Wal-Mart Starts Selling Used Games Online


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Let the used game price wars begin! Stores, fight fairly and keep everything above the belt. But do underprice each other often and frequently. (Ya right, Gamestop is gonna think the Walmart thing is a fluke and won't last, so they won't bother competing. This Christmas will tell how it goes.) Stay Tuned, Escapists!

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
The more competition GameStop has, the better, even if it is another evil conglomerate.

Xanadu84 said:
Welcome to the party Walmart. I hope you weren't planning on staying long, because especially since you have joined the party, and further cut developers off from cash, it's pretty much guaranteed that Digital Distribution will cut you out of the equation very quickly.
Digital distribution will only mean more pirating. Grab a game online, throw it on a thumb drive, and load it onto the system. At least with discs, people have to mod their system which voids the warranty and is detectable during online play.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
paypuh said:
The more competition GameStop has, the better, even if it is another evil conglomerate.

Xanadu84 said:
Welcome to the party Walmart. I hope you weren't planning on staying long, because especially since you have joined the party, and further cut developers off from cash, it's pretty much guaranteed that Digital Distribution will cut you out of the equation very quickly.
Digital distribution will only mean more pirating. Grab a game online, throw it on a thumb drive, and load it onto the system. At least with discs, people have to mod their system which voids the warranty and is detectable during online play.
I doubt this. It's a lot easier to make a copy of a disc then it is to mess around with the software on your console. Unless a company shows a flagrant disregard for there profits, then Digital Distribution will be just as well protected as traditional. Which is to say, both will be pirated the day they are released, if not earlier. Games will be pirated. If a company makes purchasing and playing a game easier, like by giving a digital distribution option, then consumers will be less likely to pirate.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Well since it's Walmart there's no possible chance I'll be using it. Not that it matters, I don't use Gamestop either (Amazon ftw!).

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
Xanadu84 said:
I doubt this. It's a lot easier to make a copy of a disc then it is to mess around with the software on your console. Unless a company shows a flagrant disregard for there profits, then Digital Distribution will be just as well protected as traditional. Which is to say, both will be pirated the day they are released, if not earlier. Games will be pirated. If a company makes purchasing and playing a game easier, like by giving a digital distribution option, then consumers will be less likely to pirate.
People who pirate games will always pirate games.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
ansem1532 said:
Sir Roflpwn said:
ansem1532 said:
Sir Roflpwn said:
First post!!! I hope lol
Don't. Do. This.

OT- Ah, the monopoly begins =3
lol do what? the first post? lol sorry I've always wanted to do that.
Don't make a habit of it. It is not tolerated here.

But other than that, you are forgiven =p
Never. Forgive.

Especially when it comes to "first" posts.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
Vlane said:
ansem1532 said:
Sir Roflpwn said:
ansem1532 said:
Sir Roflpwn said:
First post!!! I hope lol
Don't. Do. This.

OT- Ah, the monopoly begins =3
lol do what? the first post? lol sorry I've always wanted to do that.
Don't make a habit of it. It is not tolerated here.

But other than that, you are forgiven =p
Never. Forgive.

Especially when it comes to "first" posts.
By "forgiven", I meant probation.

Not a ban, yet =p