Anarchy In Detroit said:
Everyone on X-Box Live is a fucking dildo anyways.
My name is El Chupacabra X on Live. I've put up with so much racism it's fucking ridiculous, and I'm not even Latino. How come racists aren't banned but someone who merely puts "lesbian," a non-offensive term, in their profile is banned? That's fucking discrimination as far as I'm concerned.
"I don't want my kids to see it!"
You should be more concerned about your dumb fucking kids failing school from too many video games, not something legal that another person does. Over protective parents make me sick.
Anyone want to hound racist hicks and loud mouthed teenagers with me and get em banned?
First off, don't put the words "racist" and "hicks" together, because that is sterotyping. And loud mouthers are just teenagers, you're forgetting the preteens and even stupid adults on video games.
Secondlyyyyy, a person can and will get banned from XBL if they have too many complaints. Ever see the rep bar on XBL? Yeah, if your rep gets too low, your account will be banned. Also, if a person has recieved multiple complaints in a short amount of time, then XBL will suspend that person.
Some people are stupid though. I know what a chupacabra is, and I'm not Hispanic.
Now, if you ask me, if she were to just say "I love Jane" or somethin like that, it might have not been a big deal. I mean, I'm a heterosexual, but I didn't put, "Hey I'm straight" on my profile. Do you know how much harassment I would have recieved had I put that on there?
I mean, com'on guys/girls/in betweens, you don't put that stuff on your profile and not expect some douchebag to flame the shinanegans out of you.
cobra_ky said:
and it's the assholes on Xbox Live who got it into their heads to stalk and harass this girl. I draw the comparison because in both cases, the victim is taking an unnecessary risk which increases the odds that they'll be victimized. if you wish, replace "rape" with "sexual harrassment", the argument still stands.
we can agree it's wrong to harass a woman because she's revealing skin, right? then why is it ok to harass a woman because she's revealing her sexual preference? even if he she had announced "i'm a lesbian!!!" loudly over voice chat, as stupid as that would be, it still wouldn't justify what other users did to her.
Ahem, this kind of thing (the rape thing) has been discussed in another thread. Actually, regardless of what a woman is wearing, she can still be raped. In Muslim countries, women decked out from head to toe are still raped. It's not a matter of revealing skin all the time, I'm beginning to wonder why people think that. Women who are walking home from work in full business outfits (like dress pants, dress jacket) are raped in America as well as slutty girls.
While it would be WRONG to harass a person for what they wear, whether it be slutty clothes or gay pride on their shoulders, the person should know before hand what they're getting themselves into. I also made a comment on that above, but just in case, I'll restate it.
My XBL name is VanityGirl, I sometimes get perverted and douchebag messages, that's fine. Butttt.... has I put in my bio, "I'm straight", I would have been harassed 10 fold. The more you reveal about yourself to strangers, the more things they will have to say against you.