Seeing as it's coming from Ubisoft I'm going to pass irregardless of how good it might be. Sure "Beyond Good and Evil" was a neat game, but like "The Settlers" I'm not going to be supporting their DRM policies until they have actually established themselves as not using anything like that anymore.
Right now Ubisoft claims that they are dropping the DRM thing they have been using for Steam, however as a lot of people can point out just because a game uses Steam does not mean that it also does not use other forms of copy protection and checks. Some games being infamous for requiring you to sign up with a bunch of differant sites, and others for including other forms of copy protection despite being on STEAM, for example I remember hearing that "Space Rangers 2" still uses "Starguard" with it's Steam release.
I think that gamers should not pre-order any Ubisoft games or run out for initial sales. I know what the industry wants, but I think Ubisoft by rights should have lost our trust and any "benefit of the doubt". I recommend taking an extreme "wait and see" attitude, let the next half a dozen releases trickle out, and only buy later on if they seem to have changed their ways and the hacker/mod community tells us there isn't anything hidden in the code or being installed on our systems without annoucement.
... and yeah, this ultimatly means that Ubisoft is going to have to take "leaps of faith" with the fans instead of the other way around. That is incidently how it should be. All of this BS with companies only slightly manufacturing over pro-orders and stuff has to stop as well, and I think this is a good place to start adjusting that attitude as well. For all their whining, I think the whole "games only sell well during the first few days of release" is a reality they created to cut production costs. I think one of the big reasons why they don't sell well afterwards is because a lot of the time they aren't out there anymore. Look for a six month or year old game in some cases and you wind up having to buy used (which they whine about) or hope they manufacture another run. This can vary area by area though, as there are some stores that seem to overstock in areas that they know have large gamer populations.