Watch Star Wars Episode VII's First Official Trailer Right Here

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Olas said:
Look, I was just trying to illustrate why hand protection would be nice.
And you did so by using the equivalent of a scene where you claim a bulletproof vest would have helped against a head shot. Do you not see why this is wrong?

Whether that one specific example would have benefitted from a cross guard isn't really that important, clearly you can see the value in having something to protect your hands (and the hilt of your weapon) without me needed to present anecdotal cases?
Been down this road already in this thread. This isn't really a decent protective measure and the one instance anyone could mention where it might have saved someone's hand in the movies is one where they would have simply cut through the crosspiece as well. And we've seen that happen with Darth Maul. I actually would see the benefit of something that was designed to protect your hands, but part of the problem is, this ain't it.

Look, the argument shouldn't even be about the practicality of space magic laser swords, but if you're going to bring up such things, I'll point 'em out.

Boba Frag said:
Excuse me, but if you'd take that attitude with misconceptions about your own field (mine is history) then that's your business.
I do all the time, because otherwise I'd spend my entire life arguing about electronics, computers, optics, and writing. I'd much rather have some free time to argue about the importance of laser crossguards. Seriously, the guy who just fixed my stove knew nothing about electricity. Now, I could have sat there arguing about electricity, possibly giving him a lesson on it, but he was getting paid an hourly wage and I wanted my stove fixed. I also honestly don't care if the guy at my garage knows music or acoustics, or if the pharmacist can identify the parts in the computer he uses to look up my medications. I also don't think I've ever been to a movie or watched a TV show where I've been bothered by a misuse of technical terms unless the presentation claimed accuracy (that King Arthur movie that was advertised with unprecedented historicity, for example). Though I did burst out laughing at the "two people hacking on the same keyboard" thing from NCIS.

My father's got two degrees in history, for the record, and managed to not have a cow when I used an informal term informally.

Misconceptions about nomenclature are where misconceptions and stereotypes take root and most of my time is spent correcting these errors, honestly made, in an effort to undo the damage that hollywood and video games have only perpetuated.
The notion of a broadsword not being a basket-hilt weapon is not a Hollywood issue. Use of such terminology goes back a couple centuries at this point, and the same applies (possibly even more so) for the word "claymore." You should be taking issue with yourself right now.

So, thank you for the juvenile sarcasm, but no thanks.

My God, this thread represents everything I can't stand about this site and the unbearable pseudo-intellectual cynicism that's affecting everything about games I used to like.
You came in complaining about something that actually might manage to be more pedantic than the actual discussion going on, so maybe you shouldn't try and take the moral high ground. You seem more agitated than the people fervently arguing over whether or not the additional lasers on a magic laser sword affect its practicality.

loa said:
Yes. Suspension of disbelief is not an infinite resource.
I'm not even sure it's suspension of disbelief. This just looked dumb.

Darth Rosenberg said:
Personally, as I mostly only care about the films? I just think of the blades as weighted to some degree, as barely any of the techniques are actually designed around a lack of weight.
Hell, they're not really used in a way consistent with their nature, anyway. If you want to get nasty, just flick off and reactivate your saber (a technique mentioned in some of the RPGs).

I think they're mostly treated as weighted because the props they use, at least for the old movies, have a big tube attached to them. I don't remember if the new ones still use a tube or if it's all digital now. I wouldn't be surprised at the latter. But I've got to say, it'd be harder to have a lightsaber battle that way, and it's just not as satisfying to swing a sword-like weapon without a blade.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Adam Jensen said:
loa said:
Yes. Suspension of disbelief is not an infinite resource.
I don't buy that excuse. This is primarily a gaming website. People here are used to weird shit that doesn't make any sense. I think people are hating everything about the new Star Wars because that's the accepted norm within the geek community these days.
Yes, that's exactly right. We're all hating on the lightsaber design not out of genuine derision, but because we all want to be "hip". You've caught us.

Doesn't explain why we aren't ripping the rest of the teaser to shreds though. I mean, aside from two or three complaints, do you see anyone bitching about the stormtrooper scene? How about the Falcon? The X-wings? No, because they. were. [i/]fucking[/i]. cool.

[quote/]Some of them are even complaining about the fact that a teaser didn't reveal much. IT'S A TEASER![/quote]
To be fair, I can think of alot of recent trailers (movie and videogame) that told me fuck all about the product - Interstellar, for one. With that in mind, it's easy to see how people would start associating the terms.

Daaaah Whoosh

New member
Jun 23, 2010
I am really starting to wonder who's on what side in these movies. After all, the Rebels supposedly 'won', right? So I'm fine with there being Stormtroopers and X-Wings again, I just want to know who the bad guys are, and why they are that way, rather than "it's cool, just go with it".

Also, stupid lightsaber is stupid. It's a weapon made of light, effectively weightless on the blade, you really shouldn't be modeling it off of heavy weapons.

Also, I really, really hope these random characters are the main focus. It looks to me like only one of them would fight with a sword, which might mean we actually get blaster battles again.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Xeorm said:
Corven said:
It looks interesting, and they can't really go anywhere but up from here due to the prequel series.
I'm not sure. That lightsaber broadsword made me absolutely cringe. It's quite possible to do worse than the prequel series.
Agreed the broadsaber and the saberstaffs, while cool looking, are more dangerous to the user than their opponent.

Daaaah Whoosh

New member
Jun 23, 2010
Sseth said:
Daaaah Whoosh said:
Also, stupid lightsaber is stupid. It's a weapon made of light, effectively weightless on the blade, you really shouldn't be modeling it off of heavy weapons.
It's not stupid. Pommel is the counterweight, not the crossguard. Crossguard is to protect your fingers. I'm actually surprised lightsabers didnt have it before. Why would you not have a crossguard on a sword like that?
I'm fine with the idea of a crossguard, it's just the one he's using reminds me a lot of big, meaty, two-handed swords. I think of lightsabers more like rapiers or other light, thin weapons, and as far as I can tell the kinds of attacks you could pull off with a weapon as light as a lightsaber won't be easily blocked by a one-dimensional guard.


Dec 24, 2011
Zachary Amaranth said:
Olas said:
Look, I was just trying to illustrate why hand protection would be nice.
And you did so by using the equivalent of a scene where you claim a bulletproof vest would have helped against a head shot. Do you not see why this is wrong?
Look, I don't see why you're making such a fuss over this, but for the record I see that as a false equivalence. I didn't illustrate the importance of hand protection with an image of someone's foot getting cut off, I illustrated the importance of hand protection with someone's hand getting cut off. The fact that Darth Vader swung in from a specific direction that would have circumvented a cross guard, which you'd almost have to watch the scene frame by frame to even notice, doesn't change my point.

But if it'll make you shut up

Zachary Amaranth said:
Whether that one specific example would have benefitted from a cross guard isn't really that important, clearly you can see the value in having something to protect your hands (and the hilt of your weapon) without me needed to present anecdotal cases?
Been down this road already in this thread. This isn't really a decent protective measure and the one instance anyone could mention where it might have saved someone's hand in the movies is one where they would have simply cut through the crosspiece as well. And we've seen that happen with Darth Maul. I actually would see the benefit of something that was designed to protect your hands, but part of the problem is, this ain't it.
I said, in my first post, in the portion that you cut out, right underneath the picture of Luke, that the guard would need to join with the main beam and not simply be attached at the hilt. So you're not saying anything that I didn't already point out.

Zachary Amaranth said:
Look, the argument shouldn't even be about the practicality of space magic laser swords, but if you're going to bring up such things, I'll point 'em out.
I didn't bring it up, other people have been bantering about it pretty much since the start of the thread, I just replied to someone else who was already talking about it.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
Adam Jensen said:
I really don't understand the lightsaber hate. Is that really where people draw the line? It's a freakin' Star Wars movie. Lightsabers are fun. They've never been practical. AT ALL. So what if the lightsaber has crossguards? Why don't you simply assume that the guy knows how to use it? That seems to make the most sense since he probably didn't just order a random lightsaber from eBay. These people build their own lightsabers. They know what they're doing.

Brian Tams said:
Like, perhaps the person wielding it some kind of ancient sith hundreds of years old
It's Darth Revan. Mark my words. Abrams is a giant Star Wars nerd and a gamer. Why else would Disney out of the blue announce that the Extended Universe is non-canon, unless they wanted to use something or someone from that universe in a movie? If that isn't Revan I'll eat a live spider.
Disney cutting the old EU loose was purely financial. By getting rid of the old stuff, they are now free to make a new EU, which means more books/comic books/games/toys/etc. to sell.

If that turns out to be Revan, I don't know if I'd applaud or facepalm. Probably both.


New member
Aug 14, 2014
Rellik San said:
killerbee256 said:
Rellik San said:
Can anyone enlighten me as to exactly which version of the X-Wing those fighters are, as the wing span and engine intakes aren't in line the T-65 model we see in the original trilogy.
They're new, the old EU is GONE as far as this movie is concerned. Those x wings are something new that Abram's people came up with.
I dunno, from what I've seen they are taking elements from it, it's more just the over arching story that's gone but a lot of the tech and universe building that was done seems to be kept in tact.
For what it's worth the old EU did talk about new versions of the X-wing, but in the old EU the major change was the astromech slot was removed and those functions were integrated in a computer built into the X-wing.

Nemo Atkins

New member
Apr 14, 2014
Now, I'll admit that I don't hate the prequels as much as most of the internet seems to (put it down to me being six when Episode I came out if you wish), so I've gone into the idea of Episode VII not with the thought of "At least it'll be better than the prequels", but with "Let's see what the first hand being dealt is". That first teaser did not inspire confidence in me. Now, in fairness, with the film a bit over a year away, it's hard to judge the quality of the film just now, but I already have a few concerns which I'm going to lay out now (and do bear in mind that I know NOTHING about the EU, so explaining stuff in reference to that is not going to help much!):

1) Why does the film strike me more like it's trying to be a parody of a Star Wars film instead of an actual Star Wars film? Seriously, the intro would not have felt out of place in a Star Wars parody: just swap the Stormtrooper out for something like a confused tourist in a Hawaiian shirt and you'd basically have the start to one!

2) The cinematic quality seems like it's gone down from the prequels (put the pitchfork and torch down and let me finish my point). Maybe it's because I've got the feeling that it feels closer to a parody of Star Wars than an actual Star Wars film stuck in my head, but the end result of the trailer feels kind of amateurish to me, which is NOT a concern I have with the prequels (most of mine are strictly with the writing, which I will admit is not great). It's not as bad as an amateur film, thankfully, but it doesn't feel like the kind of result I'd expect from a professional film. Even avoiding examples that I really like to bring up as good examples of cinematic quality (the Marvel Cinematic Universe films) and picking films that I don't like much (the Amazing Spider-Man films...I should stress, I don't hate them or think they're terrible, I just don't find them particularly great, for the most part), I can think of several films released in the last few years that looked better than Episode VII does.

(In fairness, reports I've read indicates that the film HAS been filmed using non-digital cameras (specifically, 35mm film) like the original trilogy was, so it's possible they were aiming for an old fashioned look deliberately. It doesn't negate my complaint, but it sounds like this might have been a deliberate choice and, while I don't agree with it, can at least be fairly argued as an aesthetic choice, so I will consider this concern just a case of personal taste for now unless it does actively hurt the final film.)

3) The broadsword lightsaber. I know everyone else has brought it up and no doubt said the same thing I'm about to, but I'm going to point out my issues with it: those side parts are functionally useless against another lightsaber, which is what most lightsabers tend to end up being used against, and trying to deflect a shot with that lightsaber, if you're not careful, will result in you hitting yourself with them, which begs the question of why you even bother to block blaster shots if you're at risk of killing yourself by your own weapon. You can argue that the side parts (I don't know the fancy term for them) are designed to repel a lightsaber blast, but here's the thing: a lightsaber on ANYTHING resembling the power that a real lightsaber is used on will just be able to hack them off, as they seem unprotected against lightsaber attacks (there might be a force field on them, but, if so, that begs the question of why they're not standard design for ALL lightsabers?) and, due to not being made from lightsaber energy, another lightsaber will just go right through them without any difficulty (remember what happened in Episode II when Anakin had a lightsaber hacked in half while fighting Count Dooku? Yeah, same thing will happen here). While I do welcome the idea of unconventional lightsaber designs (Count Dooku's was a curved handle and Mace Windu had a purple lightsaber in the prequels alone, so what's to stop further hilts from being designed that aren't like the conventional ones?), I do have to question the practicality of this one in particular just because it seems like it's more dangerous to use than a typical lightsaber blade is.

However, I will say that, although those are issues for me that have curbed my excitement for Episode VII, I do still plan to see it (after all, I do like the Star Wars films, so I do owe it to myself to at least put my concerns aside long enough to sit through Episode VII before I even consider writing it off completely). I just have a sneaky suspicion that Episode VII is not going to live up to the hype it is being placed under OR will turn out to be better than the prequels.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
killerbee256 said:
Rellik San said:
killerbee256 said:
Rellik San said:
Can anyone enlighten me as to exactly which version of the X-Wing those fighters are, as the wing span and engine intakes aren't in line the T-65 model we see in the original trilogy.
They're new, the old EU is GONE as far as this movie is concerned. Those x wings are something new that Abram's people came up with.
I dunno, from what I've seen they are taking elements from it, it's more just the over arching story that's gone but a lot of the tech and universe building that was done seems to be kept in tact.
For what it's worth the old EU did talk about new versions of the X-wing, but in the old EU the major change was the astromech slot was removed and those functions were integrated in a computer built into the X-wing.
There have been several X-wing variants in the EU. They keep getting faster, getting heavier weapons, and better shields. The latest version of the standard X-wing was said to have very little in common with the Yavin Model. Then there are the stealth X's/XJ's... well they're all gone now. Because why call it the already established T-65AC4 when you're an ego maniac and make pointlessly give it your own model name.

I'm more curious why they appear to be using old model tie fighters. There were really specific reason the empire used fragile and cheaper ships like that, that should no longer be the case. Even Tie Interceptors should be out dated by now. I would have expected some version of tie/adv at least.

Darth Rosenberg

New member
Oct 25, 2011
Zachary Amaranth said:
I think they're mostly treated as weighted because the props they use, at least for the old movies, have a big tube attached to them. I don't remember if the new ones still use a tube or if it's all digital now. I wouldn't be surprised at the latter. But I've got to say, it'd be harder to have a lightsaber battle that way, and it's just not as satisfying to swing a sword-like weapon without a blade.
Here's the answer to that, re the prequels:

Problem is when nerdishly discussing lightsabers is that the 'established' idea of weightless blades has never matched up with what's on screen, so 'takes yer pick' is probably all anyone can say with regards to lightsaber properties and handling.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Olas said:
Zachary Amaranth said:
Olas said:
And then you don't have to worry about this:
Except Luke's saber blade was out in a direction where a cross guard wouldn't have helped, so that's not correct.

What about that scene suggests Luke would still have a hand if he had a cross guard?
Look, I was just trying to illustrate why hand protection would be nice. Whether that one specific example would have benefitted from a cross guard isn't really that important, clearly you can see the value in having something to protect your hands (and the hilt of your weapon) without me needed to present anecdotal cases?
The issue is,
1. the cross guard is a solution to a non-existent problem as there has never been a case where one blade has slid down and cut the hand or saber of anyone.
2. The cross guard, as shown, wouldn't work to protect the hand anyways unless the hilt is Mandalorian iron, at which point you don't the saber part anyways.
3. It prevents certain weapon motions due to danger of self inflicted wounds. (There's a reason rl swords don't have spiked or edged guards)

Hand and weapon protection would be good, but it's done wrong. The sad thing is, the EU had perfectly reasonable things that could have been used in it's place, if he'd been a true fan of Star Wars he could have grabbed a number of things from KOTOR that would have been functional and looked better. I would have loved to see a live action Echani Dueling Shield.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
I kinda like the old style feel they have going with the camera's they used.

So far my only real issue with that damn lightsaber in the trailer, those little things on the side serve no purpose at all as far as I can tell.

I'm still a little miffed they gave everything in the EU the boot but I'm interested to see the full blown trailer when it comes out.


New member
Aug 14, 2014
Ukomba said:
killerbee256 said:
Rellik San said:
killerbee256 said:
Rellik San said:
Can anyone enlighten me as to exactly which version of the X-Wing those fighters are, as the wing span and engine intakes aren't in line the T-65 model we see in the original trilogy.
They're new, the old EU is GONE as far as this movie is concerned. Those x wings are something new that Abram's people came up with.
I dunno, from what I've seen they are taking elements from it, it's more just the over arching story that's gone but a lot of the tech and universe building that was done seems to be kept in tact.
For what it's worth the old EU did talk about new versions of the X-wing, but in the old EU the major change was the astromech slot was removed and those functions were integrated in a computer built into the X-wing.
There have been several X-wing variants in the EU. They keep getting faster, getting heavier weapons, and better shields. The latest version of the standard X-wing was said to have very little in common with the Yavin Model. Then there are the stealth X's/XJ's... well they're all gone now. Because why call it the already established T-65AC4 when you're an ego maniac and make pointlessly give it your own model name.

I'm more curious why they appear to be using old model tie fighters. There were really specific reason the empire used fragile and cheaper ships like that, that should no longer be the case. Even Tie Interceptors should be out dated by now. I would have expected some version of tie/adv at least.
I'm not sure Interceptors even exist anymore, they were never seen on screen in a movie. I think they first appeared in the early 90's in a star wars video game. X-wing vs Tie fighter maybe?


New member
Oct 14, 2010
killerbee256 said:
Ukomba said:
killerbee256 said:
Rellik San said:
killerbee256 said:
Rellik San said:
Can anyone enlighten me as to exactly which version of the X-Wing those fighters are, as the wing span and engine intakes aren't in line the T-65 model we see in the original trilogy.
They're new, the old EU is GONE as far as this movie is concerned. Those x wings are something new that Abram's people came up with.
I dunno, from what I've seen they are taking elements from it, it's more just the over arching story that's gone but a lot of the tech and universe building that was done seems to be kept in tact.
For what it's worth the old EU did talk about new versions of the X-wing, but in the old EU the major change was the astromech slot was removed and those functions were integrated in a computer built into the X-wing.
There have been several X-wing variants in the EU. They keep getting faster, getting heavier weapons, and better shields. The latest version of the standard X-wing was said to have very little in common with the Yavin Model. Then there are the stealth X's/XJ's... well they're all gone now. Because why call it the already established T-65AC4 when you're an ego maniac and make pointlessly give it your own model name.

I'm more curious why they appear to be using old model tie fighters. There were really specific reason the empire used fragile and cheaper ships like that, that should no longer be the case. Even Tie Interceptors should be out dated by now. I would have expected some version of tie/adv at least.
I'm not sure Interceptors even exist anymore, they were never seen on screen in a movie. I think they first appeared in the early 90's in a star wars video game. X-wing vs Tie fighter maybe?
I think you're thinking of Tie Defenders (and ya those are probubly gone now :( ), but Tie Interceptors were in Return of the Jedi.


New member
May 24, 2011
I don't think many of you really appreciate how hard the people who make this movie are nerding out just as hard as most people when it comes to Star Wars is 48. HE WAS 10 WHEN THE FIRST STAR WARS MOVIE CAME OUT. Lets watch the trailer, we start with a slow build...Tatooine? hmmm, who is this cat? Wow okay some sleek brand new stormtrooper designs about to do their thing...what is she running from?...HOLY SH*T X-WI...sorry back to business, ah this Sith guy I can understa-whoah, did not expect a crossguard but I can roll with it...what light? and what does the trailer end on? A FU*KBUGGERING AERIAL SHOT OF THE MILLENIUM FALCON, do you really need more evidence to know that either A) This movie is being made by massive Star Wars fans who GREW UP WITH STAR WARS or b B) That they are planning to treat this franchise with anything but respect?


New member
Oct 14, 2010
UselessBurner said:
I don't think many of you really appreciate how hard the people who make this movie are nerding out just as hard as most people when it comes to Star Wars is 48. HE WAS 10 WHEN THE FIRST STAR WARS MOVIE CAME OUT. Lets watch the trailer, we start with a slow build...Tatooine? hmmm, who is this cat? Wow okay some sleek brand new stormtrooper designs about to do their thing...what is she running from?...HOLY SH*T X-WI...sorry back to business, ah this Sith guy I can understa-whoah, did not expect a crossguard but I can roll with it...what light? and what does the trailer end on? A FU*KBUGGERING AERIAL SHOT OF THE MILLENIUM FALCON, do you really need more evidence to know that either A) This movie is being made by massive Star Wars fans who GREW UP WITH STAR WARS or b B) That they are planning to treat this franchise with anything but respect?
As much as I want you to be right, this trailer could easily have been put together by someone who never saw any of the moves or read any of the books.

Tatooine, Storm Troopers, Astromech, Red Lightsaber, X-Wings, Tie Fighters, and the Falcon are 7 of the top 10 most well known Star Wars things. The only things missing was the Death Star, A protocol Droid, and Darth Vaders Helmet (And that's on a lot of the promotional material).

Still I really hope do hope you're right and I really want to love the movie, but the shenanigans with the EU has given me little hope.