
Capo Taco

New member
Nov 25, 2006
Diablini said:
Well, the divide will never technically be abolished. Even though I want it to be too. I mean, a woman is physically weaker, and some (dare I say most) females do very, very stupid shit every day. Like one of my classmates, who thinks she is American and talks just like an American blond, and we actually live in Easter Europe. Also, you can't deny that there are differences, and can't stop feminists who think that those differences are bad. Men have creativity, strength and talent, whilst women have intelligence, beauty and charm. Feminism, or rather what it is today, is treating the female, and female only, different. If you ask a woman to have sex with you - it's degrading, but if she asks you - it's alright. You see the contradiction. That is women wanting to be superior. Feminism, should be the freedom of both genders of saying just Yes or No. No female saying she is getting slammed for being a female, no man saying she's trying to use her evil seducing powers. I have to say, that right now, men should be revolting, because I've come across a load of discrimination. Mainly from teachers or other girls. Also, to balance out the things I said about some (or most) females earlier:
I really think that men should stop judging women only for their looks.
You'll find that women only find requests for sex degrading if it's done by the wrong man and/or the wrong time (in her opinion). I see your contradiction, but men hardly ever get slammed for sleeping around by their friends, while women are.

And there's men that do really really stupid shit everyday, too.


New member
May 24, 2009
Capo Taco said:
Diablini said:
Well, the divide will never technically be abolished. Even though I want it to be too. I mean, a woman is physically weaker, and some (dare I say most) females do very, very stupid shit every day. Like one of my classmates, who thinks she is American and talks just like an American blond, and we actually live in Easter Europe. Also, you can't deny that there are differences, and can't stop feminists who think that those differences are bad. Men have creativity, strength and talent, whilst women have intelligence, beauty and charm. Feminism, or rather what it is today, is treating the female, and female only, different. If you ask a woman to have sex with you - it's degrading, but if she asks you - it's alright. You see the contradiction. That is women wanting to be superior. Feminism, should be the freedom of both genders of saying just Yes or No. No female saying she is getting slammed for being a female, no man saying she's trying to use her evil seducing powers. I have to say, that right now, men should be revolting, because I've come across a load of discrimination. Mainly from teachers or other girls. Also, to balance out the things I said about some (or most) females earlier:
I really think that men should stop judging women only for their looks.
You'll find that women only find requests for sex degrading if it's done by the wrong man and/or the wrong time (in her opinion). I see your contradiction, but men hardly ever get slammed for sleeping around by their friends, while women are.

And there's men that do really really stupid shit everyday, too.
True, true. Men do stupid shit too.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
UnSub said:
annoyinglizardvoice said:
Some interesting points, but personally I think the problem is more the fact that naff writers seem to be churnig out arse-hole characters of both genders quite rapidly.
I think this is very true. GoW is hardly full of positive male role models.

However, there are fewer female lead characters in games, so when their sole defining character trait is '*****' it shows up more obviously.
I can see what you're getting at. I put it down to crappy/lazy writers.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Its another example of games being dumbed down, this time for the 'horney teenager' demographic.

Guns, tits & murder is more than enough to get those guys salavating and wallets out.

Besides, the aim of having a female character in a male audience aimed game is to allow the player to BELIEVE that the famle character would sleep with them. If she had a story or morals or any of that backstory stuff it would give her a reason NOT to sleep with the player (or worse, want to start a 'relationship' :p)

If shes seen as a ruthless, single minded metalist ***** (with large waps) she would happily sleep with the player if she got what she wanted at the end of it. No strings, no relationships just crazy sex with an immoral mental hooker.

Probably doesn't apply to Lara Croft since shes all posh and that. Wouldn't be seen dead with you peasent scum, let alone have sexual relations. But being a ***** is really empowering for some women and a real turn on for some guys.

But to be honest do you think that most gamers even think of the story while they are fixed on major boobage?


New member
Mar 19, 2009
BehattedWanderer said:
Yahtzee Croshaw said:
Rubi, being a ***** doesn't make you a strong character.
Not to pry too personally, but I do wonder at what you look for when you date. To some, they go for the bitches-- not the spoiled, crying ones who think they're the greatest thing to walk the Earth, but the girls who keep themselves in strong control of themselves, are aware of what goes on around them, and have a hold on things whilst not being afraid to speak their mind. To most, this gives them a full-on label of '*****'. That sense of confidence, of control, that general attitude and presence is more attractive than any size jubblies hanging off their chest and ruining their backs -These bitches are strong characters - to that there is no doubt. I fear that what you've here elaborated is the chronic failing of people who might have heard about that attraction, on how much a ***** can be loved, but tragically and insipidly misunderstood the connotations therein of the word - they applied they wrong meaning, giving us the loose-tongued, scowly-faced, big-titted, asinine characterizations that are apparently under your skin this time, instead of the robust and capable characteristics that we long for.
I don't respect guys who act like assholes or women who act like bitches. It doesn't demonstrate a "hold on things" but rather wildly out of control emotion. Especially in the context of the article, I don't think the characters mentioned are strong. They are shallow, just like the guy characters mentioned as comparisons.

I know what you mean : that a person shouldn't be a pushover, so to that extent a person who acts out, is "stronger", but you don't have to choose between a pushover and an asshole/*****. There's people who behave "appropriately", by taking the situation into account. It's that level of distinction in character writing that many games just don't reach. Making believable people, instead of hyper-exaggerated ones.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
nice article, and surprised that there isn't as much gratuitous swearing as the others. :O where is all the swearing that made you so lovably hateful?! >.<


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Good article. Personally I don't mind that the reviews are later than others, as I often get a chance to play them and then see if Yahtzee's opinion matches with mine. Like in the Call of Juarez review, which was a couple of weeks after I completed it I agreed with everything he said at the time.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Darn real life and how it keeps me from replying to an article for, oh, say, 109 entries. I wonder if anyone will read inane ramble #110. Anyway.

Are there any strong female leads? I'm not good with literary stuff but I thought Ashe from FF12 was a good character. (Maybe it's because of her dramatic, tide-turning entrance in the battle against Fenrir, but that only happened to me.) Maybe her role as "displaced ruler turned freedom fighter" was 2D, but it was a complex and well-written 2D.

And for the record, I played the Princess Peach game and loved it. With her umbrella for whacking enemies and her float ability from Super Mario 2, she outclasses Mario/Luigi in general "I can survive the level"ism. (And I always picked her in SMB2--she did things the guidebook said were impossible, like jumping straight to Fryguy in 4-3.)


New member
Dec 24, 2008
lol, why are you making excuses for pushy arrogant children...MAAAH i want brutal legend...

your getting soft, just review what you want, thats what i would do


New member
Dec 31, 2007
Some good examples of "good" female characters bought up (particuarly good call on Terra and Celes). One which i feel need a mention is Glados from portal. Not an admirable character by any means, nor strictly speaking a woman, but shes undeniably feminine and a superbly written character. You could, if you wanted to, dismiss her as a mysogynist "illogical woman" archetype, but that's the point. As a character who more or less takes up the whole of one off the most beloved videogame narratives in years, Glados is immensely appealing as an antagonist, subtlety written and characterised, and offers a tremendous amount of food for thought and depth of interpretation. Feminist criticism is usually one of my bugbears, but there's some very good stuff written on Portal from that perspective. So yeah, Glados rocks. And stuff.


Dec 22, 2007
United Kingdom
Well written, relatively elequant savaging of topic, well done for the rape, nicely done a always. (I don't mean to sound sarcastic if I do)


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Well, no matter about Brutal Legend. I am all up for being surprised this week. And there is also the-after the hype- thingy Yahtzee mentioned. He does have a plus and I like that. I try to use that when I write reviews as well and it is a huge advantage.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
The only strong female characters I can think of in video games (excluding create-a-charcter like in mass effect) are the women from R.P.Gs, Final Fantasy,6,7,8 for example, they almost always have have great characterization and back story e.g. Terra.

I seriously cant think of another genre with good female characters in it.

Edit: Oh! Alyx Vance! and that girl from Brutal Legend they're both good


New member
Apr 29, 2009
TitsMcGee1804 said:
lol, why are you making excuses for pushy arrogant children...MAAAH i want brutal legend...

your getting soft, just review what you want, thats what i would do
Nah, he just doesn't want the gaming community to boycott him.

I'm glad you said this. I don't really think Rubi was a good example of a stong female character. Maybe Lilith from Borderlands would be a better example, but then again, she doesn't really have a speaking role, she's just a badass.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
crotalidian said:
Well. I braced for impact when I saw that one of my comments had been quoted but I got a concise explanation and also inadvertantly got tipped off to next weeks ZP!

Thanks Yahtzee

I have a feeling some of the more storyline based games are getting bettar with the whole jubblies with characters....I mean Characters with Breasts thing especially with Uncharted, Dragon Age and ME2. Although main character Females still seem to be horrendously portrayed
Uncharted's Ladies have no breasts whatsoever. Naughty Dog knew you would be behind them half the time and so have moulded their buttocks to perfection.

OT: This pretty much summed up exactly what I think about females in games. Although there are some people in the world who are dicks and therefore some characters should be left alone so small brained idiots can call them "Badasses"

The Lizard of Odd

New member
Jun 23, 2009
Edzor said:
Here's a question i'd like Yahtzee to answer in his next Extra Punctuation:

Do you agree with me that Alyx Vance from HL2 is the best example of an ideal female character in a PC game?

She is smart, she can cry, she has a background, aspirations, she can have feelings, get scared (remember the stalker train part?), make jokes, have a PERSONALITY, she is not slutty, like most female characters in games...

TBH i think that Alyx Vance is the most well defined, realistic and interesting female character in the history of PC games...

Do you agree, Yahtzee?
I agree. She's badass and attractive without being slutty or annoying. I love the depth and emotion she brings to the two Episodes - it really helps put things in perspective and draw you into the story. Have to say she's the best female character of any game I have ever played (not having played much FF, I can't stand turn-based gameplay).


New member
Mar 28, 2009
You scare me sometimes, Crowshaw.

At the beinning of the article, you're squeamish about the word "Wet". But by the end, you're describing (in loving detail) what I can only imagine is a combination of breasts, semen, and lutefisk...