Unfinished Games


New member
Jul 13, 2009
those statistics seem a litle misleading especially when you consider that most people buy tc games for the mp.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
Jaqen Hghar said:
Oddly enough, I have a few games where all I have left to do is the final boss or sequence. And these are great games (Psychonauts is one of them) Why haven't I done that last bit? I think it is because then the game will be finished. And if I finish it, it loses something. Like when you are reading a brilliant book you never want to end. It's like that.
Same reason here. Many of my 'unfinished' games are ones that don't allow you to continue to play after beating the final boss - and I'd like to be able to do all the sidequests/secrets/etc. (frex, I've never beaten OoT because I'd like to find all those darn Skulltullas first). Completing those sorts of games means losing their gameplay afterwards.

On the half-auto pilot, Tales of Symphonia (and perhaps others) featured the ability to switch between Manual, Semi-Auto, and Auto (AI) controls even mid-battle. Semi-Auto retained player control but did more with player input - importantly, issuing an attack caused your character to first close with the opponent so that the attack would connect. Manual offered more freedom but more chances to screw up (jumping became very easy - useful if you wanted it but annoying if you couldn't control it well)


New member
Dec 10, 2008
I make a point of finishing every game I buy, even if it's kicking my ass like Valkyria Chronicles is right now. I don't think that "gamer hero" mode should be a part of every game, rather, that there be games that are strictly "gamer hero" all the time, and the rest of them play just as they do now.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
The reason I don't finish most games is cause I get distracted by shiny objects. But I guess that I have high standards on games, there are few I finish.


New member
May 31, 2008
I keep checcking on this one game in development limbo. It was called possetion. it was basicly like overlord with zombies. But their were different classes of zombies and it was really cool. come to think of it.....Overlord and left 4 dead may have got their inspiration from this. The zombie classes were like the infected on left4dead and overlord looks like possesion except in a fantasy enviornment.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Wow, I guess my friends and me are way more hardcore than we thought. You really couldn't beat the Battlemaster (I assume you mean the one at the end of Therum, there are actually several you fight towards the end). Were you playing on the easiest difficulty? I played on medium as a soldier, adept, and engineer, and I blew through that guy while barely blinking. Sorry man, maybe that kind of game just isn't for you? I everyone I know that owns it have managed to complete at least one playthrough. Maybe they've been lying to me?


Elite Member
Feb 10, 2009
I have to admit that of all the Games I have played the first I ever beat at normal difficulty was Streets of Rage 2. The rest in no particular order are Halo 1( did beat that one on Legendary) and 2 (only on normal), Mechassault(on easy to unlock a mech), the story mode for Soul Calibur, the story part of all the GTA's on the last gen systems, Stubbs the Zombie, Psi-Ops, Resident Evil 2, Grandia 2 (that's the game that made me like RPGs)and finally Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2. I have been playing since NES but quit when Big M pulled BS with my Live subscription.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Am I the only person here who thinks the old-school cheat codes system was perfectly fine as a way of getting less skilled gamers through hard circumstances?

Honestly, I still miss the days of Big Head cheats, Paintball Mode and Infinite Ammo. Those are still available in PC games through the developer console, I know, but for some reason they dropped out of console games. I never really saw why they stopped implementing cheats, except for cheapness and laziness, the typical reasons why any good thing would drop out of the games industry.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Silva said:
Honestly, I still miss the days of Big Head cheats, Paintball Mode and Infinite Ammo.
Ahh, big head mode, maye ye nevar bee forgotten.

I suffer acutely from never quite finishing my games. God of War, Ico, Kameo, Prince of Persia... I never quite beat the final boss on Metroid Prime, and I only really had one crack at it, but it was almost dead, so I'm pretty sure that one will fly. My biggest problem though is Morrowind. I would like to finish it, but every time I start it up and play it for a few days, something else will catch my eye and poor Morrowind will be left to catch more dust. Trouble is, by the time I get back to it, I've forgotten basically everything I'd done up to that point, and feel obliged to start a new character. And so the terrible cycle begins anew...


New member
Mar 23, 2009
The thing I find is that most games have some kind of level or section about 2/3 of the way through that is harder than the rest of the game combined (eg the robotic bosses found frequently in FF games and the lift with skeletons and a spike roof falling on you in God of war2). This is the biggest culprit of me not finishing games as I tend to give up after 20 or so attempts at something in a game (less if there's an unskippable cutscene or half a level to play before a new attempt can happen). Not quite sure why this happens but it's incredibly frustrating. Another culprit is the "random encounters" that come about so often that you constantly lose track of where you are in a maze and while the game isn't too hard it's just pointless fighting 100+ battles just to move from one screen to the next (I'm pointing at YOU Xenogears). I don't mind games that are difficult but difficulty needs to be consistant and having some boss battle being harder than the final boss just breaks the whole experience.


New member
Aug 8, 2009
I'm a big combat guy, if the combat is fun and deep(read, not mashing one button till everything in the room is dead) then I'll see it through to the end, even if I have to consult a walkthrough for the puzzle parts.

A good example is God of war 2, titan mode. If you didn't pay attention and actually learn how to use your abilities, you would die, alot(which you will anyway, but it lessens it) but the puzzle parts bored me to death and I just wanted to get back to the combat, so I had someone tell me how to do them.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
I do my best to finish every game I buy. The only ones I don't are terrible and get sold or given away or turned into a frisbee. Why people throw away money like that is beyond me.


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
GTA4 was hard.. it had some missions that were required to beat the game that would throw off any but the real gamers, the ones who've been palying their whole life. i'm not surprised only 28% of the surveyed people beat it. I did, but just barely - that last mission took me a few days to beat.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Turning the game into a series of QTEs sounds horrible to me. The problem with QTEs is that they eliminate all thinking, it might work better to reduce the amount of twitch skill needed at lower difficulties while maintaining the need for thought processes. E.g. at easy difficulty an FPS could use full autoaim to let you focus on your own movements while making combat more of a "select enemy you want to shoot" deal. I think GRAW did that at all difficulties, at least when I played the demo I definitely didn't see the enemies, I only pointed at the HUD marker for them and shot, that always scored a hit.

I usually stop playing games because I just can't be bothered to start them again.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
Ive finished most of the games I own. I may not finish it as soon as it comes out, because I get bored if I play one game for weeks, but I do eventually finish the game. I can't believe not that so many people failed to finish GTA4, Ive finished it twice to get both the endings.