Völuspá - Relationship status: It's complicated (things occuring within)

bad rider

The prodigal son of a goat boy
Dec 23, 2007

First things first: (I'm the realest)

So this idea was written by myself, but a long time ago (back in 2009 if you search the forums). Having played a few rp's, chatted to a few people, I sorta recalled doing this and feeling sad it never took off. So over the next week or so I will be digging through what younger me wrote and tearing it to pieces, then hopefully making something of it. I really loved the concept at the time and ideally get to a few story arcs that were barely realised, let alone achieved.

As such I've started by copying and pasting the old concept here.

If anyone wants to chip in or talk about it I'd be really happy to have the help. The plan is to run this as a semi-linear rp. With outcomes decided by the GM (who looks at stats and behaviours of the player, rather than dice rolls) and led through several story arcs, depending on where players decide to travel and the actions they take, ultimately driving a singular story. The GM in this rpg will take control of, and actively manipulate the players back story. The reasoning behind this is that, I want players in this rpg to start from a background in which they were a blank slate, their attributes managed and utilised, their curiosity and skills channeled, driven towards an objective of maintaining a regime that has held for several years. Then due to the internal politics of the the oligarchy of this "paradise" are forced to change and adapt, ultimately rejecting (or accepting) that their existence is more grand than they first deigned. Part of the background manipulation would also lead to singular player arcs, whereby individual players may be selected at pivotal moments, to have information inserted into their backgrounds to drive the story. The decisions players make throughout the game would then alter the hopeful end game sequence should this be successful.

This is the first rp I ever attempted myself and I'd really like to try and cobble some sense into it, hammer out the details and make a story people enjoy. If there are any people who are very keen to join in I'd love to hear some comments, I'd prefer if the story progressed at a set time each week with people who can manage a particular time commitment, however place holders and discussions can be held between the GM and players if an extreme problem occurs in players lifes. That way each week there is a flurry of activity at a specific period each week, allowing for a more cohesive progression and to ensure all characters stay relevent.

There will be more posted over the coming days, below are some old character sheets that I hope no-one minds me reposting, and information that will be scrubbed/rewrote if needed. For clarity new things are in blue, which consists of these few paragraphs for now. Thanks for reading and I love you all lots and lots and lots. xxx (It shall rise from the dead once more muwahhahahaahah)


Version UNO

With that out of the way here's my idea. This Rp is Begins on the present where some millionare tycoon invests a large amount of money in building a small island with capability's of movement this is named voluspa. (Think giant boat with vegitation.)Anyway very early on with onsets of problems war famine disease etc He capatalised on basic shielding technology this Voluspa was fortified into a giant self sustaining country. With this it took on the brightest of minds from every corner of the earth before sealing itself off, this society at the time of sealing was entirely automated allowing these minds to focus on scientific pursuits.

Now of course the tycoon became the head of this society where he was in charge, he decided the laws and morality of the country. That was a thousand years ago. Now it seems this country has evolved grown become more advanced, and after his numerous clonings the tycoon died, now at this point he was looked at as a god (the nature of his position) and the fact he never seemed to be as clever as others had meant no-one suspected him off wrong doing, when he was buried he (Ephraim) was buried as a hero.

Now it was known that his final clone had began opening the city to the outside, now we will see what awaits our adventurers who will be the first to leave voluspa in over a thousand years.
Ephram chose this name after the island was built as he was very indecisive. He chose the name when he knew what was going to be accomplished. They would find why we are here, and what are ultimate goal is. Once accomplished they would release the information to the rest of mankind and the island would need no longer exsist.
Cloning is the goal of many of the popualtion of the Voluspa. It represents outstanding achievement. However a few in society have been cloned repeatedly. The first ever restriction on cloning in the early years was that no-one could use cloning to create a improved version of themselves, many restrictions followed ensuring the constant survival of the society.

However in later years the system was banned from functioning constantly when Ephram abolished constant cloning, proclaiming that immortality should be no-ones ultimate goal. Also it was speculated with growing power consumptions from different research groups, that the power requirements would be too great to keep the entire population of Voluspa alive. Therefore the Voluspa fell back on genetic engineering in reproduction.

Almost the entire process was left to machines to collect samples from indivduals allowing births to be gentically at their peak performance. The nitty gritty, the machines would recieve a donor sample from two indivuals, then the resulting offspring was grown in a test tube then a pod until developement was at an end. The pod's where designed to train the newborns in specific area's allowing for one to one learning, while gently encouraging musle developement through advanced shock treatment.

After this the machine would assign the individual a unique first name. The process prioritised the smarter indivuals in society (The smarter you are, the greater likelyhood of offspring) and while it was never banned it became taboo that the council or Ephram should procreate as it would influence their judgements on society.
Excerpt from computers relating to queries on pastimes:

--admins only-- In the later years we now strive for to break boundries in knowledge, the reward of being allowed to live longer and more fruitful lives is our ultimate goal.

The society is based on several types of clone lessers, hierarchs, the council and the as of late ephram at the top.

Lessers are usually new or at there first clone, this is mainly because there intelligence isn't as high as the others, sometimes they will earn the right to be cloned through making a break through in research developing a useful item etc,
Hierarchs follow the same pattern but have a higher intelligence usually these members live up to their third clone. The council are the immediate people below Epharaim, there are six of them each of whom contributed greatly to the Voluspa.
The Council:
Jonas, Built the shield around the city.
Tyrel, the architect (designed the place and had it built within twenty years)
Ceilidh, invented the first working cloning system and implemented it on the Voluspa.
Kate, specialised in gentics and created the first drug treatments to keep personalitys in check without negative social effects (eg depression)
Gael, created a selfsustaining ecosystem mainted only by machines.
Frieda, designed the computer system and robots that maintain the Voluspa.

*Player only knowledge* The drug was brought in due to unrest in the early years, the drug brought an effective and easy solution to morality, this left only Ephram and the council vulnerable to emotions.*
*Character knowledge* The drug was broughtin as an effective remedy to crippling ailments and diseases which had spread onto the ship. Research into the drug is strictly prohibited to stop people testing it. Side effects of not taking the drug brought on conditions that are detrimental to the individual and those around them.

The drug prevents emotions in the same way a beta blocker might, however it has been observed that extreme emotions can manifest particularly in certain genetic codes. Many speculate as to why such dangerous individuals are allowed into society. This is is because these people tend to be smarter and more keen and show a greater yield in research. Thus they are allowed but from birth they are stamped as more dangerous and are more carefully monitered.

*Computer excerpt* Using simulations and several tests taken from the pod of new borns we are now able to accuratly predict the optimum field of study for the individual allowing for your skills to be better utilized. There are several field positions you may have been atributed to. Here's a list detailing the percentage of society in each specified field.
One of our many science departments, (72%)
One of our caretakers (25%)
One of our councils private assistants (2%)
Ephrams caretakers (<1%)
For greater accuracy report to the caretakers.
All players begin as bland almost faceless individuals, some more intelligent then others none of which allowed to develope socially. This means when they leave they will have fast and somewhat irratic personalitys which will jump around be very sporadic in development e.g

John enters the village with his companions children are playing, however he sees one fallover and begins feels and overpowered by joy, as though he had just made another breakthrough in his research. The others stared at him as he began to hiccup and grunt, he couldn't understand why but he couldn't control himself. I think this would be interesting and would fit nicely as I feel that in this monarchial society they haven't been allowed to develop socially thus only a instinctual ideas of their own personal morality is left.

An example of something I may put in as a point of interest.
Players will at some point stumble into the first and (if it is to be believed) only person ever to have been turned into a computer, now obviously this person is different than others they may have met, this person is quirky jumpy. (a thousand years will do that) What is apparant is the facility was state of the art however it's power is running low as it was built to for one thousand years, a selling point at the time. This person was named the first ever true A.I. This leads to the question is it human or has it taken on the personality? Should you try and return this thing to your home(I'm thinking of a name any idea's?) where there is enough power to keep this "person" alive? And what happend to the people who ran the facility?

Now the primary quest so to speak would be around the following,

The reason the expedition is to be carried for is the lack of genetic variation, where machines used to be able to keep gene pools relatively tidy the perimeters are beginning to have to be pulled back slightly.
This left the society to need to expand meaning finding a society similar to there own. However this was the mision set by Ephraim (founder of the Voluspa) and it wasn't popular with some of the higher up members of this scientific society who felt it would be inappropriate and counter productive to the fundamental ideas of the Voluspa.

Following his death it was almost haulted, but due to admiration for their fallen leader the population carried out his last request. So I may write the main plot to tie in around one specific member of the group. (It will likely be whoever as I don't want everyone to be looking intently on one person as a divine leader.)Or I will just write it around the entire groups expedition, I haven't really decided but there are ideas cooked up on either side.
As Crowghast pointed out to me I had been vague on technology. So I will endevour to put some cool bits and pieces here, feel free to make suggestions If you want specific bits and pieces. I Covered cloning in general info so if you want that it's there.

More to come...
Throughout the years there have been more designs and advances in robots than thought possible. However to conserve the worlds resources most never made it beyond a blue print, however updates and editions occur all the time.

The most common is the Excal I series it is essentially a small robot that uses it's surroundings by processing positively charged and negatively charged atoms it is able to maintain a hover by constantly changing its surface to compensate. This requires a large amount of energy so they recharge in intervals after every four hours. There are lots of them around the city floating about. They can act as information terminals, provide assistance in experiments, have powerful sensors and are almost deemed as concious due to there highly advanced processors and they act as sentrys constantly snyching data with others providing up to date information inside the city. These were developed as they were capable of being what was required, the council were hesitant with more advanced models. The idea that robots would be too clever meant the council grew suspicious of robot AI, and they restricted research on upgrading the robots to an AI.

However as a means of maintaining the city a newer version was brought in the Mark II Excal series. These where similar in relation to the Excal I series, but they where striped of the processing power of there predecessors only being given enough to run there systems, thus the Mark I's where left to guide them when they were to perform abnormal tasks (not repair things). These units were however given a kill switch so they could be destroyed via a seperate small explosive that would destroy them and only them instantaneously. Why the security and precautions and inreased size? These are the first robots to have gravity manipulators, they are now more refined than when they were first brought in and they can perform tasks with a greater accuracy than the most skilled person and can manipulate any object from a range of 76.5 feet. The maintain the city but mostly work on the outside of the island while more recently being used to gather resources from afar using an extremely powerful power supply. These typically have power for 3 hours, But the Excal II Monolith has over six weeks of power.

Excal II Monolith ----Data restriction----

More to come...



Reason for cloning(if req):



35 points to be spread as you see fit.(max=10 per stat)

The stuff after the semicolons are what it effects.
Strength: Fighting
Perception: Explosives, Lockpicking, Guns
Endurance: Health, if yourself at a high risk of dieing this will drop the probability of your death
Charisma: Generally (not always) when you talk to others who aren't player controlled you will get better responses.
Intelligence: Being clever generally, so robotics etc.
Agility: Sneak, Running.
Luck: Coin flipping

Speciality: Expert in human anatomy.

Example character.

emily Johnson
first cloning/Age one year* <-- Note this dosen't mean she is an infant only that her clone is one year old, clones in this reality are set at an age of around 21 or whenever developement has stoped.
Earned cloning after breakthrough in CADD development (Cure all disease drug)*
Bio: Occasionally gets distracted by butterflies. Very typical, she is a hardworking member of society, despite her breakthrough she has never been subject to extreme emotions which would cause unwanted behaviour. In fact the only time she has ever experienced an emotion is when she feels an unpleasent feeling that she may never experience emotions.
(max=10 per stat)
Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 5
Luck: 5

(You may ask yourself why 5? Well If use a die sim that roll up to 20 you should be getting a 25% percent bonus on each of your stats. If I roll (excluding the bonus in your stats) 1-3 something terrible happens, 3-8 something bad happens, 8-12 something average happens, 13-17 something cool happens 18-20 something great happens.

I tried to be clever with this. Then I got fed up and used paint. This will update as the game goes on.
Any character ideas feel free to post just try to stick to being within the society. Remember your character is likely to have their persona built up during the game. It's not essential to want to be an explorer or be particularly unique etc.

Any questions about things pm me.

Got a drawing? Shout and I'll put it on here I'll likely sketch one or two things but I'm not an artist barely a doodler, but I think having them will be good fun.

Name: Roscoe O'Molony

Profession: A Jack-of-all-trades. Current caretaker of the higher tiers of the city.

Clonings: Three, current clone is twenty years of age.

-He also wanted those thoughts and ideas, to go as far back as ancient times, so that he could learn of how people then really thought.

What would it be like to find a descendant of Shakespeare, clone him, and give the clone the genetic memory of the most well-known playwright in history?

Alas! He died in an accident in his very laboratory, killed by noxious gasses released during a deadly leak caused by poor maintenance. His clones thereafter, were nothing like him save for in appearance. The only genetic memory he managed was barely sub-conscious, so the years go by.

He now has three clones, each one more diluted and emotionless than the next.

The current one retains his name, and none of the honor that once came with it. Upon his "birth", he was tested, as all clones were so that they might be applied to whichever occupation most suited them. Since Roscoe O'Molony could not be accurately classified, he now works at random jobs given to him at the whim of his superiors, this can range from demeaning tasks such as spending weeks in the sewage system searching for leaks, or as important acting as a test subject for new hovercrafts. He looks mostly as his predecessor did, but after so much gene alteration, he could be described as looking much better. Ruggedly handsome good looks to no fault. Tan, sooty skin with a rough, callous texture, due in part to the toil he is often set at work to. He is of a slight, thin build, standing at 6'0 feet and owner of sufficient muscularity. Black hair, blue eyes, bright teeth, excellent health. Just like almost every other male. The only defining differences between him and the others is his slouched posture, his speech had less inflection than any other, and despite having little emotion, he retained a morose, tired expression.

If anything in his manner were strange, anything at all that the administration could give cause for concern, it would be hoarding. Often given the task of taking unwanted items (Such as large industrial machinery, radioactive waste, chemical contaminants, or the like) away from the laboratory, he will, with reluctance, attempt to dispose of these.

Usually, he ends up keeping them. Storing them in his apartment room, turning them over in his hands, inspecting each thoroughly to make sure it's the same as it always was.

Each day is the same.

Each day has this routine. Walking between laboratories, doing what he's told, going home, performing standard procedures for hygiene, sustenance, dress, entertainment, and then daily reports.

He never stops to wonder what the point of it all is, or why anything occurs, how it occurs.

He does not know, that this mind-set, is going to change. Soon.

Strength: 7 (Several rather odd and difficult tasks have given him a good physique.)
Perception: 9 (Extremely keen senses, often notices things anyone could miss very easily.)
Endurance: 5 (Is hale and hearty in health, like any other citizen.)
Charisma: 2 (Has almost no inflection or social tendencies, the emotionless call him emotionless.)
Intelligence: 7 (Despite a general lack of imagination, he retains excellent common sense and logic.)
Agility: 3 (Is not athletic in any way, and does not feel the need for stealth.)
Luck: 2 (Has no notion of luck, yet suffers mishaps more often than others.)
Name: Aeryn Lamar

Age: 23


Height: 5'7

Weight: 130 lbs

Background: Aeryn is not a clone. She was born into a normal family. Although she was taught that everyone should be the same something in her said differently. One day while going to work she saw a building and saw amazing colors that she had never seen before. She looked around to see if anyone else had noticed but they didn't. She looked back at the building and saw that the colors she had seen were gone, it was back to its original colors. From that point Aeryn has been seeing colors from which she does not know the name of. She dare not tell anyone because if she does she fears the worst. She has begun to see more color and has started to avoid people as much as possible. She is afraid of what people will say/think if she tells them about the colors shes seeing.

Characteristics: She is very inclined to trust anyone because of the colors that shes been seeing. She tends to be by herself and the machines that she builds. She is about 5'7 with dark brown hair and blue eyes. She is rather thin with not much muscle at all.

Strength: 3
Perception: 5
Endurance: 3
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 7
Luck: 2
Name: Rayai Colton

Age: 19

Profession: Botanist

Specialty: Rayai's specialty is in plants with a purpose. She knows a little bit about trees and flowers, but the plants that serve as food and what used to be used as medicines is her forte.

Bio: Rayai is considerably short and light. Being only 4'9 and barely weighing 100 lbs. She is very committed to her work and sometimes forgets that she has to go home. Even though she spends a lot of time engulfed in studies and work, she still is quite social. She is easy going and will listen if someone needs to talk or wants to discuss their own work. She will listen and comment on another person's work whether or not she knows a vast amount of their field.

Rayai hasn't found anything yet that has been worth a clone. She understands cloning in plants, but she has a lack of knowledge on cloning of humans and animals, that she is not sure whether she would want to be cloned herself.


Strength: 2
Perception: 4
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 7
Luck: 4
Character pic:
Name: Tig Smith
Job/skill: engineer/robotics
Not clone.
Age: 25
Details: Tig was in a horrible accident during a test run on a new machine which exploded. The machine was suppose to be a big leap in production in Robotic manufacturing. Even though Tig survived he lost some parts of his body. He wasn't "good" enough to be clone so he set to work to rebuild his body. He is the first "cyborg" of the city, even though he shows no emotion on the outside. He wears a cloak around his body with a hood that helps hide his robotics parts and burnt body. He wears a gas mask like over his face that is link to his lungs to help him breath, due to his lungs being a bit damage though he can take it off, but after a while he needs it back on. He was chosen on the mission to help repair damage machines or vehicle that may happen during the trip. Also to gather data on the outside.

Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Name: Ryan McAteer

Profession: Farmer

Age/clonings: 20, no clonings

Bio: Ryan was genetic engineered by his parents, Roy and Mallory, in order to help out tending on the only farm in Voluspa. He gradually grew into his role over time, herding the altered cows into the barns at one of their 8 daily milking times, maintaining the automatic shearer when the cashmere sheep went through, harvesting the 20 varieties of vegetables grown once a week. He went about it with the same methods as his father did, just doing what needed to be done to sustain the population.

He was a pretty good specimen of the engineering process as well, standing 6'6", not entirely well built, but he didn't have to be. He has medium length light brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and a healthy tan from his work outside.

Ryan's spot in the expedition team didn't come from his skills in the lab, or his physical presence, it came from good old fashioned dumb luck. The workers in town held a lottery to determine who would accompany the main team on the expedition, it was essentially a red shirt job, just help out with stuff. Ryan just so happened to be holding a winning number.

As such, Ryan doesn't know what he should be feeling at this time. Voluspa is the only kind of world he has ever known, heck he didn't even really get off the farm that much. So all he knows is that he has to be ready for what's coming on the outside.


Strength: 5
Perception: 1
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 6
Luck: 9

Speciality: Expert in agriculture/animal husbandry (breeding stuff)
Posting, I'm not putting a limit or date on posting just try to keep it relevant in length and post every now and then so your part of the RP. I'm not gonna chase people on grammer when the RP gets going so don't worry too much about it just try and keep it legible. No controlling other peoples characters and If your desperate to kill each other off let me be aware of it, just don't do it for a petty reason E.g she stole my hat.
Thanks for the interest and enthusiasm it gives me an underline cheeriness that makes this all worth while. I put this down as a thankyou from here on out to everyone who takes the time to look. Thanks!
Ok, here is how this goes if you want to join just shout, I'll then notify you as to when and how you will join. You would be following a different character template however. Instead of bieng from voluspa you would be from a point of interest thee players stumble upon. For instance they find a village in the middle of nowhere you are a villager. Any questions pm me.

Good news anyone, You can steal this copy and paste it rewrite it or set fire to your computer.

End of the old one (version one)

Start of Version two (that time I tried to reboot this that wasn't this time when I'm rebooting this but not that other time when the reboot happend... well that seemed less confusing before I typed it)

I made this a while back, unfortunatly due to a few late responses the thread died. As such I'm going to give this another go as, well I had cool stuff planned and I actually put a bit of effort into this. So I'm going to start this up again

With that out of the way here's my idea. This Rp is Begins on the present where some millionare tycoon invests a large amount of money in building a small island with capability's of movement this is named voluspa. (Think giant boat with vegitation.)Anyway very early on with onsets of problems war famine disease etc He capatalised on basic shielding technology this Voluspa was fortified into a giant self sustaining country. With this it took on the brightest of minds from every corner of the earth before sealing itself off, this society at the time of sealing was entirely automated allowing these minds to focus on scientific pursuits.

Now of course the tycoon became the head of this society where he was in charge, he decided the laws and morality of the country. That was a thousand years ago. Now it seems this country has evolved grown become more advanced, and after his numerous clonings the tycoon died, now at this point he was looked at as a god (the nature of his position) and the fact he never seemed to be as clever as others had meant no-one suspected him off wrong doing, when he was buried he (Ephraim) was buried as a hero.

Now it was known that his final clone had began opening the city to the outside, now we will see what awaits our adventurers who will be the first to leave voluspa in over a thousand years.
-Todays date year:3123 day:07 month:04
The notion of family is non existent. From age 0- end development in brain you have been left in small pod closed off from the world, then taught via images,audio and virtual reality how live breathe and function in voluspa. Your speciality would have been defined via assesment of your abilitys throughtout this process. This is in a process designed to severly reduce your hormonal/emotional responses and to hone you to your skill set.
The notion of god is non exsistant. Any idea of a all powerful bieng controlling your every move in life is removed, apart from ephram, who did until his recent departure is pretty much a god like persona, but the notion of him bieng the creator is unheard of, but he still enjoys the reverence of such a bieng. When quireing the origin of life an idea called by voluspians "gaia" (The word is more used as a term to fill in as a term for god or the big bang) most sucumbing to that thought are informed that nothing has to be created, the idea of things having to be created is nonsense and that everything around such as our inability to change molcules just rearrange them tells them that creation is a logical falicy and to think nothing of it. (Wasn't that a mouthful moving on.)
Social interactions are limited, you don't speak with jane aboujt the weather. You speak to the relevant person about the work you are progressing on and theorys,potential theorys,research and experiments, or questions arising from said work you are progressing on and theorys,potential theorys,research and experiments. Not with jane about the weather.
Atmosphere of voluspa. The place is wherever possible multiple shades of grey, colours are generally stains or from experiments (eg a chemical) or to indicate potential hazardous areas aka a red wall would indicate a risk of bieng impaled to said wall. The climate is maintained at 35 degrees except in areas were it is necessary for diffrent temperatures. There is no artwork or colourful paterns located in voluspa. The lighting is provided by a light simulator as close to sunlight os possible which works like a sun getting progressively brighter then darker as night approaches, but adjustible in rooms etc.Clothing is pretty much the same throughout except some is adjusted for different jobs.
[computer log]
------The outside world and you-------
------------Information is restricted--------
The outside world has remained largly unchanged throughtout the last milenia, despite a growth in the early few hundred years, almost matching our own research (if at a slower rate). However due to the controversial nature of their believe systems/ideals the world ended in a large war fought between countries known as china, the United states, europe, russia. What ensued had been determined as a "nuclear winter" due to counter measures only a few areas were effected but the end result was that most countries were broken and became dysfunctional. Information gathered is as follows.

Loading 25% commplete........
Bieng seperated from the european landmass, this island retained it's order despite the downfall. However after the war it is coated in radiation strong enough to kill 98.24% of plant life plant species in our known database. it's likely to remain this way for a a estimated 263.723.... years.
Mutated animals better adapted for radiation. Plants, a few radiation resistant plants have become native to england, as such it's coated in these as well as trees and crops. Large heat signitures detected underground. -Admin_Glen-(Note added 06/06/2934) could be remenents of native population, prolonged exposure to radiation underground could have caused mutations. Research suggested.
After the war most of the main cities/inhabitable areas destroyed either by fallout or intial nuclear blast. However most land mass is clear of nuclear detruction, reports suggest a more primitive variation of our own nuclear aborbers were used to stop the spread of radiation and minimise effect of the blast.
Mostly unaffected by nuclear blast only variations in plant/animal life is expected as a bi product of evolution. Indication of new towns/villages in the mountains/swamps. However most technology/literature seems to have been destroyed during the warring period. As such inhabitants are unlikely to reveal any new information to us.
Fatal error drone terminated...........Error code 6321 on drone 110552....... New scan activated......Fatal error drone terminated...... Error 6321 on drone 110553...... New scan activated....... Fatal error drone terminated......Awaiting response.....Program terminated
-Research leader Eammon-
After initial scans of high priority targets project has recieved a go ahead to a full planetary scan. Success of initial scans as anticipated submitted paperwork for research teams to begin an information recovery from designated sites alpha, delta, drones have suffered from radiation malfunctions, submitting request for upgraded drones to beetter cope with harsh conditions.
-Research leader Johnathan- Project to be put indefinatly on hold following directive 34178. Any quiries to be directed to support-data base 3b.

Ephram chose this name after the island was built as he was very indecisive. He chose the name when he knew what was going to be accomplished. They would find why we are here, and what are ultimate goal is. Once accomplished they would release the information to the rest of mankind and the island would need no longer exsist.
Cloning is the goal of many of the popualtion of the Voluspa. It represents outstanding achievement. However a few in society have been cloned repeatedly. The first ever restriction on cloning in the early years was that no-one could use cloning to create a improved version of themselves, many restrictions followed ensuring the constant survival of the society.

However in later years the system was banned from functioning constantly when Ephram abolished constant cloning, proclaiming that immortality should be no-ones ultimate goal. Also it was speculated with growing power consumptions from different research groups, that the power requirements would be too great to keep the entire population of Voluspa alive. Therefore the Voluspa fell back on genetic engineering in reproduction.

Almost the entire process was left to machines to collect samples from indivduals allowing births to be gentically at their peak performance. The nitty gritty, the machines would recieve a donor sample from two indivuals, then the resulting offspring was grown in a test tube then a pod until developement was at an end. The pod's where designed to train the newborns in specific area's allowing for one to one learning, while gently encouraging musle developement through advanced shock treatment.

After this the machine would assign the individual a unique first name. The process prioritised the smarter indivuals in society (The smarter you are, the greater likelyhood of offspring) and while it was never banned it became taboo that the council or Ephram should procreate as it would influence their judgements on society.
Excerpt from computers relating to queries on pastimes:

--admins only-- In the later years we now strive for to break boundries in knowledge, the reward of being allowed to live longer and more fruitful lives is our ultimate goal.

The society is based on several types of clone lessers, hierarchs, the council and the as of late ephram at the top.

Lessers are usually new or at there first clone, this is mainly because there intelligence isn't as high as the others, sometimes they will earn the right to be cloned through making a break through in research developing a useful item etc,
Hierarchs follow the same pattern but have a higher intelligence usually these members live up to their third clone. The council are the immediate people below Epharaim, there are six of them each of whom contributed greatly to the Voluspa.
The Council:
Jonas, Built the shield around the city.
Tyrel, the architect (designed the place and had it built within twenty years)
Ceilidh, invented the first working cloning system and implemented it on the Voluspa.
Kate, specialised in gentics and created the first drug treatments to keep personalitys in check without negative social effects (eg depression)
Gael, created a selfsustaining ecosystem mainted only by machines.
Frieda, designed the computer system and robots that maintain the Voluspa.

*Player only knowledge* The drug was brought in due to unrest in the early years, the drug brought an effective and easy solution to morality, this left only Ephram and the council vulnerable to emotions.*
*Character knowledge* The drug was broughtin as an effective remedy to crippling ailments and diseases which had spread onto the ship. Research into the drug is strictly prohibited to stop people testing it. Side effects of not taking the drug brought on conditions that are detrimental to the individual and those around them.

The drug prevents emotions in the same way a beta blocker might, however it has been observed that extreme emotions can manifest particularly in certain genetic codes. Many speculate as to why such dangerous individuals are allowed into society. This is is because these people tend to be smarter and more keen and show a greater yield in research. Thus they are allowed but from birth they are stamped as more dangerous and are more carefully monitered.

*Computer excerpt* Using simulations and several tests taken from the pod of new borns we are now able to accuratly predict the optimum field of study for the individual allowing for your skills to be better utilized. There are several field positions you may have been atributed to. Here's a list detailing the percentage of society in each specified field.
One of our many science departments, (72%)
One of our caretakers (25%)
One of our councils private assistants (2%)
Ephrams caretakers (<1%)
For greater accuracy report to the caretakers.
All players begin as bland almost faceless individuals, some more intelligent then others none of which allowed to develope socially. This means when they leave they will have fast and somewhat irratic personalitys which will jump around be very sporadic in development e.g

John enters the village with his companions children are playing, however he sees one fallover and begins feels and overpowered by joy, as though he had just made another breakthrough in his research. The others stared at him as he began to hiccup and grunt, he couldn't understand why but he couldn't control himself. I think this would be interesting and would fit nicely as I feel that in this monarchial society they haven't been allowed to develop socially thus only a instinctual ideas of their own personal morality is left.

bad rider

The prodigal son of a goat boy
Dec 23, 2007
An example of something I may put in as a point of interest.
Players will at some point stumble into the first and (if it is to be believed) only person ever to have been turned into a computer, now obviously this person is different than others they may have met, this person is quirky jumpy. (a thousand years will do that) What is apparant is the facility was state of the art however it's power is running low as it was built to for one thousand years, a selling point at the time. This person was named the first ever true A.I. This leads to the question is it human or has it taken on the personality? Should you try and return this thing to your home(I'm thinking of a name any idea's?) where there is enough power to keep this "person" alive? And what happend to the people who ran the facility?

Now the primary quest so to speak would be around the following,

The reason the expedition is to be carried for is the lack of genetic variation, where machines used to be able to keep gene pools relatively tidy the perimeters are beginning to have to be pulled back slightly.
This left the society to need to expand meaning finding a society similar to there own. However this was the mision set by Ephraim (founder of the Voluspa) and it wasn't popular with some of the higher up members of this scientific society who felt it would be inappropriate and counter productive to the fundamental ideas of the Voluspa.

Following his death it was almost haulted, but due to admiration for their fallen leader the population carried out his last request. So I may write the main plot to tie in around one specific member of the group. (It will likely be whoever as I don't want everyone to be looking intently on one person as a divine leader.)Or I will just write it around the entire groups expedition, I haven't really decided but there are ideas cooked up on either side.
As Crowghast pointed out to me I had been vague on technology. So I will endevour to put some cool bits and pieces here, feel free to make suggestions If you want specific bits and pieces. I Covered cloning in general info so if you want that it's there.
Don't worry the title is there merely as a film reference, this section will cover all the badass weaponry you will/have found. At the start of this RP I'm only going to give you a few gun, but as this expands i'm sure this section will aswell. Anyway, I'm stealing designs from all over I will source the material, but keep in mind the fact the weapons will be toned for the RP. So if the source says kills you so hard adam and eve feel it means nothing to this rp. Anyyway more incontext in the game, the weapons you are bieng handed are not the best voluspa has to offer. There is no way in heaven that an expeditionary force will have need of a super kilamajig 5000. With that said enjoy this current selection.

Using strong gravitational and magnetic forces this prototype handgun can fire a small heat projectile accuratly to the distance of 200 meters and can kill up to 500m. However due to said forces the handgun is somewhat unreliable and is likely to break, however due to the way it fires it has little to no recoil and can easily take down any living bieng in a single shot without exploding on hit. So in otherwords if you wanted to take someone down without killing them this would be you go-to guy as it gives a clean exit/entry wound. The real problem with this gun is that your shots count, as it will break eventually and a stray shot can be hazardous. It is best used by a marksman.source

One of the few rifles still using gunpowder inn Voluspa, this is therefore a perfected piece of technology. The rifle has an effective firing range of 1500m using a primitive telescopic scope this rifle was built incase a situation arrised in which electronics and similar hi tech solutions were unavailible. As such this rifle has been polished in that it's likelyness to jam is minimal, it's waterproof, rustproof and silent. It's firing is bolt action and fires a 7.62x51mm round.source
[source=Bereaver handgun]
A more reliable hand gun firing at a less http://datafortress2020.110mb.com]source
When given the task of a making a reliable handgun firing an electric projectile, a man went of and went overboard. The scientist bereaver killion, began work on a basic design then progressed upward the result was a semiautomatic handgun that would fire a clip

Throughout the years there have been more designs and advances in robots than thought possible. However to conserve the worlds resources most never made it beyond a blue print, however updates and editions occur all the time.

The most common is the Excal I series it is essentially a small robot that uses it's surroundings by processing positively charged and negatively charged atoms it is able to maintain a hover by constantly changing its surface to compensate. This requires a large amount of energy so they recharge in intervals after every four hours. There are lots of them around the city floating about. They can act as information terminals, provide assistance in experiments, have powerful sensors and are almost deemed as concious due to there highly advanced processors and they act as sentrys constantly snyching data with others providing up to date information inside the city. These were developed as they were capable of being what was required, the council were hesitant with more advanced models. The idea that robots would be too clever meant the council grew suspicious of robot AI, and they restricted research on upgrading the robots to an AI.

However as a means of maintaining the city a newer version was brought in the Mark II Excal series. These where similar in relation to the Excal I series, but they where striped of the processing power of there predecessors only being given enough to run there systems, thus the Mark I's where left to guide them when they were to perform abnormal tasks (not repair things). These units were however given a kill switch so they could be destroyed via a seperate small explosive that would destroy them and only them instantaneously. Why the security and precautions and inreased size? These are the first robots to have gravity manipulators, they are now more refined than when they were first brought in and they can perform tasks with a greater accuracy than the most skilled person and can manipulate any object from a range of 76.5 feet. The maintain the city but mostly work on the outside of the island while more recently being used to gather resources from afar using an extremely powerful power supply. These typically have power for 3 hours, But the Excal II Monolith has over six weeks of power.

Excal II Monolith ----Data restriction----

More to come...



Reason for cloning(if req):



35 points to be spread as you see fit.(max=10 per stat)

The stuff after the semicolons are what it effects.
Strength: Fighting
Perception: Explosives, Lockpicking, Guns
Endurance: Health, if yourself at a high risk of dieing this will drop the probability of your death
Charisma: Generally (not always) when you talk to others who aren't player controlled you will get better responses.
Intelligence: Being clever generally, so robotics etc.
Agility: Sneak, Running.
Luck: Coin flipping

Speciality: Expert in human anatomy.

Example character.

Character picture:

(I just quickly stole this)
emily Johnson
first cloning/Age one year* <-- Note this dosen't mean she is an infant only that her clone is one year old, clones in this reality are set at an age of around 21 or whenever developement has stoped.
Earned cloning after breakthrough in CADD development (Cure all disease drug)*
Bio: Occasionally gets distracted by butterflies. Very typical, she is a hardworking member of society, despite her breakthrough she has never been subject to extreme emotions which would cause unwanted behaviour. In fact the only time she has ever experienced an emotion is when she feels an unpleasent feeling that she may never experience emotions.
(max=10 per stat)
Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 5
Luck: 5

(You may ask yourself why 5? Well If use a die sim that roll up to 20 you should be getting a 25% percent bonus on each of your stats. If I roll (excluding the bonus in your stats) 1-3 something terrible happens, 3-8 something bad happens, 8-12 something average happens, 13-17 something cool happens 18-20 something great happens.
Subject to update.
Name: Eryn Lamar

Age: 23


Height: 5'5

Weight: 106 lbs

Background: Eryn is not a clone. She was born and left in the test tube just like the rest of the cities residents. Early test showed that Eryn would only be good for one job and one job only, engineering, more specifically the engineering of robots.

One day while going to work she saw a building and saw amazing colors that she had never seen before. She looked around to see if anyone else had noticed but they didn't. She looked back at the building and saw that the colors she had seen were gone, it was back to its original colors. From that point Eryn has been seeing colors from which she does not know the name of. She dare not tell anyone because if she does she fears the worst. She has begun to see more color and has started to avoid people as much as possible. She is afraid of what people will say/think if she tells them about the colors shes seeing.

Characteristics: She is very inclined to trust anyone because of the colors that shes been seeing. She tends to be by herself and the machines that she builds. She is about 5'5 with dark brown hair and blue eyes. She is rather thin with not much muscle at all.

Strength: 3
Perception: 5
Endurance: 3
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 7
Luck: 2
<spoiler=EMFCRACKSHOT aka Michael MacDonald>
Name: Michael MacDonald
Age: 20
Proffesion: Robotics Specialist
Bio: Michael's father was cloned twice for his reasearch and development into robotics. Following after his father he swiftly found a passion for robotics and spent much of his youth tinkering with broken robots and creating and designing plans for new robots.
At first these were fairly outlandish and often impractical but as he matured so did his work.
At the age of 15 he designed and created his first fully functional robot, a small repair orb that has become his best friend. He calls it T3. It now assists him in all his work and is equipped with a variety of tools.
He is currently working on a project that he hopes will grant him the privallige of being cloned. It is a special robot capable of assisting in the most complicated medical procedures however its programming is dangerously close to that of an AI so he has to keep it almost completely secret.
Michael is often distracted by things of a technical nature and has been known to wander off and investigate, completely forgetting whatever it was he is suppossed to be doing.
Having spent most of his life around machines he is not very good with people. He is usually very shy around them and finds it very difficult to talk to them for prolonged periods of time.

Strength: 6
Perception: 5
Charisma: 1
Agility: 3
Luck: 6
Name: Ryan McAteer

Profession: Food Technician

Age/clonings: 20, no clonings

Bio: Ryan was grown in the standard test tube, through the evaluation process though, the testers really didn't think much of his mental abilities, projecting him to be no more than a tool with a brain. So, Ryan was assigned to help work on and cultivate the food needed to sustain Voluspa.

He was a pretty good physical specimen of the engineering process though, standing 6'6", not entirely well built, but he didn't have to be. He had longish length light brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and a healthy tan from his work outside under the sun simulator, while trying to procure raw materials.

He worked in his field until an accident right after the marking of the 20th anniversary of his creation. To prove he was as valuable as some of the more skilled food workers, he was working on trying to engineer a high nutrition-no taste paste that could replace the inefficient gruel coming out now, and he wasn't having much luck. As he reached for some flavor-retardant (what we would know as ground liver), he jostled the shelf and a massive pot clonked him on the head. He was out for 2 minutes and 17 seconds and when he awoke, he was thinking clearer, solutions seemed to come easier, and were simpler in his head. It was if someone had shocked his brain into thinking like it should. But then the other thoughts came, thoughts of change, thoughts of trying to liven up the food, rather than trying to dull it down. He told his supervisors about what happened and these thoughts he was having, and they decided to force him to take some time off until he came to his senses. He was still on this "mandatory vacation" when word came of the expedition.

Ryan's spot in the expedition team didn't come from his skills in the lab, or his physical presence, it came from good old fashioned dumb luck. The techs in town held a lottery to determine who would accompany the main team on the expedition, it was essentially a red shirt job, just help out with stuff. Ryan just so happened to be holding a winning number.

Ryan knew he beat some long odds to get the magic ticket. He knew of other techs who were allowed to fill in multiple ballots, but he wasn't so proficient and just had the single entry, but he was not to question the results. Still, he couldn't help feel it was a little odd.....


Strength: 5
Perception: 1
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 6
Luck: 9

Specialty: Expert in procuring food.

Name: Mila Hartford

Occupation: President and head researcher of the Hartford Corporation

Age: 24

Bio:(Brace yourself for a wall of text)

The tale of the Hartford Corporation is one of great success and one of great failure; however the tale is one of great importance to the city of Voluspa. After the shield was closed, there was a mad scramble among the population to come out ahead as a leader in some kind of field of research and attain the privilege of cloning. Charles Hartford was one such man. Throughout the early years of the city's history, he remained in the back ground, with himself and a small group of his close friends subtly researching various technologies with the hope of perfecting them. However one project they were working on was completely shrouded in secrecy. They ran a small company known as the Hartford Corporation, though few knew what they were actually researching.
When the world was on the edge of nuclear war, the council of Hierarchs was concerned with the possibility of Voluspa becoming the target of the world's war. Even with the shield, some were worried that it would not be enough to ward off a direct attack. Charles then revealed the technology he and his constituents were researching, the one mysterious technology. It was a missile defense network, utilizing a series of high impulse lasers, the defense network could knock down any missile that was heading towards the city. The system was installed just in time to see the world engulfed in a nuclear holocaust. Charles's defense network soon was rigorously tested when automated missile launchers locked onto the city's heat signature and fired several missiles towards it. None got within more than a hundred miles of the city. The council rewarded Charles with the benefit of cloning and a position as a Lesser. After three generation of being cloned Charles Hartford was granted the position of Hierarch (thus becoming the eighth), due to his development of the missile defense system as well as his Corporation's other findings in the field of advance weapon research.
Sadly the dream was not meant to last. One day, three hundred years ago a massive explosion rocked the Hartford Corporation's main laboratory. Research on plasma was being conducted and when the explosion occurred near the test chamber, the plasma amplified the explosion greatly. When the dust settled everyone was horrified to discover that the explosion had destroyed several of the city's gene banks. The city went from being able to survive several thousand years without needing outside genes to only being able to survive for few hundred more. Charles and his Corporation was disgraced, the Council striped him of his status as Hierarch and of his cloning privileges. Most of the corporation's labs were shut down and he and those who were loyal to him and the Corporation were regulated to working in his small subsidiary lab in the Boondocks.
The Boondocks was were the none scientific people worked and lived (such as technicians and mechanists) and for a high "family", being shunned off to the Boondocks was considered to be the one of the worsts marks of shame a "family" could endure. Yet Charles did not give up, knowing that he would not live forever, he requisitioned a genetic offspring be produced for him as quickly as possible. He tried to ensure that those who would take over his Corporation one day would have the intelligence and free mind he possessed to ensure that they could carry on the Corporation's work as well as its reputation for producing novel inventions as well as sophisticated weaponry. Before he died, Charles managed to produce the Dragonfly, a VTOL aircraft that ran on solar power and could go almost six hundred miles per hour.
Sadly, despite the Hartford's determination to help Voluspa, they are constantly shunned by many of the major powers in the city. They have also been afflicted with what many call "The Hartford Curse"; for after the explosion that ruined their fortunes, they have always suffer extremely bad luck. Charles's Dragonfly was never endorsed by the Council despite its usefulness and every generation's subsequent discoveries have been dismissed by the Council. Mila's "Great grandfather" invented a series of mechanical arm and leg bracers that could help the enfeebled gain strength, but was ignored. Her "Grandfather" made leaps in the research of plasma energy, but the Council also refused to listen to him, despite its many applications (such as plasma powering the city, to plasma weaponry). Her "Father" even made ground breaking research in the field of Nanotechnology; he argued that his nanobots could allow the city to effectively colonize the outside world without fear of radiation and the nanobots could even be used to construct things more efficiently than current methods.

(Note when I speak of "family", I only mean it in terms of predecessors, not a family actually raising her.)

Mila worked even harder than anyone in her family to try and get the council to recognize her "families" works. However life was difficult for her. A small genetic disorder that was discovered too late to be corrected enfeebled her from a vary young age. Without the use of her "Great-grandfather's" mechanical bracers she would have been forced to live out her life in a wheelchair. She spent much of her life creating various weapons and even updated the old Dragonfly design to incorporate some of her plasma and rail gun based weapons. She also developed a functional prototype of a type of powered amour (she based the design off her "Great-grandfathers" bracers). Once the Council announced that they would send a small expedition to explore the outside world, Mila volunteered the Hartford Corporations resources to help the expedition. After several months of planning Mila insisted she is given a spot on the expedition to test the four generations of technology her Corporation developed but could never deploy. After many tense meetings Mila was able to secure the Council's backing. They agreed that if they could see tangible proof of the Corporation's technological benefit, they may end the four century long disgrace of her "Family" and Corporation. However she suspects that they only agreed to do this believing that she would be killed out in the wasteland and with no error the council could crack open the Corporations vaults and claim their technological bounty for themselves.

Strength: 3
Perception: 9
Endurance: 3
Charisma: 9
Intelligence: 9
Agility: 3
Luck: 0

Characteristics: Mila is forced to wear mechanical bracers on her arms and legs to ensure that she can move around freely. She suffers fro her "families" ill fortune and has no luck. She does however posses her "Ancestor's" force of personality and generally gets along with others and can lead effectively. She also has keen sense (something she acquired while working with dangerous technologies) she is around 5'9, with green eyes, dark brown hair and is thin. Without her bracers, her arms and legs are a very sickly type of thin and she must wear them at all times.

Specialty: Master inventor and charismatic leader
No controlling other peoples characters and If your desperate to kill each other off let me be aware of it, just don't do it for a petty reason E.g she stole my hat.
Please keep your responses timely, If you are absent or haven't posted in a bit I will post for you and/or auction of you character.
If you are going to be away pm me and I'll probably sub for you until you get back.
Any new info in the original OP will have a * by it so you know if anything fresh has been added, they will be removed once it's three days old so check regularly.
This is your RP as much as mine, your character lives and breathes in voluspa as such anything you say about the world is automatically true unless your lying for alterior motive, so don't worry about breaking the story thats my problem not yours.
Lastly but most importantly HAVE FUN!!!! It's a rule, you have to now.
[Join up now] All information up is subject for change,(See anything wrong, contradictary or even just poorly worded/makes no gramatical sense pm me) Ideally looking for a good number of players and a co host as running this with someone else would be great.
Any character ideas feel free to post just try to stick to being within the society. Remember your character is likely to have their persona built up during the game. It's not essential to want to be an explorer or be particularly unique etc.

Any questions about things pm me/ any information you want on here pm me, any ideas pm me.

End of Orange Is The New Black Version two

bad rider

The prodigal son of a goat boy
Dec 23, 2007
Third space reserved for me to roll my head accross the keyboard in glee