Shjade said:
I'm familiar with Cain. I don't recall him wandering the Earth forever after having died and come back to life. He's immortal, not undead.
But it "makes sense", doesn't it? There's nothing inherently contradictory there.
Also, "God says so" doesn't have anything to do with physics or the other sciences you listed.
Depending on your viewpoint, yes it does. It could easily be "Because a wizard/genegineer/ripperdoc says so,
as long as the "rules" are set out.
Not as familiar with Lilith. One of the pre-Eves, yes?
Yep,, whole strain of mythology that you can draw from there.
One of the Just So Stories, I believe, had that the bumblebee was created by the Devil from all of the precious minerals. But it didn't have any life as life can only come from God, so the Devil stole a tear. This brought the bee to life, but made it so sad that it can only feel better by collecting pollen for it's whole life.
It's better told by Kipling.
Thing is, it's an explanation that allows the reader to instantly understand what a creature is capable of and incapable of. If Vlad Teppes can go out in sunlight, Stoker's Dracula avoids it and Buffy's lot turn into dust - they can all still be Vampires - there's reasoning why each one has their own weaknesses and strengths, based from the original stories.
Edward et. al. break the fundamental rules, and never conform to any new ones. If Meyer's Vampires are diamond-hard, sunlight/holywater/faith/wood/rice (Yep, that's where Count von Count sticks to the myths - if you drop rice in front of a Jiangshi (Hopping Vampire) it has to count them), bloodthirsty, antisocial SoB's; why isn't Edward long dead and those Vampires running the Earth Matrix-style, with humans as feed-tanks.
I'm not even touching on imprinting (Rape/Paedophilia is good, apparently), canine cesarean, spine-breaking, author insertion or any other such horrors.
But, even the plumber in a porno whose come to "fix the pipes" still has a wrench in his hand to start with.