Keep your hands to yourself, Gabe, I don't swing that way.The_root_of_all_evil said:"You're going to be touching [your customers] not every three years but every three weeks - and hopefully even more often than that."
-- Steve
Keep your hands to yourself, Gabe, I don't swing that way.The_root_of_all_evil said:"You're going to be touching [your customers] not every three years but every three weeks - and hopefully even more often than that."
Wait, what? From my own experience several years ago of trying out "free" games, resulted in viruses galore, the rig I had then in, I think it was 2003 was pretty much a zombie for a hacker. No such problems for me with my Steam games. While I haven't got it in writing, I would guess that if Steam allowed the propagation of viral programs along with their games like torrenting, they wouldn't be in business for long.Mostly Harmless said:With all this talk about steam I have to bring up the fact that there are a lot of people that actually play computer games by downloading the torrents and avoid buying the games at all. (I personally use a console and don't do this)
And if consoles end up getting a steam style service. Well then someone will end up finding a way to abuse and use it to access torrent sites to download their games for free.
Well, I've heard anywhere from '09-'22, so I guess when they feel like it.Jumplion said:Of 2011.sheic99 said:The SDK is coming out in the spring and as for Episode 3, I believe that's due sometime in the winter.bue519 said:FREQUENT CONTENT UPDATES!!!! WHERE IS EPISODE 3!!!
But, I do like the updates that valve hands out for games like TF2 and Left4Dead. Although I would appreciate it if they released an SDK for Left4Dead.
Seriously, the frequency of VALVe delaying their games is a lot to put it nicely. It's fun to ZING their date lines![]()
You're somewhat right here, but not completely. Gabe truly caters to the hardcore gamer scene while still providing some great fun to the casuals. The Wii targets non-gamers who probably have no idea what Steam is anyways.Indigo_Dingo said:Hello Gabe. Allow me to introduce you to the Nintendo Wii.The_root_of_all_evil said:In other words, if consoles don't adapt a Steam-style service, they likely won't survive. Well, what do you think? Is he right?
Steam is a great platform for PC gaming, personally I think all PC titles should be featured on steam. It's a perfect DRM device with an amzing community.The_root_of_all_evil said:Valve's Newell Predicts The Future
In other words, if consoles don't adapt a Steam-style service, they likely won't survive. Well, what do you think? Is he right?
What, like a patch that actually made IV fun?The_root_of_all_evil said:I wouldn't. Gabe and the Valve team are sort of stuck when they try to release TO the consoles as XBLA etc. make them wait, and charge them.johnx61 said:Did anyone else read this as, "Hi! I'm Gabe Newell and I hate you if you own a console."?
As for GTA getting upgrades? How about a mission editor inside the game like the Hot Coffee where they can just update the game? How about new radio announcements? Altered weather patterns? A Hurricane actually hitting? Loads of stuff you could do.
Yes. Wouldn't it be nice to see some more stuff about EPISODE THREE, or have they just completely forgot about that one. I think if they were pressured in an interview they might jump out a window or throw a smoke bomb to escape.The_root_of_all_evil said:Concept art is good: There's nothing that builds a better "buzz" than seeing things in development. It also gets you in touch with your consumer base.
What Gabe wants for the consoles is that the creators of the games have full control over their games and not the company of the console. Valve doesnt call the owner of the internet to put a new patch on the internet, yet they need permission of Microsoft fir rge 360 and most likely MS will charge for the patches, when Valve wants them free. You dont see any one complaining about PC version of TF2 but you see millions of complains when it comes to the console versions.Kwil said:Wait.. so the president of the company that developed Steam, that helped it through its difficult birth period, that believed in it enough to keep pushing it over top of the objections of hundreds of thousands of PC gamers and directly in the face of the industry at the time, you say this person thinks it's pretty cool and the way things should go in the future?
And that console makers, who've long stood in the way of him having free reign over monetizing his own product need to adopt his method?
Wow, talk about news! Why, that's a twist worthy of M. Night Shyamalan.
No slight against Valve games, they're great, but I do worry about a future where the business model is "You'll have to continuously pay your developers to continously create free content" That works only so long as you don't make a mistep with any of your games that you actually charge for. Or, I suppose it works in a system where you don't make your money on the games but on reselling other people's games, in which case, your ongoing light development costs can be thought of as promotional for the site. Somehow I have a feeling Gabe is looking to move more to that second model. Yeah, no doubt he wants the console makers to stand down on having control of what gets to the consumers -- that's the space he wants to be in.
Bottom line, Gabe may hope this is the future, but I somehow doubt it.
What Nintendo is doing with the Wii and DS is introducing some progressively more complex games. Their plan worked for the DS, and I have no reasons to believe it won't work for the Wii. A crapload of non-gamers picked up the Wii-mote and had a good time. With the Wii Motion plus attachment the complexity of Wii games is most likely going to rise.Indigo_Dingo said:So, because he always ignores the crowd that has made the Wii the most successful currently, and well on its way to topping the Ps2 as the most successful ever, that means his visions only apply to areas that are doing it anyway? I don't quite get what you're saying.SuperFriendBFG said:You're somewhat right here, but not completely. Gabe truly caters to the hardcore gamer scene while still providing some great fun to the casuals. The Wii targets non-gamers who probably have no idea what Steam is anyways.Indigo_Dingo said:Hello Gabe. Allow me to introduce you to the Nintendo Wii.The_root_of_all_evil said:In other words, if consoles don't adapt a Steam-style service, they likely won't survive. Well, what do you think? Is he right?
What I see is a company that doesn't do that, or have any ambition to do that, being far more successful than anyone who does.
Well, considering I've been saying most of the same things for oh, about four, maybe four and a half years now since Steam first launched with Half-Life 2, then umm...yeah, I'd say he's right. Even though Valve trades in games that aren't personally my style, the underlying point is the same (and if only Bethesda could figure out how to do this for TES5 without charging ten bucks every time they get a bright idea in their head the way they're doing with Fallout 3)...but I digress. Frequent content updates, unavailable to pirates, first-class game support and a download platform so simple even my mother could do's the wave of the future and the future is here. Contrast with what that idiot Riccitiello's saying over at EA and it's obvious that Newell has the solution in his hands.The_root_of_all_evil said:In other words, if consoles don't adapt a Steam-style service, they likely won't survive. Well, what do you think? Is he right?
You only really need to look at how games on the DS evolved to realize what's going on. Any game, 3rd party or not that introduces more complex mechanics on the Wii will bring the non-gamer Wii players closer to our level of gaming.Indigo_Dingo said:Conduit is third party, Madworld is third party, No More Heroes is third party. That's not Nintendo, that's the companies behind the games. No confirmed first party titles (i.e. the ones that would mean that Nintendo actually were attempting to do anything other than continue to regularly dish out sub-par simulators with no value as games) show a level of depth that you're talking about.
I would be inclined to agree with him IF consoles were all about the downloadables, but they aren't.The_root_of_all_evil said:In other words, if consoles don't adapt a Steam-style service, they likely won't survive. Well, what do you think? Is he right?