UPDATE: Final Fantasy Versus XIII Becomes FF15

Jeff Dunn

New member
Feb 29, 2012
Kalezian said:
TizzytheTormentor said:
Please come to 360 also! This looks awesome and may bring Final Fantasy fans back after the lame as hell FF13 and no one gave a chance to FF13-2 a MUCH better game. Hope it is as good as it looks and dear god...please be excellent.
I think FF 13 was the actual final nail in the coffin for FF games outside of the Playstation.

With how bad the PC Final Fantasy games were, I doubt we even see a port to the PC for XV.

Which really isn't saying anything, Final Fantasy has always been a staple of Playstations line-up, Imagine if the next Pokemon game, or Mario game was released for the 360 and PS3, it really wouldn't be as well received as the Nintendo versions.

Still though, nice to see Square-Enix still have a spine and are going ahead with another game instead of wasting their time.

Lvl 64 Klutz said:
Ugh. I remember a time when there were actually surprises *at* E3, and not just a cascade of announcements falling flaccidly out of the internet rumor mill over the two or three weeks leading up to the event.

here you go, E3 2012 summed up for you:

Congrats, sir, you've just won this thread.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Final Fantasy XIII Versus or Final Fantasy XV, I don't care for names, as long as they release the game I'm happy. I mean, they announced this in 2006?

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
So we will be seeing it around 2020 then? :p

At least it will make things easier to follow. With all the X-2s, XII-2s, Versus XIII and the MMO Final Fantasys it getting quite difficult to remember which number we're up to.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Personally, I really, REALLY want this game to come out in SOME form, sooner than later. Not because I care about the game itself (although I'll certainly be checking it out). No, I want this to come out so Mr Nomura can FINALLY get around to making Kingdom Hearts 3.


One day, we'll wake the zombies
Mar 29, 2010
I'd like to think that they decided the world and story they created is simply big enough to be considered a completely new edition to the Final Fantasy series. Regardless, I'm happy to hear more news, 'cause from what I've seen I really think this will be the type of game I can't stop playing. It's been far too many years since I've played a Final Fantasy that I couldn't tear myself away from, so here's to hoping this will fall into that category.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011

I'm going to laugh if Versus XIII is still in development hell and this is just a completely unrelated game with a similar-looking main character.

EDIT: If it's true though, then I hope that the game hasn't been gutted and mutilated from how all of the previous announcements have built it up. It's really the only thing still keeping me interested in Square Enix at the moment, considering it's also the game that has been keeping Kingdom Hearts III shelved.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011

Come on, Squeenix! I don't care if you name it Final Fantasy Adventure Happy Go-Go Quest for Butts. Just give us the game already! And THEN hurry up and release Kingdom Hearts 3! If you hurry up, it could be released before I'm old and I have to buy it for my grandchildren!

Why is Squeenix making us their 5 remaining fans unhappy? Why are they trolling us...?

...make it stop...
Jan 13, 2012
John Funk said:
Final Fantasy Versus XIII is the JRPG fans' version of Half Life 2: Episode 3.
WRONG! That is Kingdom Hearts 3's position.

Also, in the video at 0:37, was that Gearbox's logo?

Anyway, hope it comes to the 360 so I won't have to buy a new PS3.

Jeremy Meadows

New member
Mar 10, 2011
Honestly I could care less anymore. Square's complete shelling out of anything FF the past 5+ years has made me from fanboy to uninterested gamer very quickly. I just don't care anymore. Last FF game I even touched was Crisis core and that one is still mediocre in my opinion. So I'm gonna buy it either way.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
I really look forward to it actually, the things I've seen this far looks interesting enough. But good or not at least after this they will move on from "Fabula Nova Crystallis".


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Top comment on the youtube video actually seems right in this case. Here it is:

"First: It's the Premiere 2011 Trailer. Edited with the XV logo, Wii U logo, and CERO logo.

Second: It's NOT a conference room. It's a classroom, or some other small theatre.

Third: There's an entire five people in the room. Also, you do not cheer in a private conference. It's not for showing off stuff to a crowd, these small events are for press.

Fourth: The Crystal Tools logo. We already know Versus XIII was moved to the Luminous Engine months ago.

Thank you and good night."

After reading that comment and rewatching the video i think the comment is right.
Also changing the name to XV would lower sales, not raise them. FF fans are generally people in the know of game releases etc. so this would just piss them off.

Also the Wii U won't be using bluray. Wasn't part of the reason the Versus was being made because FF13 had to cut a lot to be on the xbox360 since it didn't have blu ray?


New member
May 9, 2012
GethBall said:
John Funk said:
Final Fantasy Versus XIII is the JRPG fans' version of Half Life 2: Episode 3.
WRONG! That is Kingdom Hearts 3's position.

Also, in the video at 0:37, was that Gearbox's logo?

Anyway, hope it comes to the 360 so I won't have to buy a new PS3.
Kingdom Hearts 3? They keep releasing stuff leading UP to it, Versus XIII you get a new screenshot every year. Plus I don't think I'm that psyched for KH3, gonna depend how 3D does, until it gets announced it's just something to wait for.

Whereas every single bastarding screenshot or tiny video of Versus XIII since it was announced makes me think it could bring back the gold. WHY SQUENIX!? WHY MAKE THEATRYHTM WHEN THIS IS WHAT WE CAME HERE FOR! >_> sorry, little emotional there.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Perhaps Square-Enix's executives were tired of Versus XIII's project lead Tetsuya Nomura wasting time.
Well I sure would be. Come on Nomura! Get with it! (And by it, I mean Versus or XV or whatever and KH3.)
We're not getting any younger here and neither are you.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Please be a kingdom hearts battle system, FF7 God like characters, awesome ChronoTrigger/FF6t equivalent story arch, AMAZING GRAPHIC game... the way J-RPG should all be, but have NOT been for the past 5 years... oh please... open world this time....

or... just remake FF7/ChronoTrigger with FF7CC(or Kingdom Hearts) battle system...


New member
Sep 22, 2009
So in the US it's going to be versus XIII and in Japan it's going to be XV. Just like III and VI.

Note: 666th post, this bodes well.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
I'm really starting to get bored of these template cutout pretty men/women. I mean ...Can we have some varied character styles again. Just seeing the style now is enough to make me go 'nope nope nope' and back away from it entirely.

(I'm looking at you FFX... this is your style they've kept rehashing)

Also Kingdom Hearts 3 first please. At least the Disney characters mix up the formula and visual style SOMEWHAT.

Since they'll outright refuse to do this (even though it's clear their CGI department just wants to do movies) I say let final fantasy stagnate in that with it's MMO for a while and forget about it.

Focus on something new or Kingdom Hearts which by Square Enix RPG standards is still in it's Infancy.