Were the "good old days" of gaming really better?


New member
Aug 2, 2008
When developers start worrying less about great graphics and more about great story and game play, I'll stop being nostalgic. I've played the hell out of my NES and SNES games. I can't really say that about my PSX or newer games. The only games I've really had multiple run throughs were Kingdom Hearts (trying to max out my character), Final Fantasy Tactics (amazing story), GTA3/SA (not really multiple run throughs, just running around blowing shit up), and sports/racing games. Newer games just don't seem to have the same replay value as stuff like Zelda 3 (LoZ:LttP), Super Metroid, Mario World, Maniac Mansion, FF1/4/6, or Castlevania 1/4.

I tried replaying Mass Effect just to be a complete dick to everyone, but it just grew tiring. FF13 doesn't interest me to try and get all of the Achievements for it. FF10 and 12 just bored me out of my mind. Newer generations just seem to be worried about looking the best, but don't give a hoot about actually being the best.