EstrogenicMuscle said:
I cannot fathom any reason why Yahtzee would hold Super Mario Galaxy as a lesser game than say, Portal, other than bias towards Nintendo.
Haha, that's rich.
To some degree, reviews do revolve around personal tastes so you will run into reviewers that will completely disagree with you. For me, I found the portion of your post that I quoted above to be almost ridiculously silly and I've owned every Nintendo console until the WiiU. My eyes still hate me for buying a virtual boy. But I think (and most gamers agree) that Portal is a sort of masterpiece of innovation and story telling. It'd be like complaining why anyone could possibly consider the new Spiderman reboot as anything less than Casablanca or The Shawshank Redemption. Sure, it's good or well recieved, but it's not a masterpiece of cinema.
To that effect, Nintendo has gone steadily downhill. I hope they make it through this generation after the misstep that history will call the WiiU. I hope you can wade through Yahtzee's dislike of many Nintendo titles and pay attention to his legitimate and sometimes objective criticism of the way they're doing things.
Quick, name a few
new Nintendo IPs developed in the past decade (2003-2013) that you really enjoy and want to see more of. Don't think in terms of individual games like a new Zelda/Metroid/Mario/Kirby/Metroid game but rather a completely new IP that they created based in a unique world. How about in the past two decades (1993-2013)?
Over the past two decades, even with the Playstation only getting in around 1994/1995 (Japan/US) and Xbox appearing in 2001, both platforms and parent companies have produced/developed a ton of new titles that I'm genuinely happy exist. Perhaps it's because of their relatively young age that they're popping out so many great new IPs but that doesn't excuse what should have been the biggest boy in town dropping the ball for so long.
Consider how old and how thoroughly milked these classic titles are.
Mario: 1981
Metroid: 1986
Kirby: 1992 (hah, just outside the arbitrary two decade time I set up)
Link/Zelda: 1986
Tetris: 1985
Star Fox: February 21st 1993 (just outside of 20 years, but within my arbitrary parimeters)
Kid Icarus: 1986
When they make a new IP now, it typically centers around all the old IPs. Take Super Smash Bros for example. It is technically a new IP but is also completely vested in old IPs. So I'm not sure if it's honestly a new IP or a continuation of multiple franchises all coming together to brawl.
I'd say Nintendo has a few franchises that are new enough to count. Pokemon, Pikmin and Animal crossing.
All of those fall just outside the decade qualifier but do land in the two decades time frame and don't include relying on old IPs. But seriously, where has Nintendo been for the last decade? I mean, you do have several new game types for the Wii like Wii Sports, but those are more peripheral games demonstrating functionality than actually having characters and plots. Still, I'd permit them just like I'd have permitted a sports or driving/racing game.