What are you currently playing?


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I'm surprised how fun the survival maps in Uncharted 4 are. I'm forced to be much more active than in single player. I aim better too, because I have to. I play alone, though. Don't wanna pay for the sub. Annoying that Chloe, whom I wanna play as most, is one of the random unlockables. They knew people would pay for her.
Figures. I’m the same with Chloe. Wouldn’t complain one bit if they continued the franchise with her.

I’ve heard those maps can get insanely difficult even on lower settings. Probably because they’re designed for co-op.


Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
Wouldn’t complain one bit if they continued the franchise with her.

I’ve heard those maps can get insanely difficult even on lower settings. Probably because they’re designed for co-op.
Yeah, I can't get past arena 6 of 10 on Normal because my partner keeps getting himself killed. The boss is too buffed for solo. Not too excited about playing with people who have been training and upgrading since the game came out. Might let it go.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010

Yeah, I can't get past arena 6 of 10 on Normal because my partner keeps getting himself killed. The boss is too buffed for solo. Not too excited about playing with people who have been training and upgrading since the game came out. Might let it go.

It’s rare to have such a low achiever % based on psnprofiles site members. These trophies are probably a nightmare.

Yup. Disappointed that Naughty Dog would go what seems to be an mtx-dependent route here too, even if it’s just dlc. But apparently even those specific weapons have since been nerfed anyways, making it a waste. The good thing is at least these don’t count towards Platinum.

What difficulty was your second playthrough on?


Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
What difficulty was your second playthrough on?
Normal. I'm gonna try to do a third playthrough of Lost Legacy on Crushing. Been about two years now since I last played it. Will give me an excuse to find more treasure. Chloe's amulet (an item you find) at least makes looking for treasure less a shot in the dark. I think I have 62 of 68. I finished the first two on Crushing on the PS3, but didn't have the patience with the remasters.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Normal. I'm gonna try to do a third playthrough of Lost Legacy on Crushing. Been about two years now since I last played it. Will give me an excuse to find more treasure. Chloe's amulet (an item you find) at least makes looking for treasure less a shot in the dark. I think I have 62 of 68. I finished the first two on Crushing on the PS3, but didn't have the patience with the remasters.
Yeah I did the PS3 games on Crushing for second play through’s but not 4 or LL yet. I started one in 4 and am in the pirate haven but I took a big break. That last section with all the guards, snipers and rocket launchers where you have to platform around was the first big rough spot.

Looking forward to it in LL more some day since I only played it once and it’s more focused, with better shooting and platforming segments anyways.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Total war and RTS are actually pretty different beast. Since you can slow down and stop time, good micro control isn't necessary, instead it's more about the overall battle strategy and causing moral loss instead of killing every enemy to the last (although in practice usually the best way to remove moral is also the best way to kill lots of enemy). The frustrating part is usually to find a way for your army not to mess up the formation you want them to adopt while moving(spear on flank, archer behind and such).
As I have come to realise, and it is kicking my ass.

That said, I have finally got into a pretty good position, securing my first province playing as Tyrion (High Elves) on the Mortal Empires campaign. Granted, I am playing on easy, but I will just gloss past that point.

Its a good time. The High Elves are easy enough, but im setting my sights on playing the Skaven with their huge numbers and crazy contraptions. Looks like a lot of fun, but I would imagine quite different from playing the Elves.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I was in for some nostalgia and revved up the PS3 and played some Wolfenstein The New Order. The surround sound is top notch. Load times pretty significant. Graphics wise, I think they did what they need to do. That written, I'm glad I've got the 4. But still worth a play.

EDIT: Little off topic but I think there was a huge leap forward from PS3 to PS4 and hope for a similar jump in speed and visuals in the PS5.

Last edited:


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I was in for some nostalgia and revved up the PS3 and played some Wolfenstein The New Order. The surround sound is top notch. Load times pretty significant. Graphics wise, I think they did what they need to do. That written, I'm glad I've got the 4. But still worth a play.

EDIT: Little off topic but I think there was a huge leap forward from PS3 to PS4 and hope for a similar jump in speed and visuals in the PS5.

Damn, and I wasn’t even aware they made a 7th gen version. Also reminds me of when people said there wasn’t much that couldn’t be done on previous gen hardware. Well sure, if you ignore the obvious.

Anyways, still plugging away at Gold Rush trophy in RDR2. Going at a leisurely pace and am 22% there. Been easier than I thought so far, but I know I’ll run into tougher missions unless I want to stretch it out across the whole story again, including epilogues.

When I’m done with that, there’s a new Outlaw pass for online, but I might skip it if there isn’t much time left to go through all the ranks. I’ll have to check out what people think of it first and see what might be worthwhile that’s been added that will carry over. More interested in the new bounty Hunter content added.

Also would like to do a NG+ run of Dark Souls 3, but then I thought of perhaps starting a new build on the PC version. Especially since this new mod looks pretty intriguing-

What else, whaaat else. Oh yes, also revisiting God of War 3 to see how it’s aged after more than ten years, but with the Remastered version. So far I’m enjoying it pretty thoroughly. While I also enjoyed the latest game, there’s really something that’s been lost with the new direction in terms of design. The presentation has matured, but in many ways the gameplay and technical artistry has taken a step back.

Simply put, the new game lacks a certain intensity and freedom of mobility that the old gameplay mechanics provided. It was like a dance of death Kratos dished out in the classic games, and getting into a rhythm really feels like nothing the newest game could muster. Yeah I know, square square triangle cheeses through most encounters, but there’s so many better ways to mix things up for huge combos, and the four main weapons all behave so much differently than the axe or blades, even with runics (which are basically the new spam on a timer).

Plus, a big part of the classic presentation was the camera work. It was largely responsible for how “epic” those games felt, and there really wasn’t much of that in the new game either. Maybe Ragnarok will address that though.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
As I have come to realise, and it is kicking my ass.

That said, I have finally got into a pretty good position, securing my first province playing as Tyrion (High Elves) on the Mortal Empires campaign. Granted, I am playing on easy, but I will just gloss past that point.

Its a good time. The High Elves are easy enough, but im setting my sights on playing the Skaven with their huge numbers and crazy contraptions. Looks like a lot of fun, but I would imagine quite different from playing the Elves.
The first few turns are by far the hardest one on the campaign map because you're in a situation where you only have one army so you have to leave some position undefended, try to get a non aggression pact with someone on one side of your empire so you can just focus on the other side. Don't worry too much about building that let you produce advance unit for the time being, better focus on economy (so long as you have at least one artillery). At some point you should send an agent around the world to meet other faction so that you can make trade deal with the one that aren't hostile to you (they'll need a port so just focus on the coast).

Skaven campaign can be pretty brutal, one of them start right next to the reptile faction, their unit are the exact opposite of skaven, low number and high quality. You can still lose battle even if you more than outnumber the enemy, after awhile you have to focus on artillery with them.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Beat Ghostrunner for the....4th time now? I really find this game compelling and fun as hell. It's short, but, very few games make me WANT to replay them that much, and that quickly. Usually I'll replay a game years later, but within a week of beating it? And then again after that? For me that's unprecedented.

Plus I finally get the appeal of speed running. I'm not GOOD at it, but damn if it's not an enjoyable endorphin rush to find a way to shorten a route, and bypass a bunch of stuff, or make it through a sequence without dying at all, when previously you died there over and over. And the storytelling, while minimal, is so good. They pack a lot of character development into a very short script, especially for Jack, the main character. It's got a lot of subtle implications and character motivations in there, in the way people answer questions, who is asking the question in the first place, and who they are asking, all of it. A lot of "reading between the lines" in what the character ISN'T saying, that feeds a lot into the narrative. It's just so good.

I found this video, and it's a really good summary of what's going on with the story. Spoilers for...well basically the entire plot of the game obviously, but it's an enjoyable listen.



~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Hades, oh Hades, I would harbour your shadow babies
If only you'd look at me and not the other ladies
I garuntee you now, love, they all got rabid rabies
No commitment or devotion beyond a thousand hollow "maybe"s
So Hades, sweet Hades, please accept these crumpled daisies
And a serenading orchestra of detuned ukuleles
A table spread of wine and spoiled beef jalfrezis
So to dispense with the subtlety, just gimme your fucking babies.

Mario Odyssey is great too.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Hades, oh Hades, I would harbour your shadow babies
If only you'd look at me and not the other ladies
I garuntee you now, love, they all got rabid rabies
No commitment or devotion beyond a thousand hollow "maybe"s
So Hades, sweet Hades, please accept these crumpled daisies
And a serenading orchestra of detuned ukuleles
A table spread of wine and spoiled beef jalfrezis
So to dispense with the subtlety, just gimme your fucking babies.

Mario Odyssey is great too.
Soooo.....I'm guessing that you thing Hades is a decent game?
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Still playing Minecraft. Why the heck can you stand on an open trapdoor?! It's ridiculous! Makes them completely useless as a trap when you have like a 1/4 chance that the unsuspecting player is going to be safely standing on the hinge when the trap is sprung. Please, tell me a reason that you would ever need to be able to stand on the side of a trapdoor, because I can't think of one. Obviously the solution is pistons, but I haven't found slime yet, and I'm already set up for trapdoors to dump anybody who loots my chest into my death pit.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Still playing Yakuza: Like a Dragon and it is a very very very fucking good game.

I just did a missions where I chased away people protesting a whore by threatening to dump a bunch of jizz napkins on their heads. I mean..it's sooo crazy and funny that I can't put this game down.

Also I run a snack cake store, and I'm a master of Yakuza Mario Kart. Also there is a guy who wants me to complete an enemy database in order to catalog all the creepy people he calls Sujimon which is a play on the Japanese word for "creepy men" and it's literally a Pokedex for yakuza bad guys. It's amazing.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2020
By the way Cave Story is free on the Epic store at the moment, I plan to pick it up and you all should as well.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I just did a missions where I chased away people protesting a whore by threatening to dump a bunch of jizz napkins on their heads. I mean..it's sooo crazy and funny that I can't put this game down.
.....yeah see that's the kind of thing that makes me put a game down. I remember playing...shit what is that Yakuza like game...Judgement? I think it's Judgement, and one of the side missions is me being hired by a male/female twin pair, because somebody stole her panties as they were drying on a line outside her window. She is established to be under age, and yet her brother is not so subtly pimping her out to me, with her sitting there. So that's.....uncomfortable. The mission culminates with me tracking down the panty thief, learning he's in fact a panty sniffer...part of some gourmet panty sniffing cult or whatever. And seriously, they spend a LONG time letting the voice actor for this sniffer describe in uncomfortable detail, the quality of this UNDER AGE girl's pussy juice scent and bouquet, like it's a fine wine. And upon finding him, he's vigorously inhaling the panties, and literally gains super powers from doing so. I then have to fight him to stop this.

I mean.....just...why?


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
.....yeah see that's the kind of thing that makes me put a game down. I remember playing...shit what is that Yakuza like game...Judgement? I think it's Judgement, and one of the side missions is me being hired by a male/female twin pair, because somebody stole her panties as they were drying on a line outside her window. She is established to be under age, and yet her brother is not so subtly pimping her out to me, with her sitting there. So that's.....uncomfortable. The mission culminates with me tracking down the panty thief, learning he's in fact a panty sniffer...part of some gourmet panty sniffing cult or whatever. And seriously, they spend a LONG time letting the voice actor for this sniffer describe in uncomfortable detail, the quality of this UNDER AGE girl's pussy juice scent and bouquet, like it's a fine wine. And upon finding him, he's vigorously inhaling the panties, and literally gains super powers from doing so. I then have to fight him to stop this.

I mean.....just...why?
As someone else playing Yakuza 7, it's really not like that in practice. The tissues barely get described in enough detail for it to be understood that they're tainted, and the guy using them as a weapon isn't doing anything like holding them up in front of someone's nose, he just throws them out a window. It's not explicit like you're describing.

My own update:
I've actually been making good progress and getting a lot of good ranks in DMC3's missions, mostly As with a couple of Bs early on. Guess I was just rusty, and I've shaken it off now. Still, the next couple of missions (12 and 13) have always kicked my ass in the past, so I doubt I'll be able to keep the streak alive much longer. Especially since I'm going on a weekend trip with family, and I won't be able to play it at all in the meantime.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
.....yeah see that's the kind of thing that makes me put a game down. I remember playing...shit what is that Yakuza like game...Judgement? I think it's Judgement, and one of the side missions is me being hired by a male/female twin pair, because somebody stole her panties as they were drying on a line outside her window. She is established to be under age, and yet her brother is not so subtly pimping her out to me, with her sitting there. So that's.....uncomfortable. The mission culminates with me tracking down the panty thief, learning he's in fact a panty sniffer...part of some gourmet panty sniffing cult or whatever. And seriously, they spend a LONG time letting the voice actor for this sniffer describe in uncomfortable detail, the quality of this UNDER AGE girl's pussy juice scent and bouquet, like it's a fine wine. And upon finding him, he's vigorously inhaling the panties, and literally gains super powers from doing so. I then have to fight him to stop this.

I mean.....just...why?
I mean as @NerfedFalcon described, it's not graphically shown. Yakuza's humor is very much implied. Like what i described is happening, but it's worse in your mind than in the actual game. And I think that's part of Japanese humor in general, where they can get really dirty but at the same time stay very PG. A lot of the absurd humor requires the viewer to picture most of it in the mind and it falls back on great writing to paint that picture for you where you can imagine it happening and laugh at it, without it explicitly being show within the game.

See also Cloud's Handjob in FF7R