Wait just a second.. We were wrong! Gaming is bad for kids! (Well in my experience)


New member
Jan 24, 2008
Sorry to say this and I do not mean to flame or anything but you my friend are a certified idiot, how is it the game's fault ? .. it is your fault for not controlling yourself and your parents fault for not keeping a better eye on you, every hobby can be addictive you just need to learn how to manage your time.

I just hate fucking generalization like this, there are a lot of people who play games and only very few of those who screw up their lives and you know what that tells me ? .. that there is something wrong with the human and not the damn game..
Jun 8, 2010
well i feel like crap i wrote a big ass speache about this and then my laptop went into hibernation and wen i pluged it in and got bak on it wasnt their anymore :( but i rekon the most impornt thing is if u can look back on your life and say it was fun yeah maby u didnt learn from it but if u didnt mind then and u dont mind now their isnt a problem


New member
Feb 23, 2009
RetiarySword said:
I can respect your wanting to fulfill your life, for me my life seems to circle gaming, that doesn't go to say that I have no social life (though my 'social skills' themselves are questionable), or anything outside of games, but I do plan on basing my career around them, truth be told I hate to think of a me that doesn't play games.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
Here is my story:
I started gaming when I was 9. I am 27 now. I played a hell lot of games.. I didnt pay attention to getting a degree that was the norm (yes, during my days you HAD to become an engineer, doctor, or something like that). I didnt care for a degree coz I knew I wanted to be in gaming.
Now, that doesnt mean I didnt go out. I played football, played the guitar(well, started anyway.. but didnt continue.. can play Iron Maiden songs though :D), had girlfriends (before someone says i didnt have a social life)... I went to parties on weekends, got drunk.. did everything I wanted. But the thing is, everything of those + gaming were relaxation tools.
At 19, I got an opportunity to get into gaming industry. They didnt ask me for my certificates, or how much I had scored in exams and stuff. They wanted people who played games, and I was one of them.
And now I am a Producer. But here is the funny thing:
I dropped out of college coz my degree wudnt have helped me in my career. If I look back now, and imagine me deciding to continue college and quit the gaming industry at that point of time, today I wud have been a software engineer at some company hating my work and hoping I had stuck to gaming.
So dont blame games. Alcohol doesn't kill you. Excessive alcohol kills you. This is the same for anything. You need to moderate whatever you are doing.

Oh and BTW, looks like you are following the crowd rather than try to carve out an individuality.

Silver Patriot

Senior Member
Aug 9, 2008
I don't know. Gaming got me into programming so I can't say I have that problem.

Though I do wonder sometimes how things would be different if I went for Biology instead.

[Edit] @Nerazzurri. I really liked that story. Very motivational.


Ace Defective
May 1, 2009
Think of all the alcohol I could've taken in, or all the drugs I could've taken if I'd gone out to socialise instead of staying inside playing games. I might even have gotten stabbed, if I was lucky.

I know this is an extreme, but it's no more extreme than thinking that cutting out one hobby would make you a better person in every possible way.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I game, socialise, work out, and get high grades. Sure next year when I start my A levels the balance is going to tilt further away from gaming and more towards the studying. I'm one of the most mature and understanding 15 year olds I know (thats not just my ego, thats what other people recognise me as) and that seems to hamper my social skills but nothing else. I don't feel as though I have not managed to achieve other things that I could have if I were not a gamer, primarily because I'm genuinely not interested in playing instruments or sports. Apart from golf. Fuck I LOVE that game, I'm going for pro, wish me luck for 10 years time =D


Nov 1, 2009
Whitethunder said:
Then along came WoW. The World of Warcraft....WTF?!? If the government wants to control the people then they should sink their hands into that game lol. I wasted so much time playing that game...and the thing about it that sucks is the fact that you have to continue to play to stay on top. Me being so competetive got pulled in and it took me forever to climb out of the abyss.
..Oh god, don't give them idea's! WoW is worse enough for the gaming masses as it is!

More on topic however, you could have just as easily had a more shitty life if gaming had not been one of your great hobbies. Don't dwell on the past, focus on what you can do now in the present, and give yourself a good future mate.

..Now if you will excuse me as a fellow gamer, I have advanced quantum mechanics to get back to as casual reading. [sub]I'm sorry, needless snide comment..[/sub]


New member
May 25, 2010
kordan11 said:
Sorry for the bluntness mate, but if you let gaming get in the way of all the things you wanted to do... it's not the games' fault.
i'm with you on this one
their is enough hours in the day to play games and learn guitar, i did it and now i teach guitar lessons!
Feb 19, 2010
well... i learned to drive thanks to a game called GTR 2, i learned how to use a computer, and i have the pants on head bonkers mind a good game disigner has. im turning my gaming into a career, if the big evuil man in the golden chair will let me. any hobby could block your life, and gaming helped me a bit, but yeah, you can go ahead and leave.

no ones stopping you.

you can stop reading this.

come on, go free and live your life.

yeah just well stop reading this crpa post. good luck in college
Feb 19, 2010
and in my school, every few hours i get called to help in the computer room, to seek out a virus, update it, and mainain it. gaming got me into engineering(sort of)


Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010
I'm not really too concerned that my financial dreams haven't been realized because of gaming, but then, I am strong enough to stop gaming when it is required of me.

I went through college and got my Masters, and I knew well enough that I had to cut out not only gaming, but pleasure reading and television as well. I think the problem isn't gaming, but the ability to prioritize.

Far more people don't meet their potential in college due to binge drinking and partying than due to video games. In fact, the video game players, the ones who didn't have a social life, were more likely to succeed there. At least based on my anecdotal observations.

And if anyone thinks they can force their kids to do what they want when their kids move out of the house... Yeah. That's about as likely as keeping ice from melting on the sidewalk on a hot summer day.

I knew a guy in college whose parents never owned a T.V. Never. They did it in on purpose. You see, they were professors who thought television would rot the brains of their children. I never met a bigger T.V. junky than this guy in college. As soon as he got out of the house, he had cable, a big screen T.V. and a couch in his dorm room. He did everything in front of that T.V.

People just need to learn self control.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
RetiarySword said:
kordan11 said:
Sorry for the bluntness mate, but if you let gaming get in the way of all the things you wanted to do... it's not the games' fault.
Yep, I realise that now. Still, young kids don't know any better. Hind sight is a wonderful thing.
It is the duty of all parents to pass on what was hind sight to them, so that it may be foreknowledge to their children.

You don't have to bar your kids from playing games, you just need to limit their time doing it.


New member
May 29, 2010
There are no bad games only distracted people THIS IS NOT AN ATTACK ON YOUR PESONALLITY im just saying if it wasnt games it would have been something, in my school I was a gamer unlike everyone in my class they got into underage drinking while I got into games, which would I rather be into do you think?


New member
Mar 3, 2010
MegaSlaan said:
Yeah don't care if I get probation or suspended for this. Sounds to me like your an insecure whiney fuck up looking for a scape goat. It's called self controll and accountability and you apparently have neither which is the real reason you will never leve a legacy nor will you ever be able too. Have fun working at Mcdonald's to pay for college course where everyone around you succeeds while you lag behind, thumbs up for ditching what you personally enjoyed in favor of mimicking someone else though.
Whoa. Dude.

Your once and future Fanboy

The Norwegian One
Feb 11, 2009
Let me give you a contradictory example: Me.
I have been gameing about as long as you have (since i was 7, im 21 this friday), and i have been employed in a Playcom store (a multimedia store, we sell games, music, peripherals and movies) in Norway for about two years now, I've been "promoted" to where i am i charge of games, heavy metal and hard rock music, anime and our "we recommend/ movies for movie-lovers" movie list, and i have gotten a 10% pay increase.

the reason i have this job is because im a gamer, an otaku, a movie snob and a metal head, i still play games and im a better salesman for it.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
If you have let video games block your life, then it's your own fault, not theirs.

I play video games as a hobby and because I don't like most eople in general outside my house.
however I just finished a two year BTEC IT course at college and I am now considering a university course next year perhaps in games design or electronics (become an electrician maybe).

I'm 21 at the moment and I have played video games since I was about 6/7 years old.
I also have aspergers syndrom but i feel i have done something with my life so far because a lot people these days don't even bother to finish secondary schools, let alone college.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Sorry I know i left my opinion but i felt i should write what just came to my mind:

It's never too late to do something great.
Though your heart is lost if you just blame the cost.

So don't place your blame on that sweet video game.
For while your alive......you'll get your chance to thrive.

......A lame little poem I made up but just remember It's never too late to do something with your life.