Video games you gave up on soley due to difficulty

The Hero Killer

New member
Aug 9, 2010
Final Fantasy IV and pretty much any RTS game, especially the Command and Conquer series.

Also, WoW but that was my fault for only having like 2-3 people I wanted to group with.


New member
May 14, 2008

No... really... I'm not just saying that to sound cool.

I never quit games purely on the merits of being hard. I may shelve them temporarily, but I always come back if I enjoy the game.

That said, games which cheat do not count as hard. They just cheat. So, they don't qualify and I have stopped playing games because they cheat or are poorly designed, causing an artificial difficulty which isn't genuinely there.

Eventually, I will beat Battletoads on NES... er...I think...


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I one thing I remember skipping from the earlier games I've played is Dead Money DLC for Fallout New Vegas.

I went on with the goal to finish New Vegas and hoping to be able to play the dlc after the game has been finished,before I realized that couldn't be possible.After reloading a save with 3 levels lower than the most recent one I went on to see what's with the dlc.

I started to get pissed off at a place that I couldn't reach after walking around in circles for the past 30minutes.I gave up after,wasn't worth the effort to continue.

OT: Super Meat Boy's certain levels made me quit playing the game altogether.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
STAR FOX ADVENTURES THE FEAR TEMPLE. Last challenge you have to keep a notch in a green bar by tilting the stick left and right and keep it in the green or you lose and go to the start of the temple again. I was a kid granted but several of my friends too failed at this and this is geared towards a younger audience.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
I'm starting to give up on Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. I love the game and everything, but my AI partners are about the stupidest things ever programmed. I'd replace them all with the AI of a Furby if I could.


Sep 23, 2010
This thread is inflating the hell out of my ego [small](Persona 4? Dragon Age? Mass Effect?!)[/small].

Of course, I can't get too arrogant thanks to Demon's Souls. There are people who can speedrun that game, and I don't think I'll ever understand that. So many OHKO enemies, so many silly deaths, such an incredibly harsh punishment for dying.

I am going to go back to it, it's just that there are so many games that don't frustrate me to the brink of insanity.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I gave up on Dwarf Fortress. I bet the game itself isn't that difficult, but actually learning how to play it is a nightmare. Reading the tutorial is like reading a novel, and I just can't look at the game for too long without getting a headache. I just gave up. (sad face)

Oh, by the way, I DIDN'T give up on Demon's Souls! But, I need to rent it again. It was taken away from me by my EVIL AUNT! I WILL re-rent Demon's Souls, and I WILL conquer it. I WILL WIN DAMMIT!


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Devil May Cry 3.
I welcome a good challenge but not to the point where it stops being fun.
I don't think I even made it past Cerberus.
If I did I didn't make it much further.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
A lot of people saying Dragon Age is very surprising, considering the myriad of ways you can absolutely BREAK that game, (Arcane Warriors were beyond overpowered and broken), only the fade has any real difficulty due to the lengthy quest and solo style of play it does to you.

Mass Effect is the same way.

Now that i think about it, just about ever Bioware game can be broken for hilarious results.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
EHKOS said:
How about Virtua Quests last hunter licesne? I recently picked up another copy of the game to give it another go. (last time I tried it was when I was nine but the controls are so janky.)
Thank god I'm not the only one who thought that game suffered from control problems. I rage quit that sucker and never went back to it.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
NeedForSpeed: Carbon. I liked the game, but the canyon sections were just retarded. I was nailing every race in the city, often winning by over 20 seconds, and yet I couldn't do the stupid canyon races because they arbitrarily changed the handling of your car for those ones.

Terrified Android

New member
Apr 1, 2010
icame said:
Terrified Android said:
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Dwarf Fortress...
That's a fucking brutal games, learning it took me a week and I've yet to keep a fortress alive more than a few in games years...

But I suppose you'd have to be crazy to play it in the first place.
You deserve a badge for simply learning that game. It is apparently so great, but it has far FAR too much depth. At least for the average gamer. Heard wonderful stories about it though.
THAT would be a neat badge! haha

It's def difficult, but i havent given up yet, so I guess my point isnt valid.