Alright, I'll play. To save time, I'm going to make predictions about what "will" happen, not what "won't," otherwise I'll be here all day. So on that note:
-The revival of Project Ares is legit, and will indeed be a StarCraft FPS akin to Battlefield
-Sonic Frontiers will get its sequel in the later half of the 2020s. It'll do okay, but by the 2030s, Sonic Team will have switched to a new formula because of course they will.
-Mass Effect 4 will release, will use the Destroy ending as canon (boo!), will have the geth as the primary antagonists. Everyone will agree it's better than Andromeda, but not as good as the original trilogy.
-Hogwarts Legacy will get at least two sequels, focusing on the PC's sixth and seventh year.
-The Fire Emblem series will continue on the same path it's been on since Awakening (you know what I mean...)
-Resident Evil 9 won't be called that, it'll have a subtitle. The 'wendigo rumor' is accurate, and will play out accordingly. An RE5 remake will be next.
-Gears of War 6 will be fully open-world, J.D. surviving Gears 5 will be chosen as the canon path (boo!)
-The next Star Fox game (assuming it's even made) will be yet another remake/reboot of the Lylat Wars, because of course it fucking will be.
-The rumour about a Bungie Marathon extraction shooter is legit. The premise will be players operating in the ruins of Tau Ceti IV, looting stuff from the colony, be it old UESC tech and/or pfhor technology, with UESC personnel trying to stop them (fun fact, I actually wrote a oneshot depicting such a premise).
-The next Mortal Kombat game will be revealed this year, and released in late 2023/early 2024. Plotwise, it will continue from the 'good' ending of the last game, depicting the Mortal Kombat where the original Kung Lao triumphed. It'll have a mostly new cast, but will have old cast members present through timeline shannigans.
-The Last of Us: Part III will be a thing, but the last installment in the series under Naughty Dog, who will devote their attention to their new dark fantasy IP (and will probably be even darker, because as far as I can tell, each Naughty Dog IP has been darker/more mature/grittier than the last.
-The Light and Darkness Saga will conclude active development of Destiny 2 - it'll be in maintenance mode after it, with Bungie focusing on new games/IPs (e.g. the Marathon shooter and Matter).
-There will be a Xenoblade Chronicles 4, but it'll be separate from the "Klaus Saga." As in, it'll stem off from Klaus using the Conduit through multiversal shannigans, but won't be related to the overall plot of XC1-3.
-The next game from Id Software will be a Quake sequel/soft reboot - basically to the original Quake what Doom 2016 was to the original Doom. It'll go full Lovecraft in the style of Quake 1, but will also endeavour to unify the Quake multiverse (yes, you could argue Quake Champions technically did that, but how many people actually care?), albeit on the level of background lore/codecies/data entries/whatever. I actually doubt the female protagonist rumour is true, because while I think that would work in some sense (Ranger's daughter looking for him?), it'll set off so many people into a frenzy about "woke pandering" id Software won't want to do it.
-Wolfenstein III will be made and will have a reboot/time loop thing that resets WWII to something approximating the original timeline. So the storyline that began in TNO is concluded, but B.J. still has to kill Nazis and whatnot.