Were you ever hit/spanked as a child?


New member
May 20, 2009
My mom only spanked me once, and I probably deserved it. She spanked my brothers more, but they deserved it more :p She never did it for no good reason, only if we were endangering ourselves or others purposely


New member
Jul 10, 2011
Never, my parents solved things the only sensible way and talked to my brother and I about it.
I'm frankly amazed that so many people have been hit.
I have always been serious in my belief that if either of my parents or a teacher ever hit me I would hit back, unless I seriously deserved it.
Beatings don't make "authority fearing, well behaved children", they make resentful, hateful people who go and take out that aggression on others.


New member
Aug 11, 2011
Lets see over the years my Mother (and it was always Mom, never Dad) hit me with hickory switches, metal fly swatters, leather belts, the butt of a shotgun on one occasion, and generally anything she could get a good swing with.

However there came a point when I had been beaten enough that it no longer mattered to me, Then I began to enjoy pain... So my childhood beatings laid the foundation for my masochistic fetishes. But yeah after a point she couldn't beat me anymore, if she tried I would simply escape. She couldn't over power me any more and she couldn't control me, So when i was 13 she kicked me out. To this day I don't talk to my mother.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
I was never hit, not once.

And I will never hit any children that I may have in the future. I do not have the right to invade a child's personal space like that especially if they are my own blood and if they cannot defend themself.

Hitting a child no matter the reason is something only a coward does.

Aigaion said:
Never, my parents solved things the only sensible way and talked to my brother and I about it.
I'm frankly amazed that so many people have been hit.
I have always been serious in my belief that if either of my parents or a teacher ever hit me I would hit back, unless I seriously deserved it.
Beatings don't make "authority fearing, well behaved children", they make resentful, hateful people who go and take out that aggression on others.
This right here I completely agree with.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Yeah, I was spanked. There were consequences for my misbehavior. I always knew that, and I took it into my calculations. It's no different for adults. There are always consequences for misbehavior.


Desdinova's Successor
Feb 3, 2009
My dad punched me once. I ended up on the floor (my father, like I am now, is a large man).
I don't remember how old I was when it happened, and he doesn't remember it at all (nor does Mom).
I don't hold it against him though, since he's actually a really good man, and has been an excellent father.

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New member
Feb 8, 2010
I was spanked one time. My mother put an end to that. IMO there is just about never a reason to hit a child and I think it is wrong for parents to do so. Basically, if that is how you HAVE to discipline your children - you fucked up as a parent.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Not very often. Although I do remember my mom slapping me when I talked back at her. I still remember when I rubbed the inside of my cheek with my tongue when that happened.


New member
Jan 17, 2008
Well...I'm an Irishman in my late 30's,
so I used to get beaten like it was going out of FASHION!,
all the time,by pretty much everybody,
my Ma used to break wooden spoons over my head and back so often that she kept a couple of back ups... I remember intensely hating my Aunt from the U.S. because she noticed my Ma was always running out of them and brought a big,big oak bastard thing to my Ma as a present,
my Da picked me up and threw me sideways onto the arm of his chair(I was sitting in his favourite chair,that was my crime) so hard when I was around 8 or 9 that he broke a couple of my ribs and gave me a concussion and whiplash,
my problems with my Da ended at age 13...
I was fairly competent in Kung Fu already by that age and when he went to give me and me Ma a drunken beating I kicked him half to death in the kitchen...(wow when I look back at what I've written it looks horrific,but I got over it all eventually guys )
I also got my arm and jaw broken by a Christian Brother in a catholic school(I'm still missing half a tooth from that little "misunderstanding"),
I have to say,getting beaten never worked with me,and in general I don't think an atmosphere of fear works with kids,or anybody else.
In a positive sense though it did make me rather tough...I don't mean that in an "ooh look at me i'm a tough guy" sense,
rather I mean in the sense that if somebody tried to smack me in the mouth/rob me etc I didn't freeze up,and I did receive some pretty nasty injuries as a Bouncer etc that I shrugged off and kept trucking rather than dropped...
lol wall of text,but fuck all y'all who are TL/DR'ers-
but in summary hitting kids is retarded,my Bro has NEVER hit his kids and my Nephews and Nieces are absolutely fantastic!
if you have to hit children in order to make your point-you're braindead.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
spanked pinched and slapped, always brought me up on my toes and taught me what I was doing was just not gonna fly, I learned to be more polite to people as a reaction to those little lessons...


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Yes but after it became clear to them it was only making me worse, much worse and that the punishments often were disproportionate to the crime commited and thus overshadowed and blinded me to any sort of lesson (though not until all this was pointed out by a child psychologist) they stopped and all for the better.


New member
May 24, 2011
Got spanked with a belt or shoe a few times but nothing really serious. He, I remember stuffing sock in my underwear to avoid the sting but it didn't take away the point of the punishment.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Aigaion said:
Never, my parents solved things the only sensible way and talked to my brother and I about it.
I'm frankly amazed that so many people have been hit.
I have always been serious in my belief that if either of my parents or a teacher ever hit me I would hit back, unless I seriously deserved it.
Beatings don't make "authority fearing, well behaved children", they make resentful, hateful people who go and take out that aggression on others.
There is a fine line between a 'beating' and a 'spanking'.

1) Spanking is the enforce disciple and change behavior, it is never used for anything else.
2) Spanking is done with your hand, not the nearest heavy object you can reach.
3) Spanking is done with a cool, level head; never when you are angry or otherwise emotionally agitated.
4) Spanking utilizes a small number of 'swats' to bare skin, transferring kinetic energy to cause a sharp stinging sensation.
5) Spanking is a legitimate form of discipline for children to small to talk too, but still in need of understanding 'The Rules'.
6) Spanking is not a legitimate form of discipline for any child old enough to employ an alternate form of discipline on.

I was spanked as a child, and I spanked my children up until each of them was about 4 years old. They are happy, well adjusted, loving and well behaved. They love their father and I, and the only aggression the display is their aggressive friendliness.
It bothers me when people try to say that beating your child is the same as spanking them, it isn't. The world is a cruel place, with little tolerance for screw-ups. If you behave badly society with deal with you in a most unpleasant way. Why is it so inappropriate to ingrain in your children that from an early age? Don't screw up, keep your shit together. My children try their best to do these things. Why? Because I expect it of them, and they know it.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
Yeah. Parents, brother, cousins. Never all that hard or frequently or anything. Nah, the physical abuse wouldn't fuck me up, but the psychological shit could manifest itself as a crippling fear of either masks or vacuums.

Sunset Rose

New member
Oct 3, 2011
I was, and I turned out alright, unlike the do-gooders seem to think... if that makes any sense


New member
Jun 28, 2011
I was whipped as a kid by my mom and dad, but they only did it when I was REALLY being a little shit. Add to that me being totally afraid of my dad(he was huge, having just stopped playing college football when they had me), not that he did anything to scare me, he was just a scary big dude, as am I. This led to me being a pretty nice guy as opposed to the prison inmate I probably would have been if they let me run wild. I'm glad they cared enough to keep me in line. Some friends of mine are in Parchmen and Angola state prisons right now because their parents didn't reign them in.


New member
Jun 7, 2011
Y'know that everyone in this thread is simply going to say, "Yeah my parents beat me really hard. But I deserved it/looking back it wasn't that bad.", in order to flaunt their manly egos.

And you wonder why fiction is so cliche'd?

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Only when I deserved it, so yeah they did. Pretty damn effective too.
Magefeanor said:
...today's children is whiny pussies that think they can get away with everything.
My sentiments exactly, but I think that's the end result of the combination of an overprotective society and unfit parents. Maybe I'm unfit to judge since I'm not a parent myself, but I am seeing the results and it's very disheartening. Once thing I can say for sure is that if and/or when I do have kids of my own I won't hesitate to lay down a measure of physical discipline if necessary.