
Strazdas said:
I think neither WiiU nor Ubisoft understand gamers and that is the problem.
Then again, what do i know, Wii was a sucess after all, this has proven that gamers arent hard to please.
The Wii was a success, because it didn't target gamers, it targeted non-gamers. It sold to them as a dance/party/excercise device that required no gaming skills. That's where it's dominant sales came from. People who never gamed saw it as something fun, not as a game console.

That and in comparison to the other two consoles, it was a God send to your wallet.
Well, i guess thats fair enough. But WiiU is marketed as a gaming platform...


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Nintendo tried something that didn't work. There is no shame in that. At least they tried something newish. But you don't attack the consumer because of poor sales. Whereas Activision keeps regurgitating the same crap...


New member
Jan 30, 2013
Rumor has it that Nintendo is supposed to have a new Nintendo Direct later today that focuses on third-party games coming to the system. I hope there are some exclusives in there if this is true. Any major franchises and it will definitely drive hype.

Gregg Johnson

New member
Jul 25, 2012
If the dumbasses give us a GOOD USE for it, then maybe things will change. As it is, WE understand how great the WiiU can be. GAME DEVELOPERS don't, or are failing in turning those ideas into something tangible and solid. The failing is on the producer, not the consumer, and short-sighted bullshit like that is why I'm starting to respect Ubisoft less and less as a developer these days.

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
Ok, there needs to be a new saying here.

"You publishers just don't understand games."

How about we throw this at the self-serving fat bastard executives and see them trying to debunk THAT with their "entitlement" defense?


New member
Mar 22, 2010
I understand the Wii U perfectly and still plan to get one so I can play @SkarKrow a few games and have fun.

On a console I think is worth it.

And not garbage.

But then again to others ignorance is bliss as I've seen that thrown around here a lot here these days.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I know exactly what the Wii U can do. But until it starts getting some better games...and not just more Metroid, or Mario, or Zelda...


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
"The whole idea of the asymmetrical gameplay and using two screens to do two very different things is not simple to explain to people."
Ok, sure Ubisoft, it's hard to explain. I get that. I can see why it would be.

So show us. Make games that show off the potential of asymmetrical gameplay. Because most of what I've seen and played so far is simply using the controller as an inventory screen, solving puzzles, playing minigames or something like that. Things that don't really require the extra screen. Things that don't really sell the potential.
Of course, I can't speak for others, but this I would love if done well. I would run out the door for a Wii U if something like this were coming. I have several friends who would agree with me. And it's only the tip of the iceberg of what you could do with asymmetrical gameplay.


New member
Jan 30, 2013
chimpzy said:
"The whole idea of the asymmetrical gameplay and using two screens to do two very different things is not simple to explain to people."
Ok, sure Ubisoft, it's hard to explain. I get that. I can see why it would be.

So show us. Make games that show off the potential of asymmetrical gameplay. Because most of what I've seen and played so far is simply using the controller as an inventory screen, solving puzzles, playing minigames or something like that. Things that don't really require the extra screen. Things that don't really sell the potential.
Of course, I can't speak for others, but this I would love if done well. I would run out the door for a Wii U if something like this were coming. I have several friends who would agree with me. And it's only the tip of the iceberg of what you could do with asymmetrical gameplay.
Legitimate question: have you looked at Rayman Legends at all? It is a prime example of asymmetric multiplayer done well. The first player controls like a platformer, while the second character with the gamepad has to manipulate the environment to allow the first player to progress.

And from what I've seen, it's much more than just placing blocks and pulling levers. The gamepad player actually has to have good timing and quick puzzle solving skills to assist the first player. And it's from Ubisoft, too.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Console doesnt sell well.....obviously its the gamers who are to fucking stupid to understand the product. We know what the WiiU is, we just dont want it. For me its going to be the exact same as the Wii, loads of bullshit titles not worth the discs they were printed on. Also only games worth playing are those made by Nintendo which wont come out for over a year atleast. An even then those titles are all Mario related in some way, another Zelda, Metroid etc etc Nothing really new and exciting just the same old stuff.

So yeah, people know what they want. Nintendo fans will buy this eventually when good titles come out. Others are waiting for the PS4 and XBOX, see what they are like, games being released on day one and make the choice then. Christmas will be the deciding factor on consoles as the one with the best titles will sell.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Scribblesense said:
chimpzy said:
Legitimate question: have you looked at Rayman Legends at all? It is a prime example of asymmetric multiplayer done well. The first player controls like a platformer, while the second character with the gamepad has to manipulate the environment to allow the first player to progress.

And from what I've seen, it's much more than just placing blocks and pulling levers. The gamepad player actually has to have good timing and quick puzzle solving skills to assist the first player. And it's from Ubisoft, too.
Like I said: most games don't do a lot with it. Exceptions exist. I just added the Penny Arcade comic because I really like their idea. Seriously, gimme.

And yes, I've seen Rayman Legends, but haven't played it yet. I do agree it could turn out to be one of the better examples, provided the player with the pad gets as enjoyment much out of the game as the other players do.


New member
Dec 29, 2012
A lot of reasons have already been mentioned but I read a forum post yesterday here linking to an article citing the exact specs of the WiiU based on some home reverse engineering. The specs are laughable at best, they are better than the original Wii but way overpriced.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Richard Allen said:
Because it's an overpriced wii with very little to actually offer, especially most importantly, good games. Something Nintendo hasn't done (for me at least) in years. When you just do remake after remake and put out the same shit that ea/activision does there is very little that is attractive about the platform. WOOT zelda 8x and SSB 25!
For me, This!

But I suspect for a lot of people, whom bought the Wii, realised the amount of time they spent on it (very little) didn't match the amount they spent on the console, and don't want to risk making that mistake with the Wii U. Also, I'm guessing for every game that apparently makes good use of the 2nd screen, there are many more that don't.


Elite Member
Nov 27, 2007
Dear Nintendo.
Why should I pay $50 for Batman Archam Asylum for the Wii U- a game that is quite old by now btw - when I can buy Batman Archam Asylum GOTY Edition for $12 on any other console/PC which is graphically and gameplaywise superior?

And also - please, stop acting as if a 2nd screen and touch control is anything revolutionary. It's insulting. A 2nd screen was something the DreamCast implemented with VMU back in 1999 and it added absolutely jack shit to the gameplay. And stop acting as if touch controls is something that is supposed to give us some revolutionary magic when it comes to controlling the game that has never been seen before.
If it's anything you should have learned from the past generation with stuff such as Kinect (yes - I called the Kinect past-gen) is inferior in every possible way compared to a controller.

Stop being pretencious assholes trying to tell me how gaming works. I've been around as long as you've been and I know damned well what I like and what I don't regardless of what you are trying to convince me of.



New member
Jan 30, 2013
chimpzy said:
Scribblesense said:
chimpzy said:
Legitimate question: have you looked at Rayman Legends at all? It is a prime example of asymmetric multiplayer done well. The first player controls like a platformer, while the second character with the gamepad has to manipulate the environment to allow the first player to progress.

And from what I've seen, it's much more than just placing blocks and pulling levers. The gamepad player actually has to have good timing and quick puzzle solving skills to assist the first player. And it's from Ubisoft, too.
Like I said: most games don't do a lot with it. Exceptions exist. I just added the Penny Arcade comic because I really like their idea. Seriously, gimme.

And yes, I've seen Rayman Legends, but haven't played it yet. I do agree it could turn out to be one of the better examples, provided the player with the pad gets as enjoyment much out of the game as the other players do.
Ah, okay. I wasn't trying to prove you wrong, just wanted your opinion. :)

There is a demo on the Wii U for Rayman Legends, and I honestly had fun in the gamepad focused parts. It felt like an integral part of the experience, not just a tacked-on feature or mini-game (like Boost mode in NSMBU).

in response to the PA Comic, the Wii U Gamepad is tailor-made for competitive local multiplayer games. That's fairly evident in the NintendoLand mini-games Mario Chase and Luigi's Ghost Mansion (which, I'll admit, aren't that engaging beyond being tech demos). A D&D style game where the dungeonmaster has the controller would be incredible and whoever owns D&D at the moment is really missing an opportunity not releasing something for the Wii U.

And I believe just about any co-op game would be better on the Wii U if you didn't have to share a screen. I think the lower resolution display of the gamepad isn't nearly as much an annoyance as split-screen multiplayer.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Snakktastic said:
Twilight_guy said:
I think that's part of the problem. I also think some gamers are just hardened douchbags that are going to ignore the system because its designed around an ideas that doesn't fit there notion of gaming and therefore must suck. That and numerous other things.
So this "some" are the total sum of people that's stopping the masses from going out and buying a HD Wii? No it's not at all the new Playstation or Xbox, that seem to be lurking around, gearing up for a release soon (end of the year type of deal).
Perhaps "gamers" don't want to have to shell out the $430 (AUD for Australians) it'll cost to get the 32GB WiiU so they can install the update that eats all the base WiiU memory space (unless that's not a problem now) in that case its still only 32GB. Oh well we all gotta blame someone.
Did I say that? No, no I didn't. I mention the reason why some people are idiots (moistly because I saw several stupid replies to this topic) and you immediately, immediately assume that I think that's the only or primary reason. It's not. It's more complex then that I know that, but as I mentioned some, which is not the equivalent of all or most or the majority or anything besides the minority that some has always refereed to, all you can think to do is attack me because I mentioned one group of idiots that irks me. You misinterpreted what I wrote.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
If gamers "don't get" the console, its the fault of the company that made the console. But I'm not going to take the words of Ubisoft seriously. They were one of the major sources of shovelware on the Wii.