Were you ever hit/spanked as a child?

Rule Britannia

New member
Apr 20, 2011
So Escapists did your parents ever hit/spank you for misbehaving?
I was.
EDIT: This all happened in my younger years from about the age of 4 to 10
My parents stopped doing it when my older brother hit my mother back, my parents took no notice of my brother hitting them back until I followed my brother's example and started hitting her back too :p that was when my parents gave up on that.

Also if I was bad my parents would lock me outside the house. That worked really well until I started climbing through windows and trying other doors. They only did this to me for some reason though. :?

So yeah. Were you ever hit/spanked as a child?

EDIT: Sorry I guess the poll must have messed up I've changed the title now. :(


New member
Jun 4, 2008
My father would spank me quite often when I misbehaved, a little to often if you ask me. It seemed like he would do it over the most miniscule things. At a certain point it made me start to resent him for it instead of learning my lesson.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
My dad was hitting me this one time but I kicked him in the balls REALLY hard ( he threw up a little ) and I never had to deal with it again


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Coming from a black family, I got hit all the time. Spanked with a belt... Ah, the good ol' days (sarcasm).


New member
Jul 17, 2010
your older brother hit your mom back? What kinda soft shift is your family running? if you hit any woman in my family you could expect to be the immediate black sheep and someone clocking you. Unless youw ere a girl of course.


looking back on it now, I was definitely hit. I know my uncle cleanly laid me out once when I was 12 or 13, but I know I was hit before. Hell, Im 18 and I said the word shit around my mom and she slapped my mouth (it wasnt even directed at her, it was a just in general what is this shit statement).

So yeah.

EDIT: hell, my schools were allowed to hit you if your parents signed a slip saying they could. I always remember going home with my slip and giving it to my mom and she'd always sign it in really big letters with a black sharpie with a small note at the bottom saying "give him an extra one, just so he has one to grow one". And that went all the way through highschool till you were 18 or till you legally made yourself separate of any parental guardianship.


Actually, I had a teacher who you used to hit you with a yard stick. A metal one too. Square on the knuckles every time, and occasionally he'd crack you on the back if you were sleeping. Of course no parents signed for that, but Im pretty sure if he would have sent a slip home my mom would have just laughed and signed away.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Wow, was I the only one who didn't get hit as a child? If my parents had a problem with me they'd talk to me about it. Sure, I made my dad furious a few times in my youth, but I was never worried that he'd physically hurt me. My dad showed me a lot of respect even when I was very young, and instead of acting like a little brat it made me respect him back and if I did something bad I was truly ashamed of it because I didn't want to lose that respect. No beatings necessary.


New member
Jul 27, 2011
kman123 said:
Sure I did, got hit with the dreaded wooden spoon. I'm pretty sure I shat myself every time the drawer opened.
The spoon sucks but the ruler was always worse. Right across the knuckles with the edge, damn that hurt. They never used a closed hand though.

Rule Britannia said:
My parents stopped doing it when my older brother hit my mother back, my parents took no notice of my brother hitting them back until I started hitting her back too :p that was when my parents gave up on that.
If I ever hit my mother my Dad would have decked me and I would have deserved it.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
Sure was, I saw my nan break her wooden spoon on my cousin. It would of been funny if I wasn't too afraid to laugh.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
All the time, I was quite a brat though.

Like many others, my mom would spank me with a wooden spoon. Once it actually broke on my sisers behind, so for awhile she used a fly swatter.

Dad would slap me behind the head, kick my ass (his foot would actually come in contact with my butt) or lift me up by the sides of my head and drop me. I also got the belt more times than I could count.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
I got over-the-knee spanked like two or three times. I think the last time I was 6 or 7 because I don't remember it too well. I think it scared me more than hurt me.

More often I was put in a corner and had to stand there facing the corner for what seemed like HOURS, of course it was only a couple of minutes but to a little kid this was torture.


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
My dad never did, but I remember getting a few knocks upside the head from my mom, mostly for being unacceptably lazy (in her opinion), but she had the kids' nightmare combination of perfectionism and anger issues. The emotional damage from her rather vicious and malicious verbal assaults, sometimes when we didn't even misbehave but she just thought we did, scarred me far worse, as in they take half the blame for my own self-esteem issues. She decided she would get counseling for her perfectionism and anger AFTER I left for college and the damage to me had already been done... gee, thanks, mom.

Mr Thin

New member
Apr 4, 2010

I exaggerate, I was only admonished physically a few times during my childhood; for the most part, I was quite well behaved.

It was always my mum that did the punishing, never my dad; though I suspect that was more due to laziness on his part than anything else.


Forgot to Remember
Jul 23, 2009
Yes actually (From my Grandparents mind you), with a mix of a "Switch", which was a long, thin,flexible branch-thingy from a bush in the yard (Was rather painful on the legs) and a novelty item called the "Bald Man's Hair Brush" for the ol' backside (Not too hard, but enough to smart and make you avoid earning it for a while).
I don't resent it, and think that it was probably for the best, although I still have a short temper and Acid Tongue.

[sub]A little tidbit I feel like saying for who-knows-why: They did not believe in using a belt (Felt it was too harsh) for discipline, nor in having people physically disciplining children that were not theirs.[/sub]