Update: Musician Gets Revenge on United Airlines Via YouTube


New member
Nov 29, 2008
That was pretty well done. I'm surprised they put so much into that.
SnootyEnglishman said:
Oh the power of the internet and YouTube. While i see its catchyness and understand the motive behind it i'm still reminded that's it country and i hate country music with a passsion.

P.S is it just me or does this guy look a little bit like Luke Wilson?
I think he does.


New member
Jan 5, 2009
UberCharlie said:
I'd be pissed, too. I hope these folks get some money for their trouble. United may even appear to be somewhat apologetic, but it's all in the interest of saving face and making more money in the long run.

Remember kids, if a corporate scumbag makes life tough for you, make life tough for the bottom line and watch them come around.
Aman then again UA is already hurting becuase of is shitty bussissness practices. GO SOUTHWEST well at least they tend not to drop out of the air as much.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
Good, give 'em what they deserve. Fuckers lost my suitcase once and it had some of my favorite shirts in it. Along with a souvenier dagger I got at the Alamo (thank god I also got a shot glass from there too) and they also had the gall to make us wait another day to go home.

FUCK YOU, UNITED AIRLINES. Next time I'll fly with you, I'll remember to hijack the plane and fly it into your headquarters.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Damn son'bitches got screwed by a song. OH this is just GLORIOUS!

you'l have to excuse my sudden burst in laughter, just that the story made my day.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Just proves that when I put "fragile" on a suitcase, YOU BETTER TREAT IT LIKE IT WAS FRAGILE!


New member
Jan 17, 2008
As far as my experiences goes American's just cannot run an airline, especially your internal flights. Takes forever to get anywhere, the customer service sucks. Although in fairness most Americans seem to board before their row is called so maybe they get the airlines they deserve.

On topic I feel for the guy and the songs pretty catchy


New member
Mar 7, 2008
this is funny and yet very effective

giving a company bad publicity like this usually is a good way to get what you want and it doesn't cost them in court that they would probly lose


Impractically practical
Feb 6, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
Update: Well, well, well. This might have done something after all. A post to the official United Airlines Twitter...
I'm sorry, what?

An airline has a fucking twitter account? No, no, NO! That is beyond stupid, and I cannot, for the sake of my mental health, believe this to be true.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Didn't Al Goldstein furiously trash United Airlines once back in the day? I'm wondering, because he raised both middle fingers to the camera and yelled. "F**K YOU UNITED AIRLINES!"

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Lord_Panzer said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
Update: Well, well, well. This might have done something after all. A post to the official United Airlines Twitter...
I'm sorry, what?

An airline has a fucking twitter account? No, no, NO! That is beyond stupid, and I cannot, for the sake of my mental health, believe this to be true.
They're used for tons of PR stuff nowadays, actually.


Hold Me Closer Tony Danza
Jun 7, 2008
Lord_Panzer said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
Update: Well, well, well. This might have done something after all. A post to the official United Airlines Twitter...
I'm sorry, what?

An airline has a fucking twitter account? No, no, NO! That is beyond stupid, and I cannot, for the sake of my mental health, believe this to be true.
As Mr. Funk said, Twitter's actually a highly important PR resource. It allows a business to provide extremely brief updates on their activities to clients and other interested parties. Think of all the games you've waited for over the years. Well, until Twitter came along, there was nary a peep out of most companies (Blizzard leaps to mind) during the years of the development cycle. A Twitter account gives out only a 140 character blurb per tweet. So it can't say anything of extreme substance (unless it links to another website) but it does make the follower of that account feel like there is someone alive on the other end, that, in fact, there are actual human beings at the company, that the company is doing something. It also allows companies to interact with their followers using the @ message system, which leads to higher customer satisfaction all around, if you can give them an answer.

That's why Twitter's so popular, actually. If it were just the equivalent of a Facebook status, then there'd be no reason for it to exist. That's why all the news corps have them now and your bloggers, and even United Airlines. It's a free tool to raise a company's profile and consumer awareness.

I will say that some companies can use it for evil. UA, in this instance, tried to play off their wanton destruction of the man's guitar with a clever pun. I can imagine his reaction: "Ha. Ha. Now give me my money."


New member
Nov 9, 2008
This reminds me of Maddox's battle with Orbitz [http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=orbitz_blows], although I guess United Airlines is more aware of how bad publicity can affect them, even if they aren't aware of how to treat their customers properly in the first place.


New member
Jul 9, 2009
I personally think that an airline that treats their customers or their luggage (regardless of value) without respect should be out of business.
I for one will make a point of not flying 'United Airline'

On the upside, I have never heard of 'The sons of Maxwell' until now, and I enjoyed it so much I will be looking for their CD!


New member
Aug 15, 2008
"Struck a chord"? Sarcastic ha ha, United. Do you spend all my money on pun writers?