Watch Disney's Paperman Animated Short Right Here


New member
Feb 22, 2012
Adrien Brody gets assaulted by paper airplanes.

I like the look of it and it is sweet but my natural cynicism gets the better of me.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
After the airplanes became sentient my suspension of disbelief broke. I liked it, it was nice and charming. But then I thought, what the fuck do you say at the end? This magical air-current defying tornado lead me to you, so let's go out on a date? I hardly even know you, you just did some cute shit at the train platform and now I'm interested and in love with you? We might have zero common interests but apparently the paper thinks you're the one for me.....I'm projecting and reading too much into this aren't I?


New member
Jul 21, 2010
digital warrior said:
He is some sort of paper wizard, a pagemaster if you will.
Oh god no, a wizard of paper is okay but.....not that.

OT: I saw this when I went to see Wreck-it-ralph. It's really well done.

New Frontiersman

New member
Feb 2, 2010
I enjoyed that, it made me smile. I'm glad I saw that, it made my day.
Also, am I the only one that thought that guy had a really tolerant boss? I mean the guy starts waving out the window and his boss just closes the window on him and once he's thrown away his entire stack of papers the boss just gives him another one. I mean sure the boss gave him some dirty looks and was pretty stern looking in general but he was surprisingly nonchalant about his employee goofing off then intentionally losing important documents; he's better than a lot of other bosses would have been anyway.


The Friendly Neighborhood Nobody
Sep 12, 2011
Just goes to show how little is needed to tell a good story.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
And then they got married, had three kids, got bored of each other. She cheated, he drank himself into a stooper, and they had a messy divorce...

The End...


Prunus Girl is best girl!
Apr 28, 2011
Draconalis said:
And then they got married, had three kids, got bored of each other. She cheated, he drank himself into a stooper, and they had a messy divorce...

The End...
You made me sad now.
I don't think I can even watch it any more.
That's just scarring.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
Shinsei-J said:
You made me sad now.
I don't think I can even watch it any more.
That's just scarring.
You jerk! I'm onto your evil little plan...

You made me laugh at your mental scarring and almost woke the little one...


Prunus Girl is best girl!
Apr 28, 2011
Draconalis said:
You jerk! I'm onto your evil little plan...

You made me laugh at your mental scarring and almost woke the little one...
I've been found out!
I must retreat for now but I'll be back!

I'll be back when you least suspect me...

BloodRed Pixel

New member
Jul 16, 2009
OH MY GOD - what utter boring BS!

You know that story with Deus Ex Machina, Magic or God as problem solvers are a clear sign of people being incompetent to resolve a story's arc?


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
Casual Shinji said:
I do love the look of it, but it's ultimately a pretty run-of-the-mill "love will find a way" short film. And that paperplane deus ex machina was rather cringe worthy.
it's disney

they do disney stuff

it's their job


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Akalabeth said:
Bleh, short looks nice, had good potential but falls apart in the middle when "magic fixes everyone's lives".
Magic isn't a story.

People changing is a story. But with the magic the characters have no arc.
...It's friggen Disney.

Honestly this is like criticizing a religious text because its not grounded in reality.

Or being upset about Metal because its "too loud".

Country doesn't generally get flush with lyrics about being a blood or a crypt, you don't catch very much murder on sesame street, and Disney likes to make stories about magic.

Considering that the entire LOTR Series is about the Deus Ex Machina of Gandalf (and self aware DEM at that) I don't think your point stands.

Magic IS a story, often, nearly always in multiple genres.

Edit: I feel like there are so many people in this thread which better absolutely hate the LOTR or are just blatant hypocrites.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I'm going to have to admit: I just simply don't get it. I don't get why anyone would love this short film. It's got a crawling pace, features an unbalanced respect that's very akin to the difference between a blue collar worker's pay and a politician's pay which makes the inner-anti-sexism in me squirm a bit, and it ends on a very bland note. I really can't see the appeal, and I think what does ruin it is the unearned "MAGIC FIXES EVERYTHING!" message, that is combined to an ending that means less than it suggests. I mean, let's go over what happens very roughly:
1. A man meets a woman at a train station, falls for her a little but she doesn't show anything better. The only thing that is established about this woman is she is very easily rustled. That she's as nervous, and likely holds the intellectual and dexterous prowess of a pigeon as she panics as wind comes from nowhere (even though wind doesn't just suddenly appear).
2. A man goes to work and sees her in an office for quite a number of hours with a man behind the desk, seemingly talking things through to him. Anyone in that position for any number of time past the first hour, often, are in so much shit they need to REALLY convince the boss to let her stay. As I said, intellectual and dexterous prowess of a pigeon, and easily rustled.

"Let's go to Olive Garden. They have delicious bread-sticks."
3. The man gets a lot of work given to him to do. He decides the best port of call isn't to work through the day for the boss who looks like if he said even "hello" to him he'd lose his job, but rather to waste office stationary trying to get it between buildings. This ends as the boss non-verbally says "throw one more piece of paper out the window and you're through here". The reaction? He carries on. Finally, boss decides to hand more paper work out, with obvious realisation of what has just happened. The boss seems to be having a good day which has included the following items: bacon-infused muffins, cinnamon/ginger-bread coffee, finding out that despite his infertility his wife is pregnant (he has yet to find out his wife is cheating on him with the postman, IT'S ALWAYS THE POSTMAN) and one of those exciting bonuses bankers still get despite everyone living in poverty. The reaction to this? Run out the room, making a mess in the process. If he's not fired at this point, his boss is probably going to teach him not to fuck with him involving two of the three items: A pay decrease, a demotion and a crowbar to the knees.
4. After the severe amount of littering, which it's a wonder the police hasn't turned up at this point to show how passionate they are about the environment (roughly to the same degree they hate Rodney King), he decides to track her down. This goes as well as you suspect.

"I can't wait to taze you until your eyeballs glow and you shit yourself! Or maybe I really just need to break in my baton a bit today."
5. Suddenly, the paper returns to hopefully throw him in front of a train.
6. Space Paper Wizard decides to move the victim to a more public train spot to show his power to as many people as possible.
7. Space Paper Wizard has a range to his paper powers, coincidentally the range it takes to arrive at the same spot as the woman.
8. The woman doesn't report him to the police because she is a pigeon.
9. The man walks off with a woman who is severely mentally handicapped who was in the office earlier for a means testing to how mentally handicapped she is so they may work out how much benefits she's entitled to.

So in conclusion: Man loses his job, woman is either mentally handicapped or is in a lot of trouble at her place of work (either way, she's mentally a pigeon) and Space Paper Wizard. Does this indicate love? No. He may go on a date only to show off his favourite off-colour joke or decide to talk to her about his love for the Spice Girls.

"I fucking love some Spice Girls, they speak to me on a deep intellectual level."
He may also end up fired, and nothing turns off a woman such as finding out the guy who's been hunting her down is recently unemployed due to a stunt involving paper air-planes. Then again, pigeons.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
Oh, Disney. You keep making me a wide-eyed child over and over again, even after all these years.

Now, what I want to know is, will I get to play this in Kingdom Hearts 3?


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Riobux said:
Dude, I also didnt enjoyed that much because of "Hey! Magic! Will you look at that!?" but you are seriously overthinking this.

Its a short love story by Disney about two characters that want to find love. Thats it, thats all there is to think about it, the guy doesnt care that he looses his job, the girl doesnt care that the paper doesnt fucking stop, all they care is finding love because its a short love story by Disney.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Riobux said:

Man, dude, it's okay if you didn't like it to the extent that others did, but chillax.

Personally? I loved it. Being an aspiring animator, the animation itself is fluid and expressive, damn beautiful at times. I want to say about half of what you are saying is exagerated or doesn't really exist at all (point #2, nothing suggest that -hours- past or what she is in the office for), but you really just got to ease up on the thing.

They make a better love story in 5 minutes than Twilight does in 5 movies, as one YouTube commenter said. We can at leat agree to that :p