Update: BioWare Teases Release Date for Next Mass Effect


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Bioware probably knows that many are only giving them one more chance and I think that they're really going to try and make a good game, if EA lets them of course.
It's still not going to be a day one purchase anymore though.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
am not exited am not exited am not exited am not exited am not exited am not exited am not exited...

please put me in a mental asylum cos am not exited


New member
Aug 17, 2008
Considering the franchise has been moved out of Edmonton, to a "BioWare" studio housed inside EA's Montreal HQ, I wouldn't get my hopes up.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I'm fine with a late 2014 early 2015 release, sounds pretty reasonable if they went into full production last month. Take as much time as you need Bioware. Hopefully whatever time period they are set on will still be interesting.

I am highly optimistic at what Bioware will bring to the table.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
If it is prequel it will feel rather pointless since we know the future and our actions would not change it. A side genre in citadel might be nice but I fear it would seems rather small with the grand scale of original trilogy. And making a game about after the end of mass effect 3 is wishful thinking, seeing as how differently it could have ended. Well, story wise.

And if they choose to make one of the endings (destroy teaser) canon... well that will spark out wars with no end. It would pretty much piss on every other choice and on the people who chose them.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
Fappy said:
Soviet Heavy said:
I'm just concerned about the development time. ME3 was also in development for nearly three years and it still managed to have a ton of issues.
It is more time than EA usually gives developers these days, but yeah, it could use another year at least.

This is Bioware's last chance for me.
You're forgiving.

ME3 was to be Bioware's last chance for me, until EA got DLC happy and locked Prothean whathisface behind a pay-wall so I didn't buy it.

And considering the ending I'm glad I didn't.

It also seems the source for the information was a dud.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Boo! Hiss! Back to the shadows with you, demon! May you never plague the mortal realm with terrible, thrice-damned videogames!


New member
Jul 10, 2012
I'm less interested in the proposed release date and more interested to see if BW even survives 2013. Between TOR, ME3 and the lackluster reception of pretty much everything related to their flagship franchises (books, comics, DLC, figures), I wouldn't be surprised if the Edmonton division is permanently shuttered and everything is moved to Montreal.

After all, EA did just pull the "Bioware" suffix from most of their ancillary divisions (i.e. "Bioware Mythic" is back to just "Mythic").


New member
Dec 7, 2009
Devoneaux said:
Eri said:
INeedAName said:
Just fix the ending. Retcon it if you have to.

Yes... I'm still bitter.
They already did. Sorry they can't ever satisfy you.
If Bioware's idea of fixing a plot hole is to cover it with the tarp of contrivance, then I just don't know what to say here. =/

Hopefully this one will be better, I don't have very high expectations at this point though.
*normal person* OH CRAP CALL 911 AND GET TO THE HOSPITAL!!!

*Bioware* Here is a different shirt.

They did not fix the fact that in a game about choices that they promised your choices would affect the ending and make a difference one way or the other. They did not fix the fact that NONE of the ending information fit together or even was clear on what was happening. They added some damn still pics and a funeral.......

Pick Renegade aaaaallllll of games 1,2, and 3. Still get green blue red endings. Pick Paragon aaaallll three games, still get blue green and red endings.... There is no choice and there is no point in what you did the previous games.

They ran out of time an pushed an unfinished product out and they knew it was a lie for what they were selling and a turd.

Now when ME4 does not sell for crap there will be this surprised press release claiming they do not know why they are not able to sell a game in an amazing franchise.

Want your choices to matter? Get another game, and do not support ME4. Show the industry that you will take your money and buy a game that lives up to what it promises to do.

Evil Alpaca

New member
May 22, 2010
I don't see a sequel making sense from a lore perspective. Unless Bioware wants to declare one ending canon which raises the whole ending debacle again after that horse was beaten into paste. Its not like the issue can be side-stepped either. From the beginning scene the audience is going to know whether synthesis was picked by the robot green eyes.

I'm hoping for a prequel but if the ME game is a prequel then I hope its in the same vein as KOTOR is to Star Wars. Keep the universe but a completely separate story. Playing as a geth during their uprising against the Quarians would be cool. You even have a built in mechanic for leveling since geth get better the more of them there are.

Product Placement

New member
Jul 16, 2009
Evil Alpaca said:
Unless Bioware wants to declare one ending canon...
You can't make a Mass Effect sequel that takes place after the third game, regardless which ending you pick. In all possible outcomes, the entire Mass Relay network was destroyed. It's not the same world anymore. What used to take hours/days of travel now takes decades or centuries.

It would take millennia for them to replace the network; each relay needs to be linked with a corresponding partner. That means building these blasted things from scratch, then fly over to the desired target location and build one there as well. Of course, to cut time, Earth and say... Palaven could coordinate to build linking relays on each others end, thus negating the need to fly between the places during construction but that requires them being able to communicate with each other. So lets assume the various homeworlds can talk to each other with these newfangled quantum entanglement communications arrays, and speed up the rebuild, there's yet another snag in that plan. The difficulty to build these relays.

Each relay is 15 kilometers long, is made out of unknown materials and requires wast amount of element zero. The stupid council never even bothered studying the relays with the intent of learning how to build one and now they're all gone. The only possible relay that might still exist is the Conduit on Ilos, which was an experimental miniature version, built by the Protheans and not part of the original network. Its corresponding partner was inside the citadel, before that blew up and it's entirely possible that it also was affected by that choose-your-color-explosion. Of course, someone needs to fly over to that planet to check if it's still there, which would have taken decades, from the nearest relay.

This of course is just one of the many things that people, that actually cared about the story, were complaining about when they were bitching about the ending. Any way you slice it, if you want to see a sequel that allows you to travel the galaxy and interact with the various worlds/races, it either needs to be set really far in the future or before Shepards saga. If taking the far in the future route, Bioware would also have to pick one of the endings, like you said, since the various choices had the potential of changing how the universe worked in rather radical ways.

At any rate, I really don't feel the slightest inkling of a desire to get it. Bioware really needs to work their butt off to sell me the concept of any future releases, before I can even consider buying it.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
See a trailer for this earlier, said November 27 at the end.
Thought it was DLC for ME3 that had already come out.

Seems what I see was DLC, was confused by the story using an image from it, and saying it could be called "Mass Effect 0", which I though was an O for omega.


Crazy Zaul

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Im tempted to use a certain spiderman meme about a new Bioware game.
Guess which one.

[sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub]Look at all the fucks I don't give [/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]
Nov 28, 2007
Product Placement said:
Evil Alpaca said:
Unless Bioware wants to declare one ending canon...
Wrong. As of the EC, the mass relays are not destroyed in most endings, but merely damaged. Hell, they even show them being repaired. There may be issues with a sequel, but that's not one of them.