Valve: DLC Titles Just Placeholders


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Furburt said:
Why does Games For Windows suck so much?
I haven't had much experience with Games for Windows, but just having downloaded two DLC packs for Fallout 3 is enough to tell me just how goddamn awful it is. I really don't see how much money having a bloody useless program such as Games For Windows can actually get for Microsoft.

OT: What with the cencorship and all, I reckon I might wait until the Game of the Year Edition comes out with all the DLC. By that time they'd have alrady released several packs of DLC and patches anyway.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Hardcore_gamer said:
Skizle said:
mrfft said:
Just goes to show you that Microsoft requires just about every game to have potential DLC...period.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing. At least you'll know that there will be more to play down the line.
True, the only time i resent DLC is when the creators make a bare bone game on purpose and then sell it at full price or almost full price so that the gamers have to buy DLC to put some meat on the bones so that they can have a proper gaming experience (waves fist at EA).
I think the fact Valve completely curb-stomped the boycott movement (with kindness unfortunately) has proved they didnt' make a "bare bones game" on purpose, so I don't think we'll have an EA situation. And besides which, I think by now after all of the controversy and publicity regarding L4D2, I think it's safe to say that Gabe spends a lot of time going like this: be honest I wish I had made this image back when the boycott died but oh well.

As to why they had to give test code names, I think it makes perfect sense from a business standpoint. You can't just say "oh we'll give you this stuff" you might as well have a working title added to it to at least satisfy any "coming soon" list, it makes it more effective.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
So I take it I'm the only one that doesn't get my asshole clenching whenever anything related to Microsoft happens?

I mean Christ...nobody would even be here if it weren't for them (you could argue about Linux and macs all day but the internet as we know it likely wouldn't exist if Microsoft never had).

When I was in College I got almost everything I needed that Microsoft makes at either free or a ridiculously good discount.

They aren't angels but I never quite understood the bash fest. I suppose I'm the only guy who knows how the hell you properly build a PC so it doesn't crash.

Been going for years without so much as a blue screen.

But what can you do. I doubt this will get much but people bashing me for being a fanboy :p.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Furburt said:
Microsoft exist to annoy me. Why does everything on XBL have to cost something?Why are they so bureaucratic? Why does Games For Windows suck so much? The list goes on and on.
probly cause they lose money on the xbox with all the replacements and other such things and they're overly greedy and over charge for everything, just look at their office software and operating systems

i figured the stuff in the game was just a placeholder or something like that, didn't really shock me


New member
Sep 24, 2008
theultimateend said:
So I take it I'm the only one that doesn't get my asshole clenching whenever anything related to Microsoft happens?

I mean Christ...nobody would even be here if it weren't for them (you could argue about Linux and macs all day but the internet as we know it likely wouldn't exist if Microsoft never had).

When I was in College I got almost everything I needed that Microsoft makes at either free or a ridiculously good discount.

They aren't angels but I never quite understood the bash fest. I suppose I'm the only guy who knows how the hell you properly build a PC so it doesn't crash.

Been going for years without so much as a blue screen.

But what can you do. I doubt this will get much but people bashing me for being a fanboy :p.
I think people hate Microsoft for the very reasons you pointed out: that we depend on them so much.

And yes, people can go on and on about open-source products all day, but the fact remains that without businesses like Microsoft, most products would never move forward.

I love it when people talk about how much they hate Vista and things of that sort because it always reinforces my superiority over them because I actually know how to properly operate a computer.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Wow, what a lot of conspiracy buffs on this thread. Obviously because Valve put two lines of harmless do-nothing code in a game at the behest of Microsoft, that Roswell will now be amass with aliens from Vulcan out to kill everyone with hopes for Episode 3 of Counterteamlife 16. I'm really hoping that most of you are just being sarcastic over something that is completely pointless. I figured that code was fluff put in as filler as most coders do anyway for any program. And that is all it is....fluff. It is not a new reason to hate the people that make the game that is so damn fun.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
matrix3509 said:
theultimateend said:
So I take it I'm the only one that doesn't get my asshole clenching whenever anything related to Microsoft happens?

I mean Christ...nobody would even be here if it weren't for them (you could argue about Linux and macs all day but the internet as we know it likely wouldn't exist if Microsoft never had).

When I was in College I got almost everything I needed that Microsoft makes at either free or a ridiculously good discount.

They aren't angels but I never quite understood the bash fest. I suppose I'm the only guy who knows how the hell you properly build a PC so it doesn't crash.

Been going for years without so much as a blue screen.

But what can you do. I doubt this will get much but people bashing me for being a fanboy :p.
I think people hate Microsoft for the very reasons you pointed out: that we depend on them so much.

And yes, people can go on and on about open-source products all day, but the fact remains that without businesses like Microsoft, most products would never move forward.

I love it when people talk about how much they hate Vista and things of that sort because it always reinforces my superiority over them because I actually know how to properly operate a computer.
I had no problems with Vista which makes it difficult to relate with customers who rant about it for a half hour at work.

I've always been amazed that there are essentially infinitely many combinations you can mix to make a PC at this point and on nearly all of them Windows will work. It might not work well but the fact that they even boot to the OS amazes me.


New member
Sep 27, 2008
Good. Its just wrong to have DLC before the game is EVEN OUT YET!


New member
Sep 24, 2008
theultimateend said:
I had no problems with Vista which makes it difficult to relate with customers who rant about it for a half hour at work.

I've always been amazed that there are essentially infinitely many combinations you can mix to make a PC at this point and on nearly all of them Windows will work. It might not work well but the fact that they even boot to the OS amazes me.

Yeah, I love how actually constructing a computer these days is about one thousand time easier than it was (say) fifteen years ago. And then you have people who still can't (read:refuse to learn to) do it.

As my father said: "Ignorance is the absence of knowledge, which in most cases is perfectly acceptable. Stupidity, however, is nothing but proud ignorance, and is completely unacceptable in all cases."


New member
Nov 1, 2007
matrix3509 said:
theultimateend said:
I had no problems with Vista which makes it difficult to relate with customers who rant about it for a half hour at work.

I've always been amazed that there are essentially infinitely many combinations you can mix to make a PC at this point and on nearly all of them Windows will work. It might not work well but the fact that they even boot to the OS amazes me.

Yeah, I love how actually constructing a computer these days is about one thousand time easier than it was (say) fifteen years ago. And then you have people who still can't (read:refuse to learn to) do it.

As my father said: "Ignorance is the absence of knowledge, which in most cases is perfectly acceptable. Stupidity, however, is nothing but proud ignorance, and is completely unacceptable in all cases."
Wow. What are the odds. Some guy came into my work this morning and basically said that.

He said something like "Being Ignorant is great, as long as you know you are ignorant and want to learn. There is nobody that knows everything. However stupid is different, stupid is when you think you know everything."

It was something like that, I am butchering it but it made my morning. I basically apologized for not knowing the answer to something and he told me that :p.

PS. I agree. I built my current PC on the first try and have had it running for two straight years (well you get my point I turn it off sometimes) and haven't had a single blue screen. Everything has been running flawlessly. I'm hardly a computer whiz by any stretch of the imagination, but they make it so user friendly now :p.


Ace Defective
May 1, 2009
I hope this doesn't mean that anything to do with the original survivors is gonna be scrapped. I like the new bunch, but I can't just abandon the old gang.


New member
Dec 7, 2007
You guys are reading too much into this; Microsoft is not evil, neither is Valve. Certification is there to guarantee a stable product (well.. stable'ish, anyway).

As a developer you have a choice whether to include DLC support in your certification or not; if you add DLC support later on (by a patch), it would need to be re-certified again, which is why most developers opt for including a DLC system with placeholder content.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
"I'm not a maniac. Blood on my hands and corpses around me? Just kidding"
Oh, I do believe. Imagine Valve confirming that DLC is already in development. "Sarcasm".


New member
Dec 25, 2008
ah Microsoft, or as Bungie once called them: their "benevolent dictator" lol


New member
Apr 21, 2009
It will happen
its inevitable
but he never explained about the original character icons
not once