UPDATE: Final Fantasy Versus XIII Becomes FF15


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Gizmo1990 said:
I was a massive FF fanboy. FF6-10 are among my favorite games (9 being my favorite). 10-2 put a dent in my fanboy armor but I told myself that it was not in the main series (plus I liked the bonus happy ending so I let it slide). Then FF 12 came out and that was just Retern of the Jedi without jedi but still I had faith in the series. Then I played 13. There are no words to properly describe how much I hate 13. I have no faith left. I will check the reviews when it comes out but the series is basicaly dead to me at this point.
12 is like this amazingly beautiful butterfly in a sea of fetid turds.

You just don't know how it got there.

Also "bonus happy ending" on FFX-2 is the funniest thing I've read in a while >_>.


Insert funny title here
Oct 19, 2010
theultimateend said:
Gizmo1990 said:
I was a massive FF fanboy. FF6-10 are among my favorite games (9 being my favorite). 10-2 put a dent in my fanboy armor but I told myself that it was not in the main series (plus I liked the bonus happy ending so I let it slide). Then FF 12 came out and that was just Retern of the Jedi without jedi but still I had faith in the series. Then I played 13. There are no words to properly describe how much I hate 13. I have no faith left. I will check the reviews when it comes out but the series is basicaly dead to me at this point.
12 is like this amazingly beautiful butterfly in a sea of fetid turds.

You just don't know how it got there.

Also "bonus happy ending" on FFX-2 is the funniest thing I've read in a while >_>.
If you like 12 then good for you. I did enjoy the gameplay (except the summoning system) and for a PS2 game the graphics were amazing but I have always played FF games because I have enjoyed the story and 12 was a weak Return of the Jedi rip off and you cannot say otherwise.

The bad guys were called 'The Empire', there is a roge princess running a rebel alliance, there is a Han Solo clone but instead of a bear-thing for a companion he has a tall, half naked bunny girl, they have judges that are basicaly Darth Vader without a lightsaber or the force, the main judge is revailed to be the brother of one of the main characters and he turns good and sacrifices his life after you kick his arse and there is a death star thing that has a super beam cannon, that can destroy whole citys and it is attacked by a small rebel fleet led by a guy who everybody calls admiral.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
CaptainMarvelous said:
GethBall said:
John Funk said:
Final Fantasy Versus XIII is the JRPG fans' version of Half Life 2: Episode 3.
WRONG! That is Kingdom Hearts 3's position.

Also, in the video at 0:37, was that Gearbox's logo?

Anyway, hope it comes to the 360 so I won't have to buy a new PS3.
Kingdom Hearts 3? They keep releasing stuff leading UP to it, Versus XIII you get a new screenshot every year. Plus I don't think I'm that psyched for KH3, gonna depend how 3D does, until it gets announced it's just something to wait for.

Whereas every single bastarding screenshot or tiny video of Versus XIII since it was announced makes me think it could bring back the gold. WHY SQUENIX!? WHY MAKE THEATRYHTM WHEN THIS IS WHAT WE CAME HERE FOR! >_> sorry, little emotional there.
I have to agree. If they released a little tidbit every once and awhile to show us something new then the wait wouldn't have been so bad. The frustration, for me at least, comes more from the fact that we very rarely get to see anything new. At least three trailers showed the same footage just presented in a different way.

Also when they announced XIII-2 a mere year after XIII I don't think my jaw had ever dropped farther in my entire gaming "Career". Not in a good way either even though I did end up liking XIII-2 more than the original.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
this is not good, this game plays alot more like kingdom hearts then final fantasy and if it was a spinoff that would be ok but as a sequel... actually when i think about it FF13 didnt seem to know if it wanted to be a rpg or a action rpg.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
lordlillen said:
this is not good, this game plays alot more like kingdom hearts then final fantasy and if it was a spinoff that would be ok but as a sequel... actually when i think about it FF13 didnt seem to know if it wanted to be a rpg or a action rpg.
There's nothing wrong with evolving the formula over time. Each game did so, though notably from 7-9 (moving away from the more 'traditional' JRPG format which had become so commonplace) and then from 10-13 (moving away from the ATB in favour of different systems. 10, 12 and 13 were all markedly different to one another).


New member
Apr 30, 2011
If this is true then I guess it's good news. It could mean that Squeenix are finally starting to pay attention to this game, and that I might actually get a chance to play it, since I don't have a PS3. That's assuming that it actually does come to 360. If it doesn't then there's a good chance I'll get a WiiU at some point regardless. Zelda and all that.

EDIT: Just saw the update to the story. Balls.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Charmi the ninja said:
Wouldn't be surprised if turn Versus13 into 15.
What would surprise me, is if this video was actually real!

I'd thought it being 'good' and not 'meh' would be a bigger surprise


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Gizmo1990 said:
So basically they get in trouble for using tropes, the same tropes star wars used?

There is almost nothing unique about the storyline to star wars o_O

Anywho don't really care, I misunderstood your original post. I thought you liked it, I wasn't trying to get involved in some lengthy banter because frankly I couldn't care less.

Basically you said it was "Return of the Jedi" I presumed you meant in quality:


So yeah, will end it there. Misunderstood, move along.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
Pffft... I've learned my lesson.

XII: Shame on you, Square-Enix.
XIII: Shame on me.
You're never going to get me again.


New member
Aug 19, 2011
Meh, I don't really care what they call it, but I always wondered why they didn't just make VSXIII into XV right away. I mean, what is the "vs" supposed to stand for? From what I understand the only connection this game seems to have to XIII and XIII-2 is something about the crystals (which is a major element in A LOT of FF titles). It makes sense to just make this the next number in the franchise.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
Gizmo1990 said:
theultimateend said:
Gizmo1990 said:
I was a massive FF fanboy. FF6-10 are among my favorite games (9 being my favorite). 10-2 put a dent in my fanboy armor but I told myself that it was not in the main series (plus I liked the bonus happy ending so I let it slide). Then FF 12 came out and that was just Retern of the Jedi without jedi but still I had faith in the series. Then I played 13. There are no words to properly describe how much I hate 13. I have no faith left. I will check the reviews when it comes out but the series is basicaly dead to me at this point.
12 is like this amazingly beautiful butterfly in a sea of fetid turds.

You just don't know how it got there.

Also "bonus happy ending" on FFX-2 is the funniest thing I've read in a while >_>.
If you like 12 then good for you. I did enjoy the gameplay (except the summoning system) and for a PS2 game the graphics were amazing but I have always played FF games because I have enjoyed the story and 12 was a weak Return of the Jedi rip off and you cannot say otherwise.

The bad guys were called 'The Empire', there is a roge princess running a rebel alliance, there is a Han Solo clone but instead of a bear-thing for a companion he has a tall, half naked bunny girl, they have judges that are basicaly Darth Vader without a lightsaber or the force, the main judge is revailed to be the brother of one of the main characters and he turns good and sacrifices his life after you kick his arse and there is a death star thing that has a super beam cannon, that can destroy whole citys and it is attacked by a small rebel fleet led by a guy who everybody calls admiral.
I agree. The story of 12 was very very weak. I literally can't remember anything about it. But the gameplay was quite possibly some of the best in the series. There was tons to do with all the bounty quests and a shed load of hidden summons, weapons and items to find. It was quite refreshing after FF10 which I found to be generally quite restrictive. Then FF13 came out and I very quickly gave up on the series.


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011
Leemaster777 said:
Personally, I really, REALLY want this game to come out in SOME form, sooner than later. Not because I care about the game itself (although I'll certainly be checking it out). No, I want this to come out so Mr Nomura can FINALLY get around to making Kingdom Hearts 3.
Oh god yes.

According to him, KH will be his team's next project after FF versus XIII... at least, that's what he claims as of several years ago.

Don't tempt me, Nomura. If you don't follow through on this I am prepared to complain about it on the internet!


New member
Jun 1, 2011
I am quite glad that this is a fake. The numbered sequels should continue like they always have; completely separate from the other numbered sequels, with their own worlds and their own characters (with vague exceptions). If they had turned a sequel to a main title into a new main title... there would be hell to pay. It just wouldn't be FF at that point. And besides, I'm a bit tired of XIII in general.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
Gizmo1990 said:
If you like 12 then good for you. I did enjoy the gameplay (except the summoning system) and for a PS2 game the graphics were amazing but I have always played FF games because I have enjoyed the story and 12 was a weak Return of the Jedi rip off and you cannot say otherwise.

The bad guys were called 'The Empire', there is a roge princess running a rebel alliance, there is a Han Solo clone but instead of a bear-thing for a companion he has a tall, half naked bunny girl, they have judges that are basicaly Darth Vader without a lightsaber or the force, the main judge is revailed to be the brother of one of the main characters and he turns good and sacrifices his life after you kick his arse and there is a death star thing that has a super beam cannon, that can destroy whole citys and it is attacked by a small rebel fleet led by a guy who everybody calls admiral.
Holy... I had honestly never noticed this.

Still loved the game, story and all, though. X3


New member
Aug 2, 2011
I'm probably the only person on the planet to admit to liking FF XIII

Please don't kill me...


Pulse l'Cie
Jul 16, 2009
Here's a tip.. Quit it with the horrendously misleading headlines, guys! Journalistic integrity, The Escapist doesn't have it. Andriasang and Siliconera are much better than this.

Oh, and regarding FFXIII apparently "being a flop"? 6.9 million copies sold. Mass Effect 2 only sold roughly.. 2 million worldwide, until much, much later.

Outside of the internet, where people actually have common sense and don't give a flying fuck what trolls on the internet think, and the overall consensus of Americans these days, because apparently everything that's made outside of America is terrible, is also to be taken with a truckload of salt.. FFXIII is genuinely quite popular.

The story and lore of the game is incredibly deep. There's just a load of dull gamers who don't understand it or can't comprehend the complex backstory of Fang and Vanille, the War of Transgression that occurred before the events FFXIII..

All I can say is, if you didn't like XIII? The game wasn't made FOR you, so why the hell are you complaining? Shut up and play something else!


New member
Dec 25, 2008
after FF13 I wasn't exactly jumping to play FF13-2
the same maybe holds for ...whatever this is lol but I'm not feeling terribly strong about it either way
just so many other things coming out as per usual that already holds my attention (time and money are limited resources)

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
I was happy until that update.

Not cool SquareEnix....Not cool.
