Uh, yeah, I wholeheartedly disagree. Because I'd wager most toxic players play f2p games, like the upcoming Unchained, not out of devotion but out of being too cheap to buy other games. And I say this having outright asked some of the more toxic assholes I've run across in games like League of Legends. Some people just enjoy trolling other people or throw fits, but in a game where you had to spend money to get in, and can be banned, that tends to tone it down some because banning means having to reinvest. Sure, there are examples against this, like the legion of idiots spouting homophobic, sexist and racist shit on XBL, but when you really think about it, how much of the audience do they represent? I hated the toxicity of XBL, but it was probably at best an obnoxious 5%. Meanwhile in LoL and DOTA2 I'd say one in four players has been a prick or raged about something. And usually about things that are their fault, but want to pin on others. (Like feeding a kill in LoL before I've even taken my second buff, then saying shit like "gg no ganks jungler." At 3:30 on the clock.)