Yopaz said:
SkarKrow said:
Yopaz said:
Waaaaaait, New Super Mario Bros U is kinda like Super Mario World? Now that sounds great! I'll have to check that out.
I have yet to try the Monster Hunter demo because my network seems to be going wobbly on me so I have only tried the 3DS version (which did not support circle pad pro), but I think I am going to get a classic controller for when I am getting the Wii U version.
Yeah it's basically the same old mario bros but there's a spin jump that works like the super mario world one and the world map just feels huge and expansive and has divergance and a fair few more hidden exits than I'm used to, I'm currently hunting down all the star coins and I've cleared half of the worlds of them. It'll tke you a good 8 hours to get to the final boss and beat him, then there's star coin collecting, hidden levels and exits, challenge stages and such, etc. It's definately worth the price and feels so much more whole and satisfying than the others in the series have. It also looks frigging gorgeous.
I just didn't enjoy the MH3U demo to be honest, I gave it a shot but it just wasn't really my cup of tea.
I guess I've got to put that on my to do list. Also Monster Hunter isn't for everyone, while I loved Monster Hunter Tri I think it might be a niche title. It took me a while to get into it and well, it is really repetitive and you'll spend quite some time gathering materials. At least there's Pikmin to look forward to.
Niche to you maybe, but fact is; Monster hunter games are system sellers in Japan.
Compare to Halo and COD levels of popularity in western countries.
If you ever tried a Asian (Korean at least) MMORPG you would know that they LOVE mindless grinding.
The first thing I actually did when reading this article was to see if they had just released a new Monster Hunter game for the Vita, but nope the only thing released in the past week was a dating sim re-release.