Uncharted 3 Gameplay Footage: Now With More Gameplay

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Uncharted 3 Gameplay Footage: Now With More Gameplay

Brand new footage of Uncharted 3 shows a more in-depth progression through one of the game's areas.

The first Uncharted 3 [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/106119-Fiery-Uncharted-3-Gameplay-Demoed-on-Late-Night-TV] looked great, but mostly showed Drake and returning partner Sully running through a burning chateau. Naughty Dog has recently released more footage of the game that gets more into the nitty gritty of what players will experience while playing Uncharted 3.

The footage comes in two parts, and actually shows how the previously-seen chateau catches on fire. Bad guys just love burning stuff, the jerks. The first thing I noticed was that Naughty Dog has somehow made Uncharted 3 even more gorgeous than the previous titles in the franchise.

Part of that is due to a new streaming animation system. Depending on what Drake is doing, his "animation state" will change, Naughty Dog game director Justin Richmond told Joystiq. Watching the new footage, you can see that Drake might do a little skip when changing direction, or swing his feet when hanging from a wall. Further, physics are planned as a more significant element in Uncharted 3's platforming elements.

Another big change is in Drake's hand-to-hand combat ability. In the first two Uncharted [http://www.amazon.com/Uncharted-Drakes-Fortune-Playstation-3/dp/B000UW21A0/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1293560890&sr=1-1] titles, Drake could take on one enemy at a time in a form of QTE. In Uncharted 3, Richmond says: "You can put five or ten guys around him and actually have Drake punching them out." He also revealed that Drake will be able to use melee weapons such as bottles, and in the second part of the footage Drake is even seen taking weapons right out of his foes' hands.

The only characters revealed for Uncharted 3 so far are Drake and Sully, but Naughty Dog confirms that more friendly, or unfriendly, familiar faces will show up. Drake's primary enemy takes the form of an organized cult, described as "more of a manipulative enemy than a full-on bad guy" that can "mess with your mind, as well."

Uncharted 2 [http://www.amazon.com/UNCHARTED-2-Among-Thieves-Playstation-3/dp/B002I0F5I2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1293560665&sr=8-1]'s multiplayer was entirely successful in giving players a new online experience, and Naughty Dog hopes to improve upon it for Uncharted 3. Using player feedback, Richmond says Naughty Dog will "take [multiplayer] to the next level" by adding features it wanted to include in Uncharted 2. Details are sparse, but co-op will definitely return.

So yeah, Naughty Dog is somehow taking one of the best games ever and making it even better. Uncharted 3 will be released on November 1, 2011.

Source: Joystiq [http://www.joystiq.com/2010/12/28/uncharted-3-interview-with-justin-richmond/]


Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
It's good to see that Naughty Dog still knows how to create beautiful looking settings.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
You can flip tables? Finally. But it looks like they stole some hand to hand moves from Arkham Asylum.


New member
Aug 16, 2009


Looks fucking awesome.

KEM10 said:
You can flip tables? Finally. But it looks like they stole some hand to hand moves from Arkham Asylum.
Although since AA's hand to hand was fucking awesome I don't consider that a bad thing :p


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Okay first I have to go strangle mister vegivo there. You do not two-part a video when both parts could have fit into one video. Man that irks me.

Anyway the environments still look really good, but I have to wonder how well those fancy new hand-to-hand moves are going to work in Crushing mode. Judging by how easily the baddies went down from gunshots, they were probably on easy or normal. But hey, more Sully is always fine by me.

Tom Goldman said:
Uncharted 2 [http://www.amazon.com/UNCHARTED-2-Among-Thieves-Playstation-3/dp/B002I0F5I2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1293560665&sr=8-1]'s multiplayer was entirely successful in giving players a new online experience
I have to disagree with that. I've played bad, unbalanced multiplayer with nonexistent team balancing before, so Uncharted 2 didn't really do anything new.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Looks as good as I expected, can't wait for it.

Only downside is that thanks to the silly American way of writing dates I thought it was coming out the first of January, not November. Now I have to wait even longer dammit!
mjc0961 said:
I have to disagree with that. I've played bad, unbalanced multiplayer with nonexistent team balancing before, so Uncharted 2 didn't really do anything new.
Unbalanced? I played U2's multi quite a bit, and if anything I praised it for it's balance. More often than not games were about 50-50 making them awesomely tense. Except for the Pistole. Fuck the Pistole.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Yeah, it's Uncharted alright. Nothing much has changed, but I don't really play Uncharted for the gameplay, so this is quite intriguing.


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
Hot Damn! Now this is what you call a flagship title! With this game at the forefront of Sony's exclusive titles of 2011, the Playstation is probably gonna have the best year that it has ever had in terms of quality. I can't wait for this game! This game will be the best PS3 game of next year without a doubt. It will also be a surefire contender for GOTY 2011.

One more thing: I've seen a video about the making of this game where the people at Naughty Dog agonize on whether they can make this game equal or surpass the standard set by Uncharted 2. While they are understandably under alot of pressure, do they not know just how good they are making games? They keep worrying about whether they can make great games and yet they keep blowing our expectations of the Uncharted series out of the water with the finished product. Come on Naughty Dog, have a little more confidence in yourselves!

Marik2 said:
Resistance is futile!


New member
May 27, 2009
you know naughty dog, uncharted 2 was such a perfect game already that i wasnt looking for improvement in the sequel, just more of the same. but this is good too. i guess. whatever.


New member
May 6, 2009
I've been burned so many times man, by game and their trailers. Somehow, looking at the trailer I just can't bring myself to care. Bring on November!

Mr. Mike

New member
Mar 24, 2010
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
OK, yes, it looks brilliant, yadda yadda... but one thing. Am I the only one who hates the regen health in Uncharted?

I mean, it worked in Halo, but that was due to a very specific character, the Master Chief, and the fact he had both regenerating energy shields and enough armour to smelt down and make an entire tank. Even when they nerfed the health bar in Halo 2, at least it made sense thanks to the context. Hell, most shooters get away with it now, if for no other reason than the player characters tend to look like combat-ready badasses wearing kevlar/armour, who can take a few bullets and still complete the mission.

Nathan Drake is not one of those characters. Look at him: in this video he's wearing jeans and a t-shirt. For all people praise Uncharted's immersive qualities, watching this video I was left with no other impression than "Jesus is back... and he's pissed!" Hell, the enemies in the video seemed to need a few bullets themselves to go down themselves.

This pisses me off no end. If the enemies are aliens, or genetically altered mutants, then sure, whatever, make it so they need a whole clip emptied in their faces in order to die. But people are delicate. Developers should maybe pay a trip or two to a hospital when developing games like these. One bullet is all it takes to kill you. And not a headshot. A bullet anywhere can kill you: chest, arm, leg, shoulder... so seeing enemies with no obvious armour plating taking shot after shot infuriates me no end now. If life were that forgiving, the streets of London would be a much safer place, and we wouldn't have wreathes and memorials on every street corner.

TLDR: If developers are going to go to great efforts to create realistic graphics, then they also need to start showing the real kind of damage one bullet can do.
Uncharted as a series isn't supposed to be realistic. Hell, it's going for that unrealistic action movie feel. Realistic graphics does not immediately warrant realistic gameplay. Hell, one could say the reason Uncharted has regenerative health is because heroes in action movies either rarely get hurt or manage to take a beating and keep on going. Your rant is a little bit void.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Could someone help me?

I have a PS3, and I keep hearing from these sites that "Uncharted 2 is awesome", "GOTY!" etc.
While I certainly do like the idea of a game where you get to play an adventure flick, this looks like another 3rd person shooter, with chest-high walls and all that.

When I look at these trailers even the animations look stiff. So, I've been trying to work up the desire to get U2 or possibly U3, but I just can't manage it. The gameplay looks really, really dull. Now, I played the demo of Uncharted 1, and while the environments were beautiful, it was just such dull gameplay!

I'd also like to touch on the subject with health mentioned above. I get the impression that the developers were trying to make Drake seem like an "everyman", albeit a very adventurous one. I can respect that, and I really like the idea, makes the character more identifiable.
Then the shooting starts and I take ten bullets from an AK47 and Drake just shakes it off.
That kills any immersion I had, why is he afraid of people with guns?
Why does a regular adventurer have no qualms about murdering his way through a sea of mooks (somewhat justifiable in that they're shooting at him), and not be bothered by it afterwards. I don't recall Indiana Jones doing that.

So, can someone please explain to me, why do you think this game is so awesome despite these things?
If I think that "so many people can't be wrong" then surely I must've missed something, and I can't figure out what.