Weird quirks you have?


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Always walk with your feet coming down in the centre of paving slabs. Never cross the cracks or edges.

I can't cut my nails with clippers. Only scissors. Nail cutting is really unpleasant to watch. Especially toe nails. Ever seen Monster? Ugh.

Dislike seeing crying, hungry babies being doted upon and overfed. For some reason, all those elements are necessary for me to feel weirded out. A crying baby or its doting mother is fine. Feeding a baby is fine. It requires a perfect combination of all of them to make me feel uncomfortable.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Luca72 said:
Realitycrash said:
- I always run on my toes, i.e my heel never touches the ground.
Your knees will thank you for that one day. Gotta be hell on your calves though, unless you're used to it by now.

I seem to get intense bursts of creativity and motivation when everyone around me is asleep. It's like I know I won't be disturbed or have to socially reintegrate suddenly, so I can just go wild. Thinking about adopting new sleep patterns because of this.
So THAT'S why I have disturbingly muscular calves! (Seriously, I've been wondering..)


It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
I shoot every man I meet in Reno, and leave him needing a dialysis machine. Ahahaha!


Nov 11, 2011
I am biligual in Japanese and English and notice that my personality is more assertive and outgoing in English than it is in Japanese.
I also tend to mix the two languages or switch back and forth.
it sometimes astonishes me how hard it is to stick to a language and not mix it...


Cosplaying Nuclear Physicist
Nov 19, 2009
I can stick my left or right leg behind my head while standing up.

I have a specific pattern in which I dry myself off after a shower.

I have an 'sight to itch' synesthesia, if such a thing exists. Where sometimes I see something and I feel like I need to itch it or scratch it. It's something that I've had for as long as I can remember.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
I don't flinch from pain or jump scares, with pain I just bear it and with jump scares and loud noises my view locks on to where it is coming from. Weird.

I can usually watch really cringe worthy things all the way to the end (if it is not very long).

I don't feel the cold as much as others.

Really abrasive music I find relaxing, such as...



New member
Nov 24, 2009
Reading some of these that I know i have makes me wonder if they're really quirks, or if they're just normal. Like running up stairs or pretending I'm a dinosaur, both which I do all the time.

Anyways, i've realized recently that when I drink a bottle of pop, or milk, whatever while i'm sitting at my desk I hold the cap in one hand over my head as I drink, then when i'm done drinking put the cap back on.


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
When I'm walking on sidewalks if I step on the crack I have to step on another crack at some point. It's like some weird OCD thing I do that no one knows about.

I generally wont eat ice cream unless I have magic shell syrup nearby. :D

When I sleep I make sure my bed isn't facing a mirror. I don't have any logical reason for this, I just don't like mirrors.

Sometimes I like to pretend I'm a dinosaur.
This has potential with a mini Tokyo setup. :D

Beffudled Sheep said:
When I fall asleep on my back I have these weird hallucinations and moments of my mind being awake but my body being mostly paralyzed.
Hehe, yea that's always fun. It's happened to me twice and apparently one other person on this thread too.

Creator002 said:
I love clicking while I'm on my PC. Sometimes, when talking to someone, I'll leave the computer on the desktop and just randomly click the background. If I do click an icon, I then have to click the Recycle Bin, then on the desktop background to make it feel "right" again.
I do something similar. I have to click on the page sometimes, usually in the margins. It drives me crazy how some websites have script running so if you click there it opens a new page.


Dec 3, 2010
Realitycrash said:
Uuuuuh. Let's see.
I'm from Sweden, and I've been online since I was eight years old. I've grown up with English TV, videogames, music, books, etc, and now I study at the University, where all literature is in English. As a result, I have an odd habit of changing language mid-sentence when talking Swedish to someone, just saying what I am to express in the words that first come to mind, no matter the language.
Something simular here. I tend to forget Swedish words and can only remember the English ones. Happened a lot more often lately. >.<


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Quaxar said:
I'm pendantic and always have the urge to correct people. Like in the OP first thing I noticed was that you wrote motherlanguage instead of the correct mother tongue.
Damn, I wasn't sure anymore what it was so I chose "motherlanguage" (like it is on German - "Muttersprache") D:

OT again:
I tend to forget random words, and I really have to think hard to remember them again (weirdly more on German than when speaking English), also with names of people, bands and things


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
Nouw said:
Beffudled Sheep said:
When I fall asleep on my back I have these weird hallucinations and moments of my mind being awake but my body being mostly paralyzed.
Not that weird, it's surprisingly common. I once had a nightmare where I was in that state and I couldn't wake up properly. I imagine that's what being in a coma is like.
That's just sleep paralysis, honestly. It's actually fairly common.

I tend to have a fairly "cartoony" outlook of the world. I look at people and I don't really see persons, but rather bundles of traits and quirks. I see an obese man and I wonder if he's eating his emotions or problems, or if he simply doesn't give a fuck about his self-image. I hear persons with a peculiar laugh and I wonder what kind of life story comes with that sound. I look at the news and I can sometimes have trouble telling caricatures of politicians apart from the real thing.

Anecdotes I recount can sometimes end up riddled with references to Chuck Jones and Tex Avery material. I am my friends' go-to-person if you want to know who voiced what character in this or that series.

Yet here I am, working on a guy who was a monumental square in life and who was scared of anything that didn't fit his narrow definition of the world. If anything, Lovecraft feels like my complete opposite. I love geeking out to scientific news, and here I am working on the oeuvre of a guy who was convinced we were all hurtling towards our doom very early on in the twentieth century; that science was going to get us killed.

As a result, I'm the least "adult" adult you could ever meet. I've got a job, a paycheck, responsibilities, rent; the whole shebang. Instead of doing the acceptable Young Adult things like tripping out on Arcade Fire or attending theatre performances around Montreal, I watch old TV shows I torrent - mostly cartoons.

My own coworkers think I can be fairly odd, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
I say "my god" in Russian at times, to keep to the language theme of the OP. I don't speak Russian otherwise, although I did study it in school. I'll also sometimes say things in Japanese - like "poor you" "Why?" "What's that?" etc - without thinking about it. THAT'S annoying =/

I also tend to sing out, "C'est bon, trés bien, c'est magnifique!" at work when I've finished a task. I DON'T KNOW WHY.

I have a lot of language quirks... -_-;

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Smolderin said:
My neck twitches at random. Has been doing so since birth, happens more often than not in cold weather.
On that note, the scar left by my stabbing tends to build a knot of tension in colder weather.

Dogs love me. I'm the king of the canines. I've been training them for work purposes practically since I could toddle.

I pick up outlandish hobbies. I can wood carve, do impersonations, sew, sword fight, shoot (more outlandish because I'm British) and survive in the wild.

I get the feeling it's an unconscious attempt to compensate for never having learned to ride a bike.

I can sing some songs greatly and others so badly you'd attempt to take my life if you heard it.

I seem to be able to manipulate people subtly. This is great for psyching people out in poker. (Another thing: My grandma taught me how to play cards starting when I was four)

I'm a fantastic baker, but usually only feel inclined to do it when I'm in a relationship.

I'm a writer, and get my best bursts of inspiration when drunk (yes, I check my work when sober) though apparently that's a bit of a historically shared trait.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Chairman Miaow said:
A few more:

I do loads of stuff in my sleep. I have sleep eaten, had a bath, talked, held conversations, even chased after my sister because "I was late for school and she had stolen my dog." or something like that.

I also always go on all fours up stairs.
This is amazing.

I have mad temperature resistance in both extremes most of the time. Then randomly, about once or twice a month I'll have a day where I'm just unrelentingly cold no matter where I am.


New member
May 9, 2010
I do not slouch.

I itch when I try to concentrate.

I have a look my friends have dubbed 'The Charles'. It's kind of like this. [] Espically if I let my flat top grow out.

I'm told I intimidate people; I'm a security guard and my company has learned not to put me at any malls unless I'm on bike patrol because the bigger stores' Loss Prevention teams will ask me to stop patroling in their space. I scare away the shoplifters, they say. I wish I was joking.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I pretty much always use the fork on my right hand and the knife on the left hand. In another word, I used my knife and fork the oppersite way. I think the reason for this is that I used my chopstick with my right hand so I view that hand as the dominante hand to use when eating.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
If I ever need anything out of my coat pockets, I have to actually put on the coat. I can't just dig through the pockets.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I always walk up and down stairs on my toes, but only if I'm barefoot. The same applies for sidewalk, driveways and my basement. It feels wrong to walk on those things with my whole foot.

I also have a high body-heat output. There was a time where you could be warmed by me from half a foot away. As such, I have a higher resistance to cold than most people I know.

I've got this thing where I can get a good idea of how a person is with minimal experience with said person. So far, it's been 100% correct.