Valve: DLC Titles Just Placeholders


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Geo Da Sponge said:
Microsoft wants to make sure that any future DLC will run smoothly? How despicable!
I know right? They're absolutely EVIL, aren't they?

Gotta love how a lot of people posting in this thread assumed that this meant Microsoft was somehow FORCING Valve to make DLC.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
theultimateend said:
So I take it I'm the only one that doesn't get my asshole clenching whenever anything related to Microsoft happens?

I mean Christ...nobody would even be here if it weren't for them (you could argue about Linux and macs all day but the internet as we know it likely wouldn't exist if Microsoft never had).

When I was in College I got almost everything I needed that Microsoft makes at either free or a ridiculously good discount.

They aren't angels but I never quite understood the bash fest. I suppose I'm the only guy who knows how the hell you properly build a PC so it doesn't crash.

Been going for years without so much as a blue screen.

But what can you do. I doubt this will get much but people bashing me for being a fanboy :p.
dude where have you being?? didn´t you hear?? its cool to hate big corporations for making money, you are so out dude


New member
Oct 27, 2009
matrix3509 said:
theultimateend said:
I had no problems with Vista which makes it difficult to relate with customers who rant about it for a half hour at work.

I've always been amazed that there are essentially infinitely many combinations you can mix to make a PC at this point and on nearly all of them Windows will work. It might not work well but the fact that they even boot to the OS amazes me.

Yeah, I love how actually constructing a computer these days is about one thousand time easier than it was (say) fifteen years ago. And then you have people who still can't (read:refuse to learn to) do it.

As my father said: "Ignorance is the absence of knowledge, which in most cases is perfectly acceptable. Stupidity, however, is nothing but proud ignorance, and is completely unacceptable in all cases."
Or maybe some people come from another generation and don't give a shit about building computers. The fact that you think you're so much smarter than other people (or that other people are ignorant) because they can't build computers is ignorant of itself.
But then again, this is an internet forum, where we assume these kinds of things in the people who frequent it, and to be cool you have to brag about the computer you built when you were 14 that didn't break and you didn't read the manual for. And this is the part where I say, it's not because I can't build computers, I tried rebooting an OS once and it went okay, I guess on the internet that makes me the rough equivelant of the guy who wears a lame outfit to a fashion show.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Pokedude1013 said:
Or maybe some people come from another generation and don't give a shit about building computers.
To be honest, if this is the case, you have absolutely no right to ***** about how corporations that use established business practices are "evil". Seriously, its like bitching about how quantum mechanics is unfair to stupid people because its hard. Its really nobody else's fault but your own if you refuse to learn.


New member
May 22, 2009
Oh, I see. Fair enough I guess it's not like it explicitly said there was DLC. There will be some eventually though and we all know it.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
I am starting to get very angry about DLC. I feel as though I am getting shipped incomplete games which I then must pay MORE for in order to get the whole experience.

Even the fallout 3 DLC - which were generally excellent, really should have been included in the game in the first place.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Sevre90210 said:
This is all the proof I need that Microsoft is evil, wanting a dev to make sure they are prepared to sell more if Microsoft wishes for it to happen. It's kind of silly to think Valve would do DLC anyway, they've always given the post-release content for free through patches.

Well, I suspect Microsoft just wants to make sure that everything is compadible in case a company wants to release DLC/Downloads. Besides which, depending on the nature of the DLC you might wind up with a situation where someone is simply lazy or whatever and doesn't want to DL all the content for whatever reason and it causes problems with other people's games.

Imagine for a second that you have some fairly devout Christian who for whatever reason is upset by a "Miracle" expansion pack which inserts religious themes into the game with God being responsible for the uprising of zombies or whatever, with some resulting tweakes to gameplay. That guy joins a random game and by not having all the content he could be a problem (hypothetically) to others who have it DLed. Being able to kick him for that reason (or for any other reason someone doesn't have the right content for the good of the rest of the people online, (willfull or otherwise) shows some forthought.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
HentMas said:
theultimateend said:
So I take it I'm the only one that doesn't get my asshole clenching whenever anything related to Microsoft happens?

I mean Christ...nobody would even be here if it weren't for them (you could argue about Linux and macs all day but the internet as we know it likely wouldn't exist if Microsoft never had).

When I was in College I got almost everything I needed that Microsoft makes at either free or a ridiculously good discount.

They aren't angels but I never quite understood the bash fest. I suppose I'm the only guy who knows how the hell you properly build a PC so it doesn't crash.

Been going for years without so much as a blue screen.

But what can you do. I doubt this will get much but people bashing me for being a fanboy :p.
dude where have you being?? didn´t you hear?? its cool to hate big corporations for making money, you are so out dude
That response made me chuckle. Thanks :).