Videogames Are Making You Fat


New member
Feb 21, 2008
Who needs to be "in shape" anyway. Whenever I need to do anything that requires phyiscal ability, I slide into my ACME Mechanized 'Marcus Fenix' Battle Armor Suit and go, say, rake the leaves or play some beach volleyball. Works for me. Just gotta powder-up with the Goldbond's first...

Aardvark Soup

New member
Jul 22, 2008
Yes, of course obesity is the fault of video games, telivision and books. And it absolutely isn't peoples own responsibility...

John Stalvern

New member
Aug 28, 2008
My physiology lets me eat nothing but horrible processed foods and soda for days while I sit around and I don't gain weight, yet for some reason when I try to drink whole milk I get a noticeable gut.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I've actually been getting healthier since buying my Xbox 360. I got a gym membership on the same day as my gold live membership. The few nights a week I'm not out after work I go run and then crash at home with a controller in my hand.


New member
May 5, 2008
Video Games aren't making me fat they just helping me waste spare time (which I happen to have a lot of)

Plus don't believe everything you read, Dr.Keith was writing for "THE SUN" a tabloid newspaper where on the third page everyday is a topless woman

Also just pointing out I'm a good weight for my height

NB At my college course last year, I was studying Comms with Media, and watched a video of journalists preparing stories for...none other than The Sun...and might I say what oddly fat men worked for therefore... Games don't make you fat....weirdass tabloids do

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
My BMI is 19, I'm chronically underweight! Onoes!
I'm still pretty fit, though (RE: Tae Kwon Do), and I cam jump higher from standing than any of the big rugby-players in my school.


New member
Jan 28, 2008
well the doctor is not blaming video games for the worlds problems like alot of people seem to do. he's not even implying that everyone who plays video games is an overwheight lard sack. he's just pointing out that mabye you don't get that much excersise. excellent diagnosis doctor! how long did it take you to figure that one out. just sounds like he's trying to get more sex out of his wife

"It's better than nothing" ;-)

the monopoly guy

New member
May 8, 2008
Eggo post=7.69901.675787 said:
Go to a gym! Eat chicken and drink milk! Repeat until sexy!

All the skinny gamer nerds I see still prove what Keith is saying. If you play games too much, then you won't have the time to cultivate an interest in healthy physical activity and it is this incapability to create this interest that people end up being underweight or overweight.
I have a high metabolism. I eat, alot.
And I do exercise, or I would more if my toe weren't broken.


New member
Aug 4, 2008
I acually have proof that that is false. I, ZacOfTheZombies, acually LOST weight while playing video games. And heres the surprise, the game was Final Fantasy 8. So suck on that Mr. Video Game Bashing Writer!!!


New member
Feb 8, 2008
I can count my ribs with my hand, i also walk for atleast 2 hours a day, and cycle. The inclusion of hardcore gaming/forum posting has had no negative affect

The Sun newspaper meanwhile is a crappy rag not worth the cheap paper its written on, the main beef they have with most things are that the person leading what ever it is doesn't have large breasts. Their research is scant, as seen here, their stories are angled to incite hatred against authority figures all the fucking time and they have no real credibility. Page 3 is the best part and that's never worth the 80p the paper costs.

by the way, if you feel like emailing "Dr" Keith then here's the address: [email protected]
please some one send him something that's more eloquent than i can manage in this state of fury.


New member
Aug 29, 2008
video games aren't making me fat
that implies that it's a work in progress
no no, they finished the job a long time ago


New member
Jun 15, 2008
I play videogames a lot.

I don't exercise. EVER.

I don't go outside.

I don't play sports.

I don't do anything that could be misconstrued as "active".

Yet for all that I am stilled a skeleton. I have no flesh. I'm all bones and skin and teeny strips of what might in fact be muscle. Maybe just bungie cords.

Then again. I don't eat very much. I sit around and play games, but I only really eat a real meal once a day. When I really get going I don't realize i'm hungry until it's 3 AM and I haven't eaten in 36 hours. Then I make a sandwhich and i'm good until tomorrow night.

It's not the games that makes people fat. It's them being gluttons and eating tons of junk food and empty calories. Sure I eat junk food. But not very much of it. The people who are really fat are still going to be fat with or without video games.


New member
Jan 13, 2007
Lvl 64 Klutz post=7.69901.674300 said:
Video games make me out of shape, they don't make me fat. I don't need a report telling me that, though. And what a sexist doctor, seriously.
If they don't make you fat, they clearly don't help you getting healthier. The Wii Fit is a red herring, it's a far fetched attempt at calling video games healthy, and it actually falls into its own trap, as it finally keeps players in front of the television, where they'll surely always spend less joules than when going out and doing real sports.

This man has a point which is nothing new but which gamers don't want to hear about.

MMOs (again) are certainly not helping either.


New member
Jan 13, 2007
Ares Tyr post=7.69901.675790 said:
I dunno, Cliffy B. has some serious guns last time I checked.

Huh, he's precisely doing what is necessary to cultivate such a body, and I'm pretty sure that's not while "playing" Wii Fit.
Points to the usual saying that designers don't play games. >_>