Well, the Warcraft movie is a bit rubbish.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Damn shame. I was actually rooting for this one. Sounded like the people involved were really out to make a go of it. Which might just be part of the problem.

You ever meet a rabid fan of something who really, really wanted to share their favourite thing with you? Except instead of just telling you a bit about it and seeing if you're interested they instead bombarded you with every detail, all the while frothing at the mouth? Yeah, well, the Warcraft movie is like being stuck in an elevator with that guy for a couple of hours.

All those video game movies that sucked, at least in part, because the people making them didn't give a crap about the source material and now we have one that sucks, at least in part, because the people making it were too damn in love with the source material.

For a film titled "war craft" there's precious little action. And still less of it is any good. Have you seen this clip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqL5rYJawuc]? If so then congratulations, you've seen the lion's share of decent action that the film has to offer.

The dialogue is bad. It strongly reminds me of M Night Shyamalan's Avatar movie. 99% of lines are exposition. No personailty, no characterization, just one-note motherfuckers constantly explaining shit to the audience. Have you seen this clip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFgAnfjnCj4]? Because that's about as good as it gets. That and one other scene with the main orc guy and his wife talking about their plans that manages to be kinda endearing.

As for the acting, well... I'm hesitant to talk shit about actor's performances because I don't know a damn thing about acting. But speaking as an audience member I was not impressed. The human characters are especially iffy. Between the plastic looking sets and the heavy CGI the actual human actors look bizarrely out of place. The wizard guardian something something of Azeroth looks like a sterotypical hippie with a hangover. Much of the rest of the cast looks like they'd be more at home in a TV drama about college students. It's as if every experienced, talented and/or well known actor in the business heard the phrase "video game adaption" and wisely ran for the airlock. (All except for Michael Fassbender who was unable to make it out before the doors were sealed and was subsequently hunted down by the Ubisoft casting squad for their upcoming Assassin's Creed.)

The orc characters fare a good bit better. I don't know if that's because I can't actually see them or if they're just better at their jobs. But any time there isn't an orc on screen it all goes to shit.

Oh, and then there's the lady playing Gorona, the half-orc, half human (I think). I almost feel sorry for her. She was trying so damn hard, you can almost hear her gritting her plastic orc teeth in an effort to channel Zoe Saldana.

It all adds up to a generic fantasy grab bag so lacking in identity that if they had changed some names and removed the one shot of a murloc then they could have released this film as Dungeons & Dragons or Warhammer or whatever without anybody even noticing. A film that seems convinced that it's parade of corny cliche is the stuff of epic mythmaking.

Then to top it all off it doesn't even conclude its story. The whole plot amounts to a two hour prologue explaining why there's a war(craft). It's like watching the prequel to a film that doesn't exist.


On the plus side, the orcs did look pretty fucking amazing.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
For a film titled "war craft" there's precious little action. And still less of it is any good. Have you seen this clip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqL5rYJawuc]? If so then congratulations, you've seen the lion's share of decent action that the film has to offer.
Well, that's it for me. My one curiosity about the movie (Since I care little for the source material, or any of the individuals involved in the movie) was 'Is it at least a functional action movie.' Guess it isn't.

Thanks for the write up.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
I hadn't noticed it at first, but in hindsight, it did seem kind of predetermined that trying to condense such a lore-heavy franchise into a 2-hour movie would lead to some serious problems. Then again, Lord of The Rings pulled it off. I'm guessing that an important part of it is to start small. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen the Warcraft Movie).
I think in such a lore-heavy piece of material, you'd want to start with a simple main character who understands the world about as much as a first-time viewer does. Star Wars did this with Luke Skywalker, and Lord of the Rings did it with Frodo. Meanwhile, what little I heard about Warcraft suggested that distinguished military officers were the main characters, which meant that loads of exposition needed to be dumped on the audience to catch them up with the characters themselves.
Does that sound about right?


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Zhukov said:
Sounded like the people involved were really out to make a go of it. Which might just be part of the problem.
Yeah that about sums it up. I've read enough reviews at this point to know EXACTLY what the problem was. Duncan Jones is a huge Warcraft fan, and set about trying to make a Warcraft film for other huge Warcraft fans. Which, according to huge Warcraft fans, he more or less succeeding in doing (with some bumps). People who are not huge Warcraft fans are left wondering WTF is going on and why they should care about the avalanche of cheese they are being subjected to.

As the film took the Chinese box office by storm, a sequel...or set of sequels...is a distinct possibility. Hopefully they'll find a better balance between fan service and making a functional movie if that turns out to be the case.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
sageoftruth said:
I hadn't noticed it at first, but in hindsight, it did seem kind of predetermined that trying to condense such a lore-heavy franchise into a 2-hour movie would lead to some serious problems. Then again, Lord of The Rings pulled it off. I'm guessing that an important part of it is to start small. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen the Warcraft Movie).
I think in such a lore-heavy piece of material, you'd want to start with a simple main character who understands the world about as much as a first-time viewer does. Star Wars did this with Luke Skywalker, and Lord of the Rings did it with Frodo. Meanwhile, what little I heard about Warcraft suggested that distinguished military officers were the main characters, which meant that loads of exposition needed to be dumped on the audience to catch them up with the characters themselves.
Does that sound about right?
The approach I think they took when adapting Lord of the Rings was stripping down the entire story to one single goal. And that was 'Frodo needs to get the Ring to Mount Doom'. From then on they started adding (what they felt was) the necessary content around that. And thoughout all three movies that goal is always at the centre.


New member
Aug 2, 2015

Heck I would spoil it anyway:

In the lore Anduin Lothar (Travis Fimmel) dies in the second war.

Durotan (the main orc guy) dies as you saw but his son soon becomes one of the more important Orc characters named Thrall:

More interesting lore characters that remained characters in the entire lore began in the era of Warcraft 3.

There is Arthas who is the most favorite story of the entire franchise and alot of his actions affected so many characters.

There is also Jaina Proudmoore, Sylvanas Windrunner, Illidan Stormrage, Varian Wrynn, etc.

Now I will post my grips with this movie in the next post.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I still think that they should have ditched live-action altogether and just made it a full WoW cinematic quality CG film. The humans look so uncanny surrounded by so much CGI, it's like the bastard child of Who Framed Rodger Rabbit and a Star Wars prequel.

I know you said that there's isn't too much action, but is it at least fun? Like, is is schlock-y enough to laugh at and enjoy?


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Now how did they fuck up the acting, What made Warcraft so special is it had increadible acting. So many great voice acted dialoge like these:

And the music is just average, I mean why the fuck did they not hire the official music team for the games?

This sounds boring:

This sounds exciting:



Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
I could have sworn Gamora daughter of Thanos was half Orc and half Blood Elf. 'cause Orcs have never encountered humans before and she's like 30. And she can't be part draenei because she looks nothing like an aqua velva Klingon goat.
And at one point Orgrim and Durotar were chatting about how much they missed hunting Blood Elves through the woods. So I just assumed that's where Not Zoe Saldana came from.

But, and I know this sounds snarky but I'm being serious, the highlight of the movie was the little murloc fishing by the bridge. 'cause it was so fucking cute! Just shaking its spear at the armored knights on cavalry and being all like "Yeah, you better run away! This is my trout!"

And I remember when Will Wheaton's wizard character was reading the sorcery book and leaning over to my cousin and just saying "Holy fuck, he's actually leveling up on screen!" and he was like "Shit, he's checking his ability tree!"'

So as much as i don't think its a good movie, its a great drinking movie with guy friends.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Silentpony said:
I could have sworn Gamora daughter of Thanos was half Orc and half Blood Elf. 'cause Orcs have never encountered humans before and she's like 30. And she can't be part draenei because she looks nothing like an aqua velva Klingon goat.
And at one point Orgrim and Durotar were chatting about how much they missed hunting Blood Elves through the woods. So I just assumed that's where Not Zoe Saldana came from.

But, and I know this sounds snarky but I'm being serious, the highlight of the movie was the little murloc fishing by the bridge. 'cause it was so fucking cute! Just shaking its spear at the armored knights on cavalry and being all like "Yeah, you better run away! This is my trout!"

And I remember when Will Wheaton's wizard character was reading the sorcery book and leaning over to my cousin and just saying "Holy fuck, he's actually leveling up on screen!" and he was like "Shit, he's checking his ability tree!"'

So as much as i don't think its a good movie, its a great drinking movie with guy friends.
There were no Blood Elves in the Orcs homeland.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Samtemdo8 said:
Silentpony said:
I could have sworn Gamora daughter of Thanos was half Orc and half Blood Elf. 'cause Orcs have never encountered humans before and she's like 30. And she can't be part draenei because she looks nothing like an aqua velva Klingon goat.
And at one point Orgrim and Durotar were chatting about how much they missed hunting Blood Elves through the woods. So I just assumed that's where Not Zoe Saldana came from.

But, and I know this sounds snarky but I'm being serious, the highlight of the movie was the little murloc fishing by the bridge. 'cause it was so fucking cute! Just shaking its spear at the armored knights on cavalry and being all like "Yeah, you better run away! This is my trout!"

And I remember when Will Wheaton's wizard character was reading the sorcery book and leaning over to my cousin and just saying "Holy fuck, he's actually leveling up on screen!" and he was like "Shit, he's checking his ability tree!"'

So as much as i don't think its a good movie, its a great drinking movie with guy friends.
There were no Blood Elves in the Orcs homeland.
They still said it though. And maybe the writers went "Oh, Blood Elves are part of the Horde. Therefore they much be from the Orc world! Boom! We got our pointy eared Gamora stand-in."


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Silentpony said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Silentpony said:
I could have sworn Gamora daughter of Thanos was half Orc and half Blood Elf. 'cause Orcs have never encountered humans before and she's like 30. And she can't be part draenei because she looks nothing like an aqua velva Klingon goat.
And at one point Orgrim and Durotar were chatting about how much they missed hunting Blood Elves through the woods. So I just assumed that's where Not Zoe Saldana came from.

But, and I know this sounds snarky but I'm being serious, the highlight of the movie was the little murloc fishing by the bridge. 'cause it was so fucking cute! Just shaking its spear at the armored knights on cavalry and being all like "Yeah, you better run away! This is my trout!"

And I remember when Will Wheaton's wizard character was reading the sorcery book and leaning over to my cousin and just saying "Holy fuck, he's actually leveling up on screen!" and he was like "Shit, he's checking his ability tree!"'

So as much as i don't think its a good movie, its a great drinking movie with guy friends.
There were no Blood Elves in the Orcs homeland.
They still said it though. And maybe the writers went "Oh, Blood Elves are part of the Horde. Therefore they much be from the Orc world! Boom! We got our pointy eared Gamora stand-in."
In that video Durotan said Blood Orcs (which is something they made up for the movie)

Elves do not exist in the Orc homeworld of Draenor.

And Blood Elves should not even be referenced at this point of the history because why they call themselves "Blood" elves is because of out of respect for their fallen dead after Arthas and his undead army destroyed their kingdom of Quel'thalas. At this point in the story they are still High Elves.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Zhukov said:
It all adds up to a generic fantasy grab bag so lacking in identity that if they had changed some names and removed the one shot of a murloc then they could have released this film as Dungeons & Dragons or Warhammer or whatever without anybody even noticing. A film that seems convinced that it's parade of corny cliche is the stuff of epic mythmaking.
So does that imply Dungeons and Dragons and Warhammer Fantasy is better than Wacraft's stories, and world ,and lore?

Because Warcraft has more identity than other more generic fantasy like A Bard's Tale and Dungeon Siege. I recognize any fantasy setting for their unique looks and traits.

Warhammer Fantasy has the Holy Roman Empire/German inspired Empire with the whole theme and motieff of Skulls. And they have the Skaven rat people.

Warcraft has Draenai and Lovecraftian Old Gods. (Blizzard is a sucker for Lovecraftian shit)


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
AccursedTheory said:
Well, that's it for me. My one curiosity about the movie (Since I care little for the source material, or any of the individuals involved in the movie) was 'Is it at least a functional action movie.' Guess it isn't.
Yeah, that was probably the most disappointing aspect for me.

It became clear rather early on that I was not about to be treated to a profound storytelling experience. So I figured that I'd at least get to see some of those sweet looking orcs getting down to business with the human soldiers. As it turned out, not so much. It happens, but it's pretty flaccid stuff.

Just that one bit in the clip and a brief scene where...

... an orc mother kills a dude with her fucking teeth. That was so legitimately badass I almost woke up.

BloatedGuppy said:
Duncan Jones is a huge Warcraft fan, and set about trying to make a Warcraft film for other huge Warcraft fans. Which, according to huge Warcraft fans, he more or less succeeding in doing (with some bumps). People who are not huge Warcraft fans are left wondering WTF is going on and why they should care about the avalanche of cheese they are being subjected to.
I would have thought a film by-a-fan-for-the-fans wouldn't be so damn dense on the exposition though.

If a game that I were a fan of were being adapted to film I'd want to either see iconic scenes being lovingly rendered in glorious big-screen-o-vision or, preferably, a separate/new storyline that captured something of whatever it was that made the original work.

I would not be all that enthusiastic about, for example, a Mass Effect movie in which all the Krogan's dialogue is taken up by him explaining that he has redundant organs and a liquid nervous system. I already know that!


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Zhukov said:
I would have thought a film by-a-fan-for-the-fans wouldn't be so damn dense on the exposition though.

If a game that I were a fan of were being adapted to film I'd want to either see iconic scenes being lovingly rendered in glorious big-screen-o-vision or, preferably, a separate/new storyline that captured something of whatever it was that made the original work.

I would not be all that enthusiastic about, for example, a Mass Effect movie in which all the Krogan's dialogue is taken up by him explaining that he has redundant organs and a liquid nervous system. I already know that!
I suspect that was an attempted concession to non-fan audiences, as well as an attempt at world building to prepare for sequels. From all accounts, a misfire.

The film seems to be occupying a strange grey territory where critics rightly scorn it for being a cumbersome, overly earnest clunker, but fans of the IP think it was good fun. I'll be curious to see what I make of it, because I am both a fan of the IP and have extremely short patience for bad movies.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
sageoftruth said:
I hadn't noticed it at first, but in hindsight, it did seem kind of predetermined that trying to condense such a lore-heavy franchise into a 2-hour movie would lead to some serious problems. Then again, Lord of The Rings pulled it off. I'm guessing that an important part of it is to start small. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen the Warcraft Movie).
I think in such a lore-heavy piece of material, you'd want to start with a simple main character who understands the world about as much as a first-time viewer does. Star Wars did this with Luke Skywalker, and Lord of the Rings did it with Frodo. Meanwhile, what little I heard about Warcraft suggested that distinguished military officers were the main characters, which meant that loads of exposition needed to be dumped on the audience to catch them up with the characters themselves.
Does that sound about right?
The approach I think they took when adapting Lord of the Rings was stripping down the entire story to one single goal. And that was 'Frodo needs to get the Ring to Mount Doom'. From then on they started adding (what they felt was) the necessary content around that. And thoughout all three movies that goal is always at the centre.
True. I can see how that would be hard to swallow for the guys who made the Warcraft movie. They wanted to show that the Orcs were people as well and that a struggle was ensuing within their own ranks, but that would require them to run two stories at once. Perhaps it would have worked out if the orcs were the primary focus. After all, reviews often said that it was at its worst when there were no orcs on screen. Still, that probably wasn't foreseeable.

Honestly though, I think it might have been pretty neat to have each movie focus primarily on one faction, just like in the Warcraft games. If the orcs were the only main characters of this movie, the audience could better relate to them. Having just entered Azeroth, the denizens of Azeroth were unknown to them, and cutting down on the alliance's screentime would help reflect that.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Honestly I think this is the problem...
sageoftruth said:
Casual Shinji said:
sageoftruth said:
I hadn't noticed it at first, but in hindsight, it did seem kind of predetermined that trying to condense such a lore-heavy franchise into a 2-hour movie would lead to some serious problems. Then again, Lord of The Rings pulled it off. I'm guessing that an important part of it is to start small. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen the Warcraft Movie).
I think in such a lore-heavy piece of material, you'd want to start with a simple main character who understands the world about as much as a first-time viewer does. Star Wars did this with Luke Skywalker, and Lord of the Rings did it with Frodo. Meanwhile, what little I heard about Warcraft suggested that distinguished military officers were the main characters, which meant that loads of exposition needed to be dumped on the audience to catch them up with the characters themselves.
Does that sound about right?
The approach I think they took when adapting Lord of the Rings was stripping down the entire story to one single goal. And that was 'Frodo needs to get the Ring to Mount Doom'. From then on they started adding (what they felt was) the necessary content around that. And thoughout all three movies that goal is always at the centre.
True. I can see how that would be hard to swallow for the guys who made the Warcraft movie. They wanted to show that the Orcs were people as well and that a struggle was ensuing within their own ranks, but that would require them to run two stories at once. Perhaps it would have worked out if the orcs were the primary focus. After all, reviews often said that it was at its worst when there were no orcs on screen. Still, that probably wasn't foreseeable.

Honestly though, I think it might have been pretty neat to have each movie focus primarily on one faction, just like in the Warcraft games. If the orcs were the only main characters of this movie, the audience could better relate to them. Having just entered Azeroth, the denizens of Azeroth were unknown to them, and cutting down on the alliance's screentime would help reflect that.
I think the problem here is that Warcraft is such a deep lore that it requires pretty much a Serializd format for it to work.

I mean Wacraft 3 the game and its expansion combined 8 seperate campaigns, that means 8 stories, they all end up in a climax where all the plots intertwined but still telling all that in a two hour movie with sequals that will take years is ardous.

So serialzed Movies in the movie theater just does not work. Blizzard should have just made a serialized cinematics free on youtube like how they are doing with Overwatch and the Lords of War videos for Warcraft.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
slo said:
It is sad to see how gamers of all people are lining up to shit on the first decent videogame movie in years.
Wtf, are you stoned or something?
Well it already broked even at the box office according to Wikipedia:
