Unskippable: Final Fantasy 13


New member
Nov 23, 2009
Every time I see someone complain about this game I enjoy it even more.

Thanks for the funny episode btw guys.


Residential Idiot
Oct 24, 2008
You know, when I was playing it, the story did seem to be somewhat good. I mean it was kind of tragic for the characters and at the same time was pretty cool. But it was just horribly drawn out and boring and I began to lose the will to play. I eventually traded it in along with some other games for like 100 gamestop bucks and bought tons of crap. Seriously, it was really disapointing compared to the other FF's I've played. I'm hoping Versus XIII will be better. However, I must say that I still might play through this game someday...


MM - It tastes like Candy Corn.
Mar 20, 2010
Another great video ^~^! Though still, i wonder if FF13 really is worth getting. I've heard a ton of bad reviews on it. Maybe there are many good points that are just being overlooked? I don't know, I can't really say. I don't know as much about FF13 as I should.

Space Jawa

New member
Feb 2, 2010
Akalistos said:
To be fair, i saw a giant mechanical spider fighting Will Smith. It didn't go well as you'll hope, he beat the spider.
And then he rode it off into the sunset, because the Fresh Prince knows how to roll in style. B-)

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Endocrom said:
What's the deal with the japanese and afros with birds in them?
Is this seriously a recurring theme?

Great episode. The visuals are pretty. It's a shame most of the things in the cutscenes are just there to look cool.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Keith K said:
Akalistos said:
Keith K said:
An ostrich egg is about the size of your hand and it grows up to be a chocobo-sized bird.

Also, Sci-Fi is fiction based on science.. this does not apply.
Do you mean that we can't build Giant flying Scorpion with 4 Saws as fingers? Or that train is made of magic?
There are of course Sci-Fi elements; A bullet train suspended in the air? Totally Sci-Fi. But to claim the entire thing is steeped in Sci-Fi with no element of fantasy is categorically incorrect. It presumes all Fantasy is "High Fantasy" which is, distilled to it's most quintessential elements, just Lord of the Rings derivatives.
No, i thought that you said wasn't Sci-fi element here.


New member
Feb 23, 2010
I spent my entire easter break beating this game.... And I didn't have fun at all, 72 hours and not a single ounce of fun


New member
Apr 23, 2010
D_987 said:
How exactly would you propose a game like this engage the player in any other way? It provides them with all the information they need after just a few hours of gameplay; all questions bar a few plot inconsistencies are answered, and all the incredibly basic concepts explained. It's really not a particularly difficult plot to follow once you get a few hours into the game. If you weren't engaged by the story then that's your experience with the game; and if you can explain why you weren't engaged after a few hours through none-subjective arguments I'd be happy to hear - otherwise it's just not your type of game.
A few hour of torture later...
20H in and still no answer. I've reach the point where it's suppose to be good, yet... The divulge the plot like if everything should have been on my last test before graduation. Sorry It a big pile of FAIL. But I got to admit, if they just could have bought the school system of the whole wide world, it could have been interesting. They spout out the plot like a real conversation does... but IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT IN A STORY. They could have gone other route. Made Vanille a Outsider... (Many minutes of reading later)... A Pulse Lassie. Ho hell, a indigenous girl from down below. They could have explain the term in a little optional cutscene, like Metal Gear Solid 4 Flashback mechanic. The could wait and explain it gradually through the course of the story. Do a round table and get the group up to speed after the Alien tattoo maker. But the sad thing is, Vanille is supposed to be the dumb one for the sake of helping us understand. There's no shortage of trick authors use to do this and i'm not willing to check and post them all here for your convenience.

Again, how exactly could they do it any other way? The game explains all you need to know after a few hours; references all key locations, and personnel from time to time and remind you of past events; and if you miss anything there is the data-log (which you shouldn't have to use to understand the story).
There is only that. The briefly spoke about Lassie and how the dog is bad... but I had to look to understand that this is a curse from a Alien thing. And the 20 pages right of the train is OVERKILL. A way to ease that? Repetiton. It work in music too. Sing a song right now and you'll bout to repeat yourself many time. That's a trick use by the music industry to stick that song in you head so you would seek it out. And you know how that's could be achieved? Take a look at Alan Wake or *shiver* Alone in the Dark for PS2 & 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The Last time on Alan Wake or Previously on Alone in the Dark is wonderful for that. Not only would you get a reminder, but also get it after a long comeback to the game. Did they do that? No.

Name me a high-profile RPG this generation that hasn't got a padded out plot...the fact that the game slowly reveals the characters to the player, and how they adapt to the situation is well done, even if they're cliché (such as Hope). Each area offers new characterization or information to the player; they each have their specific purpose.
None, you got me there. The thing is, they don't padded out the main storyline with needless group splitting and have to fallow each of them. Well there's FF6 but it was part of the main storyline. It was to establish some character point. What i got from FF13? Nothing. We get a... i can't remember the name of that whinny 14 year old boy. Yeah, him. We get him wanting to get Commando on Snow's ass. That's all. The bit with Sasz and Vanille was pointless. The bit with Snow showed us nothing that we didn't see a few hours before. "He love her... can we get on with it game?" That's what I shout at the TV. No joke. On the FF6 side, we get closure and acceptance of the dead of Cyan family, a back story with Celes and we expand a bit with the main trio. So... It was mostly informative. Not like FF13. As for sidequests, well that's padding, but that's what it's supposed to be.

This I don't follow; a "believable" world is completely subjective; but I felt the world itself was well-done, and immersive, despite the linearity.
When you fail to give proper exposition, you alienate the audience. That's basic writing 101.

How long did you play if you really didn't understand the terms the game used? There's nothing overly complex bar the history of the game-world (and that's because there's a lot to recall) and possibly, if you didn't follow the storyline fully, the Fai'ci's motivation.
What? There a FAI'CI'S now? I barelly got hold of Fallsi....

Better is subjective. All the "flaws" you've pointed out are subjective. If you really didn't like the game then good for you, don't play it. However, you haven't actually pointed out anything objectively wrong with the game in your impressively poorly written rant.
What? Didn't pointed out... Well first thing first. I never hided the fact that i don't speak english and wrote little of it. Since my domain is North America, i can't really follow the European gamers. Also, this is my first Forum to who I'm actively a member. I could rant on how people who should know english way better than i do still don't give a shit about their composition. I, on the other hand, dive right in to learn but also enjoy input about mistake i made and why i did those mistake. I'm sure i don't use the right They're Their or There most of the time, but i trying... which make me atop the one that learn it since birth and don't give a damn. So cry all you want kiddo, i don't care. As for the flaws? There right there in the first post. Those where major storytelling No-no (nonose? no, my dictionary is acting up... i must be right). This isn't subjective at all. It's like when we spot error on a movie. A medieval knight with a digital watch. A Dead character that tries to move before the shot is done. Those flaws i mention about 13, they are far from subjective. Those flaws would have never made pass the first draft stage if it was a book. I wouldn't have been release as a movie. So why give it a pass when made as a video game. It's not bad enough to become good like COMMANDO with Schwarzenegger? I know it a final fantasy, i know you must be a fan... or maybe it was your first? Anyways, there's better stuff out there.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
canadamus_prime said:
Akalistos said:
canadamus_prime said:
Enigmers said:
canadamus_prime said:
Wow those guys must've had one hell of a wanted level for them to bust out the giant flying mecha-scorpion buzz saw tank-thing.
Didn't you hear, a bounty is the new wanted level!
Yeah, but I don't think they have giant flying mecha-scorpion things in the old west.
To be fair, i saw a giant mechanical spider fighting Will Smith. It didn't go well as you'll hope, he beat the spider.
Oh yeah right, I forgot about that. Well whatever, Bounty or Wanted Level they still must've had like a million stars on it for them to bust out the giant flying scorpion mech-thing whatever.
Or just being Will Smith... That dude occasionally made good movie and always bad music.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Space Jawa said:
Akalistos said:
To be fair, i saw a giant mechanical spider fighting Will Smith. It didn't go well as you'll hope, he beat the spider.
And then he rode it off into the sunset, because the Fresh Prince knows how to roll in style. B-)
Roll... can you explain how he can roll around in a spider with leg. You know, to roll, that thing need wheels. No, the only one that really can roll in style is Tommy Oliver.


New member
Oct 2, 2009
please make fun of ffxiii some more, please...
someone in their right mind should stand up and list every single shenanigan in this game


Unskippable, LRR, Feed Dump
Nov 13, 2008
Sinclose said:
They pretty much answer all of those questions in your data log. Most of it from the get go.

Lame that they don't introduce it all in cutscenes yes, but it would have been bloody long cutscenes too.
They could have had even shorter cutscenes and get all that information across at the same, all they needed was better writers.

Forcing players to read a glossary to understand characters' motivations is inexcusable game design.


Unskippable, LRR, Feed Dump
Nov 13, 2008
Sinclose said:
GrahamS said:
Sinclose said:
They pretty much answer all of those questions in your data log. Most of it from the get go.

Lame that they don't introduce it all in cutscenes yes, but it would have been bloody long cutscenes too.
They could have had even shorter cutscenes and get all that information across at the same, all they needed was better writers.

Forcing players to read a glossary to understand characters' motivations is inexcusable game design.
I'm not saying that it's a good decision to make the info in a separate 'book', so to speak. Just saying that it is present within the game itself, contrarily to what some people say.

I agree with what you said though. There's a part in the game where the team gets to know each other better, then the character profiles are unlocked, which explore them more in depth. So unless you bother to read your data log, you're pretty much running blindly in the hopes more will be revealed in a future cutscene which never comes...

Also, while I'm at it Graham, keep up the good work! ^_^
It would seem we are in agreement then :)

And thanks!