Westboro cult to protest Elizabeth Edward's funeral.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Yet more fine, rational people giving other Christians a good name.

Seriously, what the fuck?! Who is that evil that they would do that?
We obviously don't need to ask that, because we've found the answer.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
dsmops2003 said:
Sonicron said:
dsmops2003 said:
We need to assault the protesters with vuvuzelas.
I can see it now.

The entirety of the Escapist, gathered in front of the protesters in a huge circle. Each of us with a vuvuzela in hand. Then, Russ raises a megaphone to his mouth, takes a deep breath and gives the order: "Raaaaaaaaiiiiiise arms! Weeeeeeeeet lips! ... ... BLOW THEM AWAY!!!"

And the WBC is driven into the ground by several thousand vuvuzelas arrayed against them.
Don't forget we need to circle them 7 times before we sound the horns.
Perhaps we could ally ourselves with a gay pride group for MASSIVE DAMAGE.

OT: These westbro Baptists make me slightly embarrassed to be a christian when they do things like this. One of the main ideas of Christianity is to love everyone, not just people in your religion. Mr. Phelps just has a way of twisting the Bible to fit his own views.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
One should never seek to suppress hate speech and obvious lies. In doing so you make the villain a martyr. It is best to simply let them do these awful things so that the world continues to recognize them as villains rather than victims.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Ah I love these guys, IRL Christianity Trolls FTW!

I really can't see how anyone takes them seriously, their trolling lacks finesse "obvious trolls are obvious" so to speak. It really detracts from the "Trolling is art" arguement XD

Lets just say if they started a thread anywhere on the interwebz "Please do not feed the troll" signs would be on them in a second.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
I don't care what they claim to believe. These people are terrible. Not only do they disrespect fallen soldiers and cause great pain to families, but they hurt the image of Christianity and religion in general. I hate their actions. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done. It's already been ruled that they are protected by the First Amendment (Freedom of Speech for my foreign friends). They are despicable, but they are within theirs rights to do what they do as long as they don't interfere with the proceedings or get too close. And the worst part is that they know it. All you can do is appeal to their humanity and sense of decency. Good luck with that...

Naheal said:
They crave attention. IRL trolls are being trolls.

Hey, I have an idea that I'd like to put to a vote to the Christians on this site. All in favor of removing the WBC as an association of Christianity, may I see your hands?
Do you remember the preacher that was going to burn the Quran? I was talking about that with a co-worker when it was in the news. I ended up asking how anyone even found out about it. He said that the preacher called the news and told them of his plan. As soon, as he said that I replied by saying that the guy was just a troll. It's kinda funny to use the term in a real life situation, but some of these people really are just that. And you thought humanity couldn't get any sadder.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
Wow, these people are out of their minds. To all Christians: as a Muslim, I know how you feel, I really do and I know it sucks to have your faith defaced by extremists. These people give a bad name to your religion by twisting the Bible to fit their own personal agenda and call themselves true Christians even though everything they do is definitely not Christian.


New member
Jul 2, 2010
The thing is, people like him completely miss the central point of Christianity- don't be an asshole- and somehow turn it into a vile, hateful, caustic mess. But when people try to call them out on that, they say, 'That's intolerant Christian-bashing!' even though they're as far removed from actual Christianity as I am from Alpha Centauri. (Note: The same can be said for many religions.)


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
2733 said:
lacktheknack said:
dsmops2003 said:
We need to assault the protesters with vuvuzelas.
Assuming you mean "aurally assault" and not "physically assault", I can get behind this.

Funny I had something else in mind...
Please, no sexual assault! That would require me to see Fred Phelps with his pants down...


New member
Jul 17, 2009
mr_rubino said:
NeedAUserName said:
I'd drop the 4chan reference, I doubt any of them will understand it. But they are still awful bastards. Its sort of a dream of mine to go to one of those and kick Fred Phelps' head in. I doubt any judge would sentence me to a particularly long time on prison for it, and I feel it would do more good then bad.
Put your money where your mouth is. All I ever hear is "Der gunna get tehir asses kikt DIS time!!" like clockwork whenever the WBC does anything and noone is ever brave enough to do it.
i think whenever they do anti gay protests. a local gay group follows them round in a bus and holds a counter protest


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I may get flamed for saying this but personally? I love WBC.

Now don't get me wrong I don't in any way support what they do but when ever I'm feeling a bit down and feel as if I'm worthless, I just remember that these people exist and I feel oh so much better.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
AngelSword said:
Naheal said:
They crave attention. IRL trolls are being trolls.

Hey, I have an idea that I'd like to put to a vote to the Christians on this site. All in favor of removing the WBC as an association of Christianity, may I see your hands?
I don't think any Christian organization recognizes their activities, in any capacity.
Actually some do, we just hear about the extreme ones. Anyways, I'm a christian and I will gladly raise my hand :) those bigots give religion a terrible name.


Warrior without Weapons
Jul 27, 2009
Naheal said:
They crave attention. IRL trolls are being trolls.

Hey, I have an idea that I'd like to put to a vote to the Christians on this site. All in favor of removing the WBC as an association of Christianity, may I see your hands?

One of these days, news reporters will learn not to feed the trolls.
[sub][sub]no they won't[/sub][/sub]


New member
Aug 6, 2010
TheMaddestHatter said:
Discussion: Why in God's name do they do this?
You answered your own question inside your question. This is why I hate every religion. Westboro cult just happens to be one of the smaller, louder and more...outrageous of them, but whenever these guys do anything, it's because of that three letter word, God. I tried writing them a letter but their site is horrendously bogged down; must be a ton of people with my exact intentions who just got there before me. I'll write them later.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
WBC are not Christians.

Seriously, these guys would protest the second coming of Christ if it didn't fit in with their believes.

It's like in South Park's Fantastic Easter Special episode where the President of the Catholic League, William Anthony Donohue, wants to kill Jesus because he sees him as threat against the church.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
Ugh... usually, after a month or so, I am able to forget the shit these pricks get up to. Then they do something else that I have trouble believing. Jesus, they're like Kotic and his big mouth, only actually doing people harm.
I know being a dick is not illegal, but there must be some way to stop these people, before they hurt anyone else.