They've only banned political parties that favor positive relations with Russia, attempted to join a hostile military alliance that has a record of attacking countries without provocation, accumulated ever more weapons from that hostile military alliance, and used those weapons in a campaign against people in the Donbas which has killed thousands. No big deal.
Absolutely none of which constitutes a threat to Russia. They've banned a few political non-entities, which puts them.... several hundred rungs higher than Russia on the 'democratic' leaderboard, so it's quite ridiculous to imagine Russia considers that beyond-the-pale. They attempted to join a military alliance which constitutes pretty much the only power that could confer them security, seeing as their powerful neighbour wants to wipe them off the planet.
And they've waged war against.... a foreign-created, foreign-sponsored insurgency, through which a hostile state was sending disguised troops into Ukraine.
In response to an incredibly divisive ethnic nationalist coup of their elected government which made it a satellite of the United States/NATO, parts of Ukraine wanted to break away. Russia helped them do so-- probably for selfish reasons, but that is to be expected. One of those conflicts continued for eight years and was part of the reason for the invasion. What do you think they're going to do, support separatists in Kiev who can't abide Lviv? According to your reasoning, the Russo-Georgian war should have been repeated at least once by now. But weirdly, Georgia still exists and neither Abkhazia nor South Ossetia have enlarged. According to polls, South Ossetia wanted (and probably still does so far as I know) to join North Ossetia as part of Russia, yet that hasn't happened. Clearly, the best way to analyze Russia is as if it's a player in a Paradox game rather than a real place. All they would need to do is occupy Kiev and click "create core", it's that simple.
You're still just parroting the characterisations of Euromaidan ("ethnic nationalist coup") and Ukraine ("satellite of the US/NATO") which you
haven't actually established, and don't hold water. They remain hollow buzzwords for hysterical Russian propaganda, which has been dehumanising Ukrainian civilians for years now to lay the groundwork for the slaughter.
state television screaming about how they're "satanists" and "nazis", and how "denazification" is the same thing as "de-Ukrainianisation".
The government of Ukraine is far less "ethnic nationalist" than Russia. Ethnic nationalist? Ukraine is more ethnically diverse than Russia, and is
far more tolerant towards ethnic, religious, and other minorities than the current Russian government is. It's not even fucking
They deposed an elected government.... which was itself purging its opposition. Only unlike Zelensky, Yanukovych was imprisoning the
primary opposition, rendering himself essentially a dictator.
The only gripe here that holds any water whatsoever is that Ukraine had attempted to join NATO, and that NATO has a shitty and aggressive track record. That's true. NATO membership also, unfortunately, represents the
only source of potential security from Russian invasion in the area. As the governments of Sweden and Finland have found out, when Russia explicitly threatened them too.
You just want to believe that Russia won't do what it does
every single fucking time. And if we listened to you, we'd be back here again in 5 years, as Russia starts amassing its armies around Moldova. You'll first insist we're all just being hysterical thinking they'd invade. Then they'd invade, and you'd shift to blaming the Moldovan government for something like having some right-wingers in government or accepting 10,000 dollars a few years ago. And it would be a re-run: you telling us that if we want "peace", we should just concede eastern Moldova to Russia. After all, he's only doing it because he was provoked! There's no way he'd do it again a twelfth time!
It is based on the fact that ever more military assets are being positioned closer and closer to Russia which could then be employed in a coordinated attack against it, and the West steadfastly refusing to treat Russia with anything other than contempt. You could just consider the military and diplomatic situation. There is no need to invent your idea; it is an abstraction that does nothing to help understanding.
Russia has broken every security arrangement it has made, and has made clear that diplomatic agreements with it do not confer any security whatsoever. Why would we trust them to not do what they always do?