Useless Facts, The Best Kind of Facts


New member
Sep 10, 2010
I have more than the average amount of limbs.

Finger nails are made out of lots of small hairs, much like rhino nostrils.

It is illegal in the UK to go driving with snow on the roof of your car.

Every London cabbie is obliged to ask anyone who desires to travel in their taxi if they have the plague, and also must have a bale of straw in their boot (or trunk, if your American).

I know pi to : 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971 : )


New member
Apr 29, 2009
The last digit of pi is Chuck Norris, he is the end of all things.

Bayer used to have a cough medicine with herion in it.


Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger
Nov 9, 2009
Approximately 3 drams of whisky are drunk in Scotland every second.

And I just contributed to that.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
in california it is illegal to hunt whales from a moving vehicle.

also while i forget waht state it is, its illegal to own more than one personal sexual tool in your home

Talal Provides

New member
Oct 22, 2010
BlackStar42 said:
The largest man-made object in the world is Frsh Kills rubbish dump, New York. Or Holland, depending on how you look at it.
It's actually the Pacific Trash Vortex, which is kind of depressing.

VanityGirl said:
Bayer used to have a cough medicine with herion in it.
Heroin is the brand name, owned by Bayer. The generic is diacetylmorphine hydrochloride.

To add something new, the Austin Allegro is more aerodynamic when driving in reverse than it is driving forwards.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Tim_Buoy said:
every time you have an orgasm at that second you brain literally cant think of anything else
the average male thins about sex on average every three seconds
studies have shown that men tend to sleep on the left sides of beds while women sleep on the right
one out of every three statistics are made up on the spot
So which one did you make up?


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Bird trivia time, because I loves me some birds:

There are roughly about two times as many bird species than there are mammal species.

Emus and ostriches cannot walk backwards and have difficulty moving sideways. This is because their legs have heavily specialised in running straight ahead at high speeds.

Have you ever seen an owl roll its eyes or look bashfully to the side? ... You haven't. Owls have such large eyes that they cannot move them in their sockets.

Pigeons are either the oldest or second oldest birds to have ever been domesticated. They were possibly preceded by the red jungle fowl, more commonly known as the common chicken, which hails from Asia.

The magnificent colours of a peacock are not caused by a variety of different pigments. The plumage of a peacock is mostly black, but it reflects light much like oil on water does, creating different colours.

Birds aren't widely known for their longevity, but there are many bird species that can live for a very long time. Moluccan cockatoos, for example, can live more than a hundred years. Even relatively common birds like crows can live for thirty years.

Slightly Lemony

New member
Jun 11, 2010
Tim_Buoy said:
the average male thins about sex on average every three seconds
That's actually a feminist myth, men tend to think of sex once evey six and a half mins, mostly during the earlier and latter stages of the day.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
pyrosaw said:
Tim_Buoy said:
every time you have an orgasm at that second you brain literally cant think of anything else
the average male thins about sex on average every three seconds
studies have shown that men tend to sleep on the left sides of beds while women sleep on the right
one out of every three statistics are made up on the spot
So which one did you make up?
the second one its more like six minutes

Doctor What

New member
Jul 29, 2008
The word "salary" come from the Latin "sel" meaning salt. This is because Roman legionaries were paid in salt.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
The driest place on Earth is not the Atacama but the 4800 square kilometer Dry Valleys on Antarctica, where it hasn't rained or snowed for over 2 million years.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Tyrannosaurus Rex is not actually called Tyrannosaurus Rex, it is just Tyrannosaurus. Iy was not the "king" of the dinosaurs, there were other carniverous dinosaurs that were larger than Tyrannosaurus.

Not really useless, but not many people are aware of this.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Echer123 said:
That's just one star in one galaxy. I give you the Hubble Deep Field image:

In it are almost three thousand galaxies. Not stars. GALAXIES. The kicker though is that this image was taken of a section of sky only 2.5 arcminutes across. (An arcminute is 1/60th of a degree). That's a dot roughly about as big as a tennis ball would appear as from a little over a football field away (~100m). It covers about .0002% of the sky.

If we assume the distribution of galaxies in the HDF picture to be roughly representative of the whole, then 3,000 galaxies x 500,000 (# of HDF pics to cover the whole sky) = ~1,500,000,000 galaxies total.

There are about 3x10^11 stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. If we assume this to be about average for a galaxy, that means there are a total of about 4.5x10^20 (450,000,000,000,000,000,000) stars in the universe.

You live on a tiny speck of dust floating around just one of them. The next nearest star, Proxima Centauri is 4.218 light years, or 24,800,000,000,000 (24.8 trillion) miles away.

To the universe, you are nothing.

And just for kicks and giggles, here's the Hubble ULTRA deep field, where they did another one, this time with better technology and for a longer period of time to let the dimmer galaxies show up. There are about 10,000 galaxies in this one and it covers 20 square arcminutes of sky.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
A cat will blink when struck with a hammer.

Talal Provides said:
People have been drinking beer for longer than they have been eating bread.

In the United States, the only vehicles that are legally granted the right-of-way at all times are postal trucks.
In Canada, if a postal truck, a fire truck, a police cruiser, an ambulance all arrive at a 4-way stop simultaneously, the postal truck theoretically has the legal right-of-way, even if the emergency vehicles are responding to emergency calls, complete with sirens. It's a carryover from the statute relating to 'interruption of Their Majesties Mmail and Mail Service', but I'm going to point out that I can't imagine it being enforced like that.

Talal Provides said:
To add something new, the Austin Allegro is more aerodynamic when driving in reverse than it is driving forwards.
I'm having too much fun with your various useless facts! TOO MUCH FUN, I SAY!

Related to your Allegro aerodynamics, the Ford Taurus, in it's first generation body style (1986-1991) had a ridiculously aerodynamic shape for a family sedan of the era; the drag ratio was only 0.32. I'd have to assume the 3rd gen bodies (1996-1999) had an even better drag ratio, but I can't find a quotable number for the drag coefficient for that body style.

Ford also could have completely replaced the Yamaha-built 3.4l V8 engines in the 3rd gen SHO model in 1998, when their own Duratec engine was listed as 205HP, stock, off the showroom floor, and the Yamaha motor was listed as 228HP,(assuming both were mated with automatic transmissions. Minor home-mechanic modifications have easily put the various 3.0l V6 Ford Duractec engines into the 240+HP range, while it would require significant mechanical knowledge to get much past 260HP with a Yamaha 3.4L V8's.