hermes200 said:
SinisterDeath said:
Look back to the nintendo/sony/sega days. Those consoles were never meant to be like 'pc gaming'. Each unit is identicle, unlike PCs, obviously the programming is going to be different. Unless your microsoft and develop a 'console' using the same 'codeing/achitecture' that they, you know, OWN. Totally has absolutely nothing to do with why Sony/Nintendo don't use a 'more pc like system'. Not at all.
I wonder if Gabe knows PS3 is based on Linux?
So now Microsoft owns PC architecture? And Linux is not meant to be for PCs? Right...
Back to topic... I found Kaz comments hilarious and rather stupid, but that is not the first time. However, Valve's opinion seems rather weak nowadays, because:
- Several game developers, many of them smaller than Valve have proven time and again that a pretty decent multiplataform game is doable.
- Most companies "make game experiences" with PCs, and consoles are port after that... Port to consoles is basically a testing heavy process, but prototyping is usually done on a PC. They could certainly have specialized people to port the games...
They don't own 'pc architecture' but there OS, is based on the architecture. Or rather in some cases, the architecture, is based around the OS. Microsoft makes 360, Microsoft owns Windows. They are a software company, they MAKE OPERATING SYSTEMS, obviously they have experience with the first game developers on PC's MAKING games for there OS! But they also own alot of other things that Aid in making games for windows, And other 'software' or things like Physx, were developed On and FOR windows. So there 360 IS going to have an EASY transition from pc to 360! A standard PC and a 360 nearly have the same architecture. The only real main difference between them, is that PC's have different 'hardware', where as the 360s are all nearly identicle in terms of hardware. (varrying sizes of the CPU 45vs60nm, HDD, ect)
The PS3 is owned by Sony, Sony is a hardware company. They make everything. TV's dvd players, DVRs, cd players. They know hardware. They know what they are doing. This is why the ps3 had such a low 'failure rate' compared to any other console. But, they aren't an OS company. They can't use a 'windows like' operating system, because then they'd owe Microsoft money. And considering code is based on the operating system, they can't use the same type of coding that they use on windows. (well not entirely true but its basically the same premise)
They also have to assign resources to be used in specific areas, somethig PC developers don't do. (except during the hyperthreading days)
Anyways it has been proven that games that were developed on the PS3 first, (or in conjunction with the 360) take less time to port over to other systems, Going to the PS3 is like translating Russian to Latin To French To English. Where as Ps3 to 360 is Russian to Latin To English. Doing them together, theres hardly any translation. Use the same assets, story/phyx, they just gotta fiddle around with how each system handels it.