Trish and Lady are wasted in DMC5 and 5: SE. They have fully made character models and everything, yet they're not playable characters. Unlike in DMC4: SE. Lucia in general. The best she gets is a cameo in a prequel manga novel of 5, and that's it. She does not even get mentioned nor makes a voiced cameo in the game. Yet, Morrison (with a race lift) appears and that brat Patty gets voiced cameo over the phone for a quick gag. Goddamnit Capcom. I know most people hate DMC2, but you could have done so much better in that regard.
Eva is wasted in Oneechanbara Origin. In the OG version of the 2nd game, she is the final boss that became an unlockable and playable character after beating the game. Why Tamsoft thought it was a good idea to not bring her back for this, makes no sense. She has a full move set and even has her own Berserk mode. The only other unlockable character after Saki is Rei, yet the latter you have to get through DLC. What the hell, Tamsoft and D3?
Eva is wasted in Oneechanbara Origin. In the OG version of the 2nd game, she is the final boss that became an unlockable and playable character after beating the game. Why Tamsoft thought it was a good idea to not bring her back for this, makes no sense. She has a full move set and even has her own Berserk mode. The only other unlockable character after Saki is Rei, yet the latter you have to get through DLC. What the hell, Tamsoft and D3?
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