What annoys you most about a person?


New member
Aug 4, 2008
I have a truly impressive array of things that annoy me in people. Some of the bigger ones are:

1. People who do things to seem "edgy", who take offensive behavior as a sign of intelligence, or who "refuse to sugar coat it". 99 times out of 100, with that last one in particular, they're just doing it to bring other people down and make themselves feel special. You can get your message across just as easily with a second or two's consideration on HOW. I've dealt with numerous instances and it drives me nuts. Worse, I'm awful at debating when I don't have a computer screen between me and them (even if it's a live chat or something. I'm much more coherent when I've got a half-second to put my words in order). The worst part is, when I try to debate those type and can't get my point across or think of an example to back up my points instantly, they feel justified in their opinion and get even worse. Ugg.

2. Ambiguity. I hate making assumptions about intent, even when it should be obvious. I've been bitten too many times by assuming "well of course they meant X!". So I prefer instructions clear, precise and concise (with the former two taking precedent, admittedly).

3. Smug condescension, especially unwarranted. While it's annoying to deal with people who know what they're talking about and will hold it over your head, at least they actually DO know what they're talking about. Too many idiots don't. Oh! Which reminds me!

4. Those who mistake ignorance for idiocy. Life is not like TV, where a high intelligence is apparently best denoted by the ability to spontaneously generate correct answers to things they have no reason to know.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
pride of ignorance, not ignorance itself, you can't really help it if you don't know something. But if you're proud of being an idiot, in that "at least I'm not a nerd, lol" kind of way. That annoys me. Not knowing something is never something to be proud of, even if it is also not really a problem.


New member
Dec 2, 2012
People with low vitality and/or resistance annoy the shit out of me.
If I hit someone in the face with a 10 foot sword forged from the howling soul of the forsaken elder horror-god that unleashed entropy upon reality, I expect them to get up and hit right the fuck back.
Fucking pussies.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Something that irritates me (but doesn't necessarily make me dislike a person, since they are generally not doing it deliberately) is when people assume that just because I'm a software developer, it automatically means that I know how to fix any problem they're having with any application on any computer, over the phone, without even being able to see the symptoms. It's like they think computer knowledge is some form of "black magic" (like hacking in movies, where people bang on keyboards for a few seconds, and suddenly they've infiltrated some super-secure computer system), and I should just be able to fix their problems with "computer wizardry".

I sometimes wonder if people in other specialized professions have similar problems. I imagine doctors probably run into this sort of thing quite a bit, but rocket scientists maybe not as much.

Also, as others have mentioned: Willful ignorance.
It's fine to be ignorant of things. Nobody can (genuinely) be an expert on everything. I can even be tolerant of people who are ignorant of the extent of their own ignorance, and think they know more than they do. What really bothers me though, are the people who are proud of their ignorance, yet despite being aware of their ignorance, refuse to acknowledge that non-ignorant people may be more qualified to answer a question or solve a problem than they are.



New member
Jul 25, 2011
Stupid clever people. I.e. People who are usually clever academically and think this puts them above everyone else, but can't handle pretty much all other situations.

Rawne1980 said:
One phrase that seriously gets on my manly tits is "I have lost faith in humanity".
There is something so pretentious, arrogant and ignorant about that statement and it gets on my nerves so much


New member
Feb 26, 2012
Well this thread reeks of jealousy. I just get along with people.

Personally, I'm annoyed by people that are judgemental....


New member
Jun 24, 2009
People who try to make me miserable.

The kind of people that, when you tell them you're generally a happy person, take it as a challenge to upset you.

Fuck those people.

Also, but not as much, people that think they can change me when I say I have too many issues to date them. Oh, you can?! Please tell me more because you're the only person that's ever thought that ¬¬


New member
Dec 27, 2011
The 2 types of people I despise above all else are compulsive liars(they're usually a one-upper as well) and egotistical dick-wads. The worst egotistical dick-wads are the people who believe they are never at fault and ALWAYS justified. Most of them even think themselves humble!