thehorror2 said:
I stand with a lot of other posters when I say that if the next generation of consoles do this, I will simply not buy any new consoles until they abolish the practice. Between Fallout: NV and its DLC, Alpha Protocol, ME 1-3, Dragon Age I and II, Skyrim, Arkham City, and Kingdoms of Amalur, I have no business buying new games for the near future anyway.
Until they end their old online service (your current system) and you lose all your DLC. Damn... that would suck. Can't even play old stuff for nostalgia's sake then.
Fuck the developers. Don't patch anything, release glitchy stuff, sell me products with DLC already included and then make me pay to use it, take away my right to sell a physical object I fucking bought, make more money than ever and still whine about everything.... as I said, fuck the developers. I'm sick of their bitching. The gaming industry has done well in a shit economy, but nobody else has. Assholes.
*edit* If they insist of taking away used games, then I will insist on playable demos.