They're consistent in one respect; they cut through anything except another lightsaber blade. The energy quillions have physical projectors which extend from the handle, which would be cut through if you made any attempt to trap an opponent's blade; you can't grasp the lightsaber blade and wield the sword in a wide two-handed stance using the quillions as a weapon as medieval swordsmen sometimes did. They're pointless ornamentation that do nothing except make the weapon more dangerous to the user than it already was, which as I said is exactly the kind of flash-first, logic-never aesthetic that Abrams loves.Vigormortis said:Your unnecessary rudeness aside, pray tell what "established" rules does the core crop of films have that precludes the inclusion of a light-saber with a hand-guard?Ark of the Covetor said:Oh kindly shove the "realism? in MY fantasy movie?!" nonsense somewhere uncomfortable; as people have spent countless hours on countless forums explaining to "judgement reservers" the world over; "realism" and "internal consistency" are not the same thing. It doesn't matter if a fictional world follows the rules of reality as long as it follows its own already-established rules. Yes, moronic crap like the "lightwhip" exist in the EU, but given Disney literally eradicated the entire EU from canon just a short while ago specifically so they could pick out the good bits and ignore the nonsensical drivel that naturally builds up in a semi-official ecosystem that often amounted to legitimised fanfics(a great decision IMO; the EU had many, many more stinkers than it had gems, particularly in the post-RotJ stuff that the films will now be overwriting), their existence is hardly a good peg for anyone to hang a positive view of the broadsword on.
Because I heard the same bullshit when Episode One came out and self-proclaimed "die-hard fans" bitched about Darth Maul's dual-sword. They cried, "Myah! That's not canon! You couldn't wield that properly!"
Now I see the same people saying dual-bladed light-sabers are fine, but this hand-guard thing.... IT'S BLASPHEMY!
So please, do enlighten me as to why the sword in the teaser is somehow 'offensive' to the canon of the core films "established rules". Rules, it seems, that are so fluid as to not even matter.
Or perhaps I should say: Rules so fluid that the only real stipulation be, "it's a sword that glows".
[edit 2]
For that matter, how dare you scream about "internal consistency". Even the films aren't consistent with the displayed behavior and physical properties of light-sabers.
At what point in my post did I say that I think the movie will be good? The music plus the Falcon made me a little nostalgic. At no point in my post did I say that I think this will make the movie good. In fact my post made it clear that while I am trying not to judge it without more info, what I have read so far makes me think it will not be any good.Paulhorne Schillings said:Snip
The clone troopers were evolved into Storm troopers which began to use other varieties of clone templates and eventually human recruits.josh4president said:So does this mean that Stormtroopers aren't the Jango Fett clones anymore?
I just don't recall it being addressed in the films before now.
I hear you. I pretty much have the same gripe that the trailer looks more like a fan made trailer than one made by JJ Abrams. Also again I have to agree to the lightsaber hilt being extremely retarded. One question though since they showed us the Millennium Falcon can we expect a 70 year old Han Solo to pop out and be like "Hey man children, remember when Star Wars was not shit?"elvor0 said:Tatooine? Check.
Also, is it /just/ me, or does the film quality of that trailer feel a bit...amateur? A very good amateur, but not of the quality you'd think Abrams would have avilable. I dunno, maybe he's attempting to make it low fi on purpose for dem nostalgia feels.
Star Trek was "ruined" before Abrams entered the scene.Cyberstrike said:IMHO JJ Abrams and company has ruined Mission: Impossible and Star Trek chances are he'll ruin Star Wars too. I've yet to see anything that this clown has done that is even remotely good.
Yeah, After Enterprise being pretty mediocre, and nothing else on the horizon, Star Trek was pretty much dead for years before Abrams came along. He may not have resurrected it into the realms of popularity of the original series, or when next generation and deep space 9 were running, but it's not like the man took a healthy popular property and ran it into the ground, he took a franchise that was on its last legs and tried to reboot it. Opinion varies on how successful he was at it, but there really wasn't any place to go but up back when he first was put in the director's seat.Zachary Amaranth said:Star Trek was "ruined" before Abrams entered the scene.Cyberstrike said:IMHO JJ Abrams and company has ruined Mission: Impossible and Star Trek chances are he'll ruin Star Wars too. I've yet to see anything that this clown has done that is even remotely good.
ok first off there are double bladed staves in the real world and they have their own unique fighting style as to not hurt themselves I would assume that duel sabers have a similar style.Ryan Hughes said:I cannot tell, as the narrator never tried to pronounce the word "Penguin."albino boo said:Wasn't that Benedict Cumberbatch doing the voice over?
Nope, no awkward conversations about what is to be done with your dead body. It will be put in giant wicker Greedo and burnt as an offering to the gods to restore Han shooting first.Ryan Hughes said:Is this a good time to reveal how much I dislike the Star Wars films? Or, will that just lead to torches, pitchforks, and awkward conversations about what is to be done with my dead body?
No! Not the Bees! Not the Bees! Wait. . . are there bees in the Star Wars universe?
Indeed, the Light-Staff used by that one dude in Episode I was not only impractical, but insanely dangerous. Virtually all forms of staff fighting require the wielder to move their hands actively up and down the staff as they strike and block. This allows for a much wider variety of strikes and prevents the hands themselves from being targeted by the opponent. That being said, this light-sword's guard looks like an even better way to kill yourself. . .Chessrook44 said:For those of you complaining about the LightSword (As I think it should be called), just remember...
Sweet pacific rim job, THANK YOU! Glad someone had to say it... It's just a damn lightsaber... I agree the first bit of the trailer was kinda meh, but I did like whatever else I saw. Seems pretty interesting. and heck, I never really *hated* any of the films. Episode 1 and 2 was shitty (3 was alright, in my opinion), but they all had something neat about them that we all can agree was pretty cool. Pod Racers, guys?Vigormortis said:I just love that people are losing their shit over the light-saber with a hand-guard.
You people DO realize, of course, that you're bitching and moaning about the unwieldiness of a sword that, by it's very (in canon) nature, is unwieldy? And more over, you're complaining about the believability of the hand-guard of a sword that literally can not function, in a realistic sense, as it is often displayed in the films?
I mean....fuck's sake, calm down a little. It's just a hand-guard. And at this point they'll need a little more than just color variants to differentiate between them. Besides, from what I'm told, that type of light-saber is actually in-canon. So if you want to lose your shit about it, direct it at Lucas.
Speaking of which, at least take a little solace in knowing he isn't a part of the film this time around.
As for me, I was more disappointed that the teaser featured nothing but nostalgia wank. There wasn't a thing in there that felt new, fresh, or different. Just retreads.
Still. It's a teaser. And, there's more than a year before it hits theaters.
I'll be reserving judgement until then.
[sub]And even then, my judgement won't be nearly as harsh as some. I'm not really that big a fan of Star Wars.[/sub]