WayForward wants to make an MLP game


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
I would not mind this at all. From what I've seen, the Ducktales remake was pretty good. I'll remain cautiously optimistic for now.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Johnny Novgorod said:
Fox12 said:
Nah, they should hand it over to Dennaton Games, and hire David Lynch as a creative consultant. MLP is in need of a gritty reboot.
Arguably the only way I'm going to play it: hire David Lynch in some capacity.
Did you ever see his PS2 commercials, by the way?
Hah, that's awesome. Leave it to Lynch to make commercials thought provoking.


New member
Oct 30, 2012
I know next to nothing about Wayforward. Didn't play Ducktales, but hey, if they want to make a FiM game and have the Duck Tales game under their belt, maybe Hasbro will listen? I don't know enough about the variables here to really say anything else. But if it happens I'd probably buy it.
Mar 5, 2011
When ever someone mentions MLP this is all I can think of is the video linked below so I am automatically biased against anything and everything MLP.


Alfredo Jones

New member
Jul 1, 2013
Eh, I'm not either for or against it. If that is what Wayforward wants to do, then power to them. I'm sure the bronies out there would love a decent FiM game. On the other hand I have a dreaded feeling that if they did do it and it turns out good all of the militant bronies who try to turn everyone around them into one of them will start trumpeting it from the rooftops.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
They've made some, somewhat, experimental games as well. They made a game called Sigma Star Saga which was a unique take on shmups, they also made Lit, which, while flawed, had a unique dynamic involving light, Mighty Flip Champs, a puzzle/platformer with a mechanic of inverting gravity, Mighty Milky Way, think of it sort of as a 2D version of Mario Galaxy, and Mighty Switch Force, which is a bit interesting with its use of platforms.

While these games are not really revolutionary, I think it indicates to me that they'd be willing to try something interesting with the game.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I am a fan of Wayforward, and I also fall under the definition of Brony (Though due to college I haven't been able to keep up with it as much as I'd like). So this seems like a match made in heaven to me and I'm sure they'd find a way to make it interesting.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Yes o.o I say go for it. This could be very interesting. I'd probably expect a platformer, and seeing WayForward's work with Duck Tales, it could perhaps be sorta like that? Could be fun. I would probably buy it. At midnight. With a cloak and mustache in the dark of night so nobody sees me >.>


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
shameduser said:
When ever someone mentions MLP this is all I can think of is the video linked below so I am automatically biased against anything and everything MLP.

Anything popular will have something like that, because people are weird. Although it is funny that the one thing you saw of this fandom... was a fuck doll.


New member
Jul 16, 2013
Contrary to what my name/avatar may imply I don't consider myself a Brony anymore, just a fan of cartoons who happens to really like a show with an overzealous fan-base (it's very important to be able to separate a work from it's fans).
With that said, I really think Wayforward would do a great job, I have fond memories of the original Shante, and their more recent works have always managed to be interesting at the very least.
I have confidence that they'd do a fine job of it should this become a reality, although MLP doesn't really seem like the kind of property that would translate well into a game, atleast to me anyway.

Mylinkay Asdara

Waiting watcher
Nov 28, 2010
I think that if anyone makes an MLP game, it needs to be as innocent as the show. A platformer or a puzzle game could work, or something in the vein of the Lego games, following stories of Ponyville - but I'd love it if the game avoided advancing the universe or trying to make some morality game.

Good old game style, if you will. Mario game neutral fun with skill and nice visuals. Or Yoshi's Island even. That would be my preference.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Specter Von Baren said:
They've made some, somewhat, experimental games as well. They made a game called Sigma Star Saga which was a unique take on shmups, they also made Lit, which, while flawed, had a unique dynamic involving light, Mighty Flip Champs, a puzzle/platformer with a mechanic of inverting gravity, Mighty Milky Way, think of it sort of as a 2D version of Mario Galaxy, and Mighty Switch Force, which is a bit interesting with its use of platforms.
Wait, they made Sigma Star Saga? I guess I have played a WayForward game. I thought the concept was intriguing, even if the gameplay was a little rough around the edges at times.

Tanis said:
I'd actually like to see this game fleshed out:

It's kind of fun, in a simple sort of way, and the 'powers' make sense.
Whoops, forgot about that one! Yeah, I wouldn't mind a tweaked version of that either. Make the game longer, spruce up the visuals, make the powers more balanced, and add some mooks between bosses, like parasprites or changelings.

Mylinkay Asdara said:
I think that if anyone makes an MLP game, it needs to be as innocent as the show. A platformer or a puzzle game could work, or something in the vein of the Lego games, following stories of Ponyville - but I'd love it if the game avoided advancing the universe or trying to make some morality game.

Good old game style, if you will. Mario game neutral fun with skill and nice visuals. Or Yoshi's Island even. That would be my preference.
Mine too. Fortunately, I think that's what WayForward has in mind if its recent track record is any indication. In any case, I'm sure Hasbro would dictate that the game's content remain family-friendly. They wouldn't want to risk alienating small children and their parents (they are still the target demographic, after all).


New member
May 31, 2011
YES! Make it happen please. I, for one, would play that so Celestia-damn much!(If you excuse the blatant zealotry)

Hover Hand Mode

New member
Sep 14, 2013
I don't like that they're doing this, but I like them as a company. And this will definitely make them a ton of money.

More Shantae and Mighty Blank Blanks please.