Wearing Shoes Inside - The Fuck?


New member
Mar 22, 2011
It's spider season in my region right now. I generally prefer to take mine off indoors because I'm not fond of wearing shoes when I don't have to, but they DO come in handy when chasing down and destroying the fast little wretches that can only be seen when moving because they blend in so well against the brown carpet.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Silvianoshei said:
I always take off shoes in the house. Hell, I even take off my shoes in the car on roadtrips (if I'm not driving). I like having my feet able to breathe. I don't even like socks.
I hear that, I wear sandals up until it starts to snow practically just because I hate even having socks on.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Daeggreth said:
OK so I'm getting the sense that wearing shoes inside is really common and I'm assuming that most of you live in the US (unless otherwise stated). Being from Canada and having NEVER entered a household where outdoor footwear was worn inside it seems more than a little strange to me. I'm wondering if it's the same across Canada or merely this way in my region.
I am from Ontario and it is the same way here.


Elite Member
Sep 18, 2010
Realitycrash said:
In multiple instances of US media, I've seen characters wear shoes inside a private home.It always struck me as odd; Why would one wear it? For comfort? Isn't it more comfortable without the shoes..Or with slippers?
And hey, don't you realize that it is DIRTY? What especially baffles me is that Sheldon and the others in Big Bang Theory wear shoes inside the apartment, even with Sheldon's extreme germ phobia. Isn't this exactly the sort of thing he would crack down on?

So, my question is; Is this really common-place in the US, and why? How do you feel about it?
I've lived in both, so I'd say it's commonplace for Brits and Americans, at least. It's polite to take your shoes off in both places, but we're lazy, see. If we take them off we'd have to put them back on, which takes far too much time and effort, so we just say fuck it and keep em on.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
I live in Vancouver, Canada, and you always take your shoes off in someones house, unless they tell you beforehand that its fine.

In regards to T.V shows, it's a lot easier to show the characters with shoes on, rather then having them taking off and putting on their shoes every time they come into a room.


New member
May 22, 2010
trophykiller said:
I don't understand why people take them off. People constantly complain about bumping their toes or stepping on object in the dark, but they could remedy that by not being so odd about wearing shoes.

And I will never comprehend the thinking behind sandals. Anything it protects your feet from will not hurt your feet, and yet you still put time into putting them on, and money into buying them. You may as well get shoes.
Uh, I've had my feet protected by flip flops more times than I can count. Sure they don't affect the top of your feet, but they can and do save the soles from things like nails and broken glass, not to mention tree roots and sticks. Plus, depending on how far you're walking (they tend to lack arch support) they can be more comfortable than most close toed shoes, since your feet aren't restrained on the top or sides. It also takes a lot less time and effort to put them on than it does real shoes. No hands needed vs. 30 seconds to a minute or two pulling them on and lacing them up.

OT: I live in the US (Florida, to be precise) and we tend to just not care whether or not someone wears shoes in the house. Usually if you're gonna be indoors for any real length of time you'll take them off for comfort, but it's not like you become some sort of pariah if you wear them indoors. But then the last time it snowed in this state was 1977, so if that really is why people worry about it up north, it's no wonder we don't care down here.


New member
Feb 26, 2012
I live in Finland and I always take my shoes off when I'm inside a private apartment.
I really don't understand you Americans who keep your shoes on inside. Your floors must be horribly dirty. *shudder*
Also, I saw people saying that your feet will stain the floor as well, to which I say: "How? I wear shoes outside and I take them off so I can wear my socks inside. My feet do not touch the ground at any point.


New member
Sep 7, 2012
Casual Shinji said:
I tend to stab my toes a lot. My shoes stay on!

Also, I find it dirtier to have my shoes off - Dust and indoor muck'll stick to my socks or bare feet. Nasty! Don't even get me started on stepping in a wet spot in the bathroom.
basically this.

depends on the person, niceness of the house, where i've been, how long i will be in the place (i tend to either stay for very short periods of time or very LONGGG periods of time, so if it's short then hell no i am not taking my shoes off.)

if i'm coming home i toss my shoes off in my room, kick back and let the feet air out, otherwise the shoes stay on, i only wear shoes that are comfortable for my feet so if they are comfy then fuck it.

I honestly don't think i've ever owned a pair of slippers...just would be an annoyance to me.

also, walking in bathrooms/kitchens in bare feet or socks = insta pissed off, you're bound to step on something and it'll require more work to get a new sock for your foot.

Hero in a half shell said:
I always wear my shoes inside, it's more comfortable, warmer, and you don't break your toes every time you hit them off something or drop something on your foot, and you don't get wet socks if you walk over a wet spot in the kitchen or something, you don't need to change in and out every time you enter and leave the house, and you don't end up with a pile of discarded shoes at your front and back doors.

There are practical reasons for wearing shoes inside, and I much prefer it.

Now... socks in bed...
summed it up just about the same, so +1 to you


New member
Nov 23, 2009
Meh I live in a house with 2 dogs and 2 cats... their paws track plenty of stuff in as it is so I wear my shoes. The house gets vacuumed plenty as it is. I find there are so many things that you have to go in and out for that its a why bother having a no shoes rule. I mean the kitchen is on the other side of the house so if i bring groceries in i have to walk through the house as it is (yes, i know i can bring them all in and take my shoes off and then take them the rest of the way).

I challenge anyone to say my house is dirty. Cluttered at times yes, but never dirty. Wiping your feet on the way in does help a lot and if i have really muddy shoes then yes i take them off but for everything else they can't be any worse than my pets.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
As this country is a melting pot, the only accurate answer to the ratio of show-wearing indoors is that it varies.


New member
Sep 7, 2012
MrGalactus said:
Realitycrash said:
In multiple instances of US media, I've seen characters wear shoes inside a private home.It always struck me as odd; Why would one wear it? For comfort? Isn't it more comfortable without the shoes..Or with slippers?
And hey, don't you realize that it is DIRTY? What especially baffles me is that Sheldon and the others in Big Bang Theory wear shoes inside the apartment, even with Sheldon's extreme germ phobia. Isn't this exactly the sort of thing he would crack down on?

So, my question is; Is this really common-place in the US, and why? How do you feel about it?
I've lived in both, so I'd say it's commonplace for Brits and Americans, at least. It's polite to take your shoes off in both places, but we're lazy, see. If we take them off we'd have to put them back on, which takes far too much time and effort, so we just say fuck it and keep em on.
very quaint and definitely agree with your reasoning (in alot of instances it is legit, if you are coming and going constantly, and all you do is walk on concrete/pavement with no weather troubles, it's not a big fuckin deal.)


New member
Apr 30, 2012
Yes, it's common place. It's what we do. Sometimes it's because it's cold. Sometimes it's just for comfort. Sometimes it's because you have hard wood floors that get cold and don't hold dirt very well.

Edvin Wallin

New member
Aug 31, 2012
StormShaun said:
I hate wearing shoes inside my house and people that do that too.

It just looks wrong and goes bad with my room...also shoes carry dirt and stuff from the outside world which I DO NOT WANT in my room. SO take them off damn it before coming in!
Once you've killed the first one they tend to keep away

Ezekiel T Bluff

New member
Sep 27, 2011
I live in Croatia. Ever since I was a kid my parents taught me that it is unpolite to walk in any house in shoes. Also, imagine what kind of things gather on the soles of your shoes during the day.

In my house we have slippers placed in the entrance hall, so guests can wear them after removing their shoes.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Uhh, who wears shoes indoors? I don't know what kind of shit I step on outside and I'm not going to bring that into my house.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
I avoid wearing shoes as much as possible, as they are uncomfortable, so I personally don't wear them indoors. There's no problem with wearing shoes inside, but there's not much point, either, unless you were already wearing them when you came inside, and about to go out again soon.


Pro Misinformationalist
Jun 22, 2011
At least with my experience its kinda odd to take off your shoes in someones house unless you have been there a lot. Even when i'm at home by myself i wear my shoes but that's just because my flat is so friggin cold at the moment and i'm trying to save money :)


New member
Dec 28, 2011
What if someone has some funky foot fungi or something? Do you really want them strolling around with that on the loose? I like my shoes a lot anyway.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I hate removing my shoes inside. I just find it more comfortable. That said, I don't object to it if I'm in someone else's house.

Rook takes Knight

New member
Oct 1, 2012
I live in Asia so I pretty much NEVER wear shoes in anyone's house and find it really weird that the western population do it,really.
Why would anyone want the shit and dirt they've stepped on while they're outside to be inside their house,I really don't know.