Well, the Warcraft movie is a bit rubbish.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
AccursedTheory said:
For a film titled "war craft" there's precious little action. And still less of it is any good. Have you seen this clip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqL5rYJawuc]? If so then congratulations, you've seen the lion's share of decent action that the film has to offer.
Well, that's it for me. My one curiosity about the movie (Since I care little for the source material, or any of the individuals involved in the movie) was 'Is it at least a functional action movie.' Guess it isn't.

Thanks for the write up.
There's actually a scene at the end where Lothar basically solos the Ork Fortress dungeon, and all he brings is a sword and a griffon mount. And holy fuck the griffon tears shit up right proper! I remember thinking that if they just brought a dozen more of them the Orcs would have been massacred.
So it ain't all bad, but its always pretty awkward.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
slo said:
It is sad to see how gamers of all people are lining up to shit on the first decent videogame movie in years.
Wtf, are you stoned or something?
How is it sad? If it's shit, it's shit. The only thing it really does is make it less likely videogame movies are made in the future, or at least made in a way that is in any way resembles the source material.

Silentpony said:
And I remember when Will Wheaton's wizard character was reading the sorcery book and leaning over to my cousin and just saying "Holy fuck, he's actually leveling up on screen!" and he was like "Shit, he's checking his ability tree!"'

So as much as i don't think its a good movie, its a great drinking movie with guy friends.
Wait...what? Wil "I don't know what ETC actually is, so I'm going to just say etcetera instead here at Blizzcon as the main presenter" Wheaton is involved in this? Jesus Christ, they really were scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for people to put into this...


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Samtemdo8 said:
slo said:
It is sad to see how gamers of all people are lining up to shit on the first decent videogame movie in years.
Wtf, are you stoned or something?
Well it already broked even at the box office according to Wikipedia:

Glad to hear it. I saw this movie last night actually. And while it wasn't great, it was hardly terrible. It did remind me a bit of the Dungeons and Dragons movie, in some of the scenes, just on a production level. But overall, it wasn't a terrible experience. The last time I played WoW was The Burning Legion expansion, so I'm pretty rusty on a lot of the lore, especially pre-WC 3 lore, which this movie is drenched in. But even then, I enjoyed it.

Some parts I was like "What the fuck? WHY would someone do that?!" and other parts were simply dull. To be honest, not a lot of it actually caught up my emotions, except the stuff with Durotan near the end. But I've seen far, FAR worse movies than this. I've heard that there will be an extended cut version of it, which I think will help, because I think there are some very important bits that were simply cut out of the movie entirely, that would help make it gel together a lot better.

Now, is it just me, or was the actor who played the main human protagonist, not the King, but the warrior guy....did he look drunk to anyone else during the entire film? He seemed red eyed and bloodshot the entire, fucking film. I kept thinking "the fuck is wrong with his eyes!?" And then in the scene where he got drunk with grief, his eyes finally looked appropriate to the scene. Which made me think...."is he just drunk through this whole damn movie?!"

Anyway, could've been a lot better than it was, could've been a lot worse. I don't know if being a bigger WoW fan than me would make you enjoy the film more, or less.

Though I do have one question:

What is up with the Kirin Tor? Every time the mage protagonist mentioned that he was part of them, he was like "I've left them! I'm no longer a member!!" I don't recall the Kirin Tor being reviled by anyone in Azeroth, so I don't get why he described it as if he were saying "I'm no longer in the KKK! I left them! I renounced my vows to their order!" I was like "...um, ok? Why is this a big deal?"


New member
May 5, 2015
sageoftruth said:
I hadn't noticed it at first, but in hindsight, it did seem kind of predetermined that trying to condense such a lore-heavy franchise into a 2-hour movie would lead to some serious problems. Then again, Lord of The Rings pulled it off. I'm guessing that an important part of it is to start small. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen the Warcraft Movie).
I think in such a lore-heavy piece of material, you'd want to start with a simple main character who understands the world about as much as a first-time viewer does. Star Wars did this with Luke Skywalker, and Lord of the Rings did it with Frodo. Meanwhile, what little I heard about Warcraft suggested that distinguished military officers were the main characters, which meant that loads of exposition needed to be dumped on the audience to catch them up with the characters themselves.
Does that sound about right?
Whilst immensely popular , Lord of The Rings caught a lot of flak on the story part.

It was filmed nicely and grandiose but even the LoTR movies sort of shredded the lore, nevermind what the Hobbit did afterwards.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Politrukk said:
sageoftruth said:
I hadn't noticed it at first, but in hindsight, it did seem kind of predetermined that trying to condense such a lore-heavy franchise into a 2-hour movie would lead to some serious problems. Then again, Lord of The Rings pulled it off. I'm guessing that an important part of it is to start small. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen the Warcraft Movie).
I think in such a lore-heavy piece of material, you'd want to start with a simple main character who understands the world about as much as a first-time viewer does. Star Wars did this with Luke Skywalker, and Lord of the Rings did it with Frodo. Meanwhile, what little I heard about Warcraft suggested that distinguished military officers were the main characters, which meant that loads of exposition needed to be dumped on the audience to catch them up with the characters themselves.
Does that sound about right?
Whilst immensely popular , Lord of The Rings caught a lot of flak on the story part.

It was filmed nicely and grandiose but even the LoTR movies sort of shredded the lore, nevermind what the Hobbit did afterwards.
And oh my goodness if they ever do the Silmarillion faithfully especially how that book begins everyone not familiar with Tolkien will destroy that movie.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Samtemdo8 said:
And the music is just average, I mean why the fuck did they not hire the official music team for the games?
Ouch. That sounded dreadfully bad for something Warcraft related.

Blizzard's music department is one of the best in the business, they routinely hire such amazing composers and orchestras. In the end their entire soundscape offers the majority of the atmosphere, especially back when I played WoW. To not see a Warcraft movie coupled with music of that quality would be a major stand-out issue for me. One of the main reasons not to go see this actually.
And oh my goodness if they ever do the Silmarillion faithfully especially how that book begins everyone not familiar with Tolkien will destroy that movie.
The only way a Silmarillion movie would work would be if they'd turn it into a History Channel documentary. I mean, it is basically a history book of a fantasy realm.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
slo said:
Happyninja42 said:
What is up with the Kirin Tor? Every time the mage protagonist mentioned that he was part of them, he was like "I've left them! I'm no longer a member!!" I don't recall the Kirin Tor being reviled by anyone in Azeroth, so I don't get why he described it as if he were saying "I'm no longer in the KKK! I left them! I renounced my vows to their order!" I was like "...um, ok? Why is this a big deal?"
Kirin Tor and Medivh don't get along well.
And at some point Khadgar was spying at Medivh for Kirin Tor. Medivh did not like that at all.
And did Medivh eventually go all Sith Lord in the video game like he did in the movie? Because the last time I remember him being mentioned, he was just the enigmatic mystic guy who would fly in and give Dire Portents, and then fly off. Also, did he basically admit to being the half-orc's father? Is that her deal? That Medivh fell in love with an orc woman, and used the Dark Portal to call them through so he could be with his love? I just, I don't get why he summoned them over. It wasn't explained at all.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Cowabungaa said:
Samtemdo8 said:
And the music is just average, I mean why the fuck did they not hire the official music team for the games?
Ouch. That sounded dreadfully bad for something Warcraft related.

Blizzard's music department is one of the best in the business, they routinely hire such amazing composers and orchestras. In the end their entire soundscape offers the majority of the atmosphere, especially back when I played WoW. To not see a Warcraft movie coupled with music of that quality would be a major stand-out issue for me. One of the main reasons not to go see this actually.
And oh my goodness if they ever do the Silmarillion faithfully especially how that book begins everyone not familiar with Tolkien will destroy that movie.
The only way a Silmarillion movie would work would be if they'd turn it into a History Channel documentary. I mean, it is basically a history book of a fantasy realm.
Here is the official soundtrack list:


And again this is coming from the guy that composed the Game of Thrones theme song.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Happyninja42 said:
slo said:
Happyninja42 said:
What is up with the Kirin Tor? Every time the mage protagonist mentioned that he was part of them, he was like "I've left them! I'm no longer a member!!" I don't recall the Kirin Tor being reviled by anyone in Azeroth, so I don't get why he described it as if he were saying "I'm no longer in the KKK! I left them! I renounced my vows to their order!" I was like "...um, ok? Why is this a big deal?"
Kirin Tor and Medivh don't get along well.
And at some point Khadgar was spying at Medivh for Kirin Tor. Medivh did not like that at all.
And did Medivh eventually go all Sith Lord in the video game like he did in the movie? Because the last time I remember him being mentioned, he was just the enigmatic mystic guy who would fly in and give Dire Portents, and then fly off. Also, did he basically admit to being the half-orc's father? Is that her deal? That Medivh fell in love with an orc woman, and used the Dark Portal to call them through so he could be with his love? I just, I don't get why he summoned them over. It wasn't explained at all.
Here you go about medivh:

Sep 14, 2009
BloatedGuppy said:
Zhukov said:
Sounded like the people involved were really out to make a go of it. Which might just be part of the problem.
Yeah that about sums it up. I've read enough reviews at this point to know EXACTLY what the problem was. Duncan Jones is a huge Warcraft fan, and set about trying to make a Warcraft film for other huge Warcraft fans. Which, according to huge Warcraft fans, he more or less succeeding in doing (with some bumps). People who are not huge Warcraft fans are left wondering WTF is going on and why they should care about the avalanche of cheese they are being subjected to.

As the film took the Chinese box office by storm, a sequel...or set of sequels...is a distinct possibility. Hopefully they'll find a better balance between fan service and making a functional movie if that turns out to be the case.
anecdotal and all, but there is a huge facebook post among my friend regarding this movie and how many of them that enjoyed it, and there was a *vast* amount of different personalities and different gamers among the post. I heard very little negative things about it beyond a resounding: "if you aren't nerdy, then yeah you probably won't like it", but most of them hadn't played warcraft and had only played bits of WoW, so it's hard for me to believe that it's all rose tinted glasses from warcraft nerds. I'm getting my ticket paid for me to see it tonight, so I personally can't speak for my opinion yet.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Silentpony said:
I could have sworn Gamora daughter of Thanos was half Orc and half Blood Elf. 'cause Orcs have never encountered humans before and she's like 30. And she can't be part draenei because she looks nothing like an aqua velva Klingon goat.
And at one point Orgrim and Durotar were chatting about how much they missed hunting Blood Elves through the woods.
They say "blood elks," not blood elves.

Happyninja42 said:
What is up with the Kirin Tor? Every time the mage protagonist mentioned that he was part of them, he was like "I've left them! I'm no longer a member!!" I don't recall the Kirin Tor being reviled by anyone in Azeroth, so I don't get why he described it as if he were saying "I'm no longer in the KKK! I left them! I renounced my vows to their order!" I was like "...um, ok? Why is this a big deal?"
At least prior to the Third War there was a fair amount of distrust to the Kirin Tor, based on the usual issues - you use magic, I distrust magic, ergo I trust you, etc. Doesn't help that Dalaran was a city-state, and an insular one at that. The basic paradigm is that the Alliance was quite happy to include Dalaran during the Second War as they needed the arcane magics they could provide, but after that? Go figure.

Mylinkay Asdara

Waiting watcher
Nov 28, 2010
I said it in another thread but - I just saw it and I rather liked it. Even though I don't play WoW I enjoyed it, and my fiance who does play WoW (which is why we went) is excited enough that he just rolled up a new character (which I think is like his 20th or something... but who is counting? lol)

It's good enough - it's not "OMG fantastic! I'm getting everyone I know on the phone to meet me at the cinema NOW to see this again with me!!!" - but it was a good flick and it entertained and the visuals were pretty and I was invested enough in what was happening to care, but not so invested that I didn't enjoy it when their was a bit of humor interjected to keep things moving either.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
just the latest in a long line of blunders it seems. It also sucks for Duncan Jones who had two really good movies on his belt and now his big blockbuster turns out to be a dud. Admittedly box office numbers will decide if it's going to be a franchise or not, but holy crap you'd think it wouldn't be difficult to get a decent tale out of the series.

Mylinkay Asdara

Waiting watcher
Nov 28, 2010
Redryhno said:
slo said:
It is sad to see how gamers of all people are lining up to shit on the first decent videogame movie in years.
Wtf, are you stoned or something?
How is it sad? If it's shit, it's shit. The only thing it really does is make it less likely videogame movies are made in the future, or at least made in a way that is in any way resembles the source material.

Silentpony said:
And I remember when Will Wheaton's wizard character was reading the sorcery book and leaning over to my cousin and just saying "Holy fuck, he's actually leveling up on screen!" and he was like "Shit, he's checking his ability tree!"'

So as much as i don't think its a good movie, its a great drinking movie with guy friends.

Wait...what? Wil "I don't know what ETC actually is, so I'm going to just say etcetera instead here at Blizzcon as the main presenter" Wheaton is involved in this? Jesus Christ, they really were scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for people to put into this...
Pretty sure Wil Wheaton is no where appearing in that film. There's a young guy who looks like Wheaton did some years back a bit, but it isn't him.

You're thinking of this guy? http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjM1MDUxNTM4OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzQ5ODk1ODE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,631,1000_AL_.jpg

Ben Schnetzer, not Wil Wheaton.


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
I wish they made two movies at the same time and whichever version you saw either had the movie from the perspective entirely of humans or orcs. And then you'd have to watch both of them to get the whole story where everything makes sense but they'd both be complete movies telling the same story individually.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Odbarc said:
I wish they made two movies at the same time and whichever version you saw either had the movie from the perspective entirely of humans or orcs. And then you'd have to watch both of them to get the whole story where everything makes sense but they'd both be complete movies telling the same story individually.
Everyone would be yelling cash grab and to be honest, I'd probably be on their side. I'd like to think a movie could stand by itself.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Mylinkay Asdara said:
Pretty sure Wil Wheaton is no where appearing in that film. There's a young guy who looks like Wheaton did some years back a bit, but it isn't him.

You're thinking of this guy? http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjM1MDUxNTM4OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzQ5ODk1ODE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,631,1000_AL_.jpg

Ben Schnetzer, not Wil Wheaton.
The other guy said it was Wheaton, I was just surprised that the guy who didn't even know what the hell he was opening for at one of the bigger Cons in gaming was involved. But if he isn't, then I retract that statement completely. I just don't care for Wheaton, especially since the bullshit with BTS with Tabletop came to light.

Mylinkay Asdara

Waiting watcher
Nov 28, 2010
Redryhno said:
Mylinkay Asdara said:
The other guy said it was Wheaton, I was just surprised that the guy who didn't even know what the hell he was opening for at one of the bigger Cons in gaming was involved. But if he isn't, then I retract that statement completely. I just don't care for Wheaton, especially since the bullshit with BTS with Tabletop came to light.
The what with Tabletop? I'm obviously behind on something there. Not surprising I'm hardly on the pulse of the Internet news, but I am curious if you'd summarize?

And yeah - we wondered it if was him at first too but no, just a resemblance.