Kalezian said:I think FF 13 was the actual final nail in the coffin for FF games outside of the Playstation.TizzytheTormentor said:Please come to 360 also! This looks awesome and may bring Final Fantasy fans back after the lame as hell FF13 and no one gave a chance to FF13-2 a MUCH better game. Hope it is as good as it looks and dear god...please be excellent.
With how bad the PC Final Fantasy games were, I doubt we even see a port to the PC for XV.
Which really isn't saying anything, Final Fantasy has always been a staple of Playstations line-up, Imagine if the next Pokemon game, or Mario game was released for the 360 and PS3, it really wouldn't be as well received as the Nintendo versions.
Still though, nice to see Square-Enix still have a spine and are going ahead with another game instead of wasting their time.
Lvl 64 Klutz said:Ugh. I remember a time when there were actually surprises *at* E3, and not just a cascade of announcements falling flaccidly out of the internet rumor mill over the two or three weeks leading up to the event.
here you go, E3 2012 summed up for you:
Congrats, sir, you've just won this thread.