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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I don't know? Alternate universe maybe?
That much I figured already. Once they threw time traveling R2 guardians into the mix to tip off the heros, I knew things weren't gonna go the same way(and considering how fucking curb stomped everyone got in BOTW, they couldn't be unless it was to be an endless string of defeats or pyrrhic victories).

But it does give the impression 90% of the blacksmiths died in the calamity or if somehow the post-calamity hyrule is suffering from some version of the Iron Plague(or whatever it was called) from Balders Gate, which made all the steel tools/weapons extremely brittle. Or did they havewave that Malice was making everything erode much quicker then normal and I didn't notice(and if they didn't, they really should have. It's the perfect explanation for the weapon durability being shitty in BOTW).
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Apr 3, 2020
Finished playing Grandia.

It was alright. A very charming game with some nice, heartfelt moments from time to time and a great sense of adventure, at least until around the start of the 2nd disc. Combat had some interesting promise but it never quite takes advantage of the mechanics to make it really fun and interesting. Outside of a few boss fights every fight can be won by just spamming your most powerful magic attacks.

The biggest problem I had with the game is it uses the annoying "use weapons/spells to level them up" method of levelling, meaning you have to keep spamming the same attack or spell over and over again just to make it halfway decent, and sometimes intentionally stop your own party members from doing anything, because every enemy they damage/kill is exp someone else misses out on. Doesn't help that about half the party members in the game are temporary, so in order to level the permanent party members up I basically just kept the temporary ones on defense most of the time so they wouldn't soak up exp. Fortunately the game isn't particularly hard so it's not much of an issue, but it's just another example of why i hate that style of levelling so much.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Finished playing Grandia.

It was alright. A very charming game with some nice, heartfelt moments from time to time and a great sense of adventure, at least until around the start of the 2nd disc. Combat had some interesting promise but it never quite takes advantage of the mechanics to make it really fun and interesting. Outside of a few boss fights every fight can be won by just spamming your most powerful magic attacks.

The biggest problem I had with the game is it uses the annoying "use weapons/spells to level them up" method of levelling, meaning you have to keep spamming the same attack or spell over and over again just to make it halfway decent, and sometimes intentionally stop your own party members from doing anything, because every enemy they damage/kill is exp someone else misses out on. Doesn't help that about half the party members in the game are temporary, so in order to level the permanent party members up I basically just kept the temporary ones on defense most of the time so they wouldn't soak up exp. Fortunately the game isn't particularly hard so it's not much of an issue, but it's just another example of why i hate that style of levelling so much.
2 is an improvment on almost everything (except difficulty, it might actually be easier).


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
But it does give the impression 90% of the blacksmiths died in the calamity or if somehow the post-calamity hyrule is suffering from some version of the Iron Plague(or whatever it was called) from Balders Gate, which made all the steel tools/weapons extremely brittle.
I was actually going to jokingly post in response to your question about the lack of durability, something EXACTLY along this line. That OBVIOUSLY the Calamity infected every aspect of society, and made all building materials brittle and prone to breaking! And since the game is pre-Calamity, this problem isn't around. *snooty gamer voice*


The reality is it just makes no sense in a Dynasty Warriors style game, and I think they also just realized how NOBODY liked the durability system in BOTW, and that it was probably the single most universal complaint they saw, every day


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
So I want to gush a little bit more about this Among the Storm demo I'm playing. It's got a feature that I find really interesting. So, you are setting up outposts of the Queen of Flame, to try and expand the areas that are habitable, against the evil, magical rainstorms. And, the neat thing is, if you actually establish a colony fully (which is not easy to do), then when you do the next round (as a new colony starter), when you establish trade routes to help your colony, you can pick the OTHER colonies that you founded as trade partners! That's just really neat to me! I haven't had much luck after the tutorial was over (which gives you 2 towns Tutorial Town 1 & 2 to trade with), with getting a colony started, to see if there is any rhyme or reason to what goods you can get from the towns? Like, if I had it set to be producing a ton of food when I finished Town 1, does that mean it will offer appropriate resources as a result? Or is it just random? I don't know. But I find the fact that it recognizes my previous accomplishments.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Just finished the last heist opportunity in RDO, which for me was the Ember of the East. The Annesburg mine played host to the ruby and the healthy smattering of dickheads guarding it; many of whom seemed to share a proclivity for headshots. Big difference from the Il Sovrano diamond where a distraction and some patient observations were enough. Here the layout made stealthing a tall order on Ruthless from what I could tell, especially when the ruby’s location is randomized. So after nabbing the keys to the foreman’s and sheriff’s offices I said fuggit and hung back with my bolt action loaded with express rounds, popping off anyone who stumbled into view to clear the way. The runners who managed to get within throwing distance of my cover were met with dual wielded Navy revolvers.

Once the herd was thinned out I headed to the foreman’s office. No luck. Then I nearly get taken out by some bastard who found his way to a Gatling gun and proceeded shooting as I passed by the windows looting the place. So I ran around back down to where I started by the docks and flanked him easily enough with all the random viewpoint obstructions the area affords.

Maybe fifteen to twenty minutes in and dozens of rounds of ammo later the whole place seemed vacant and silent enough to proceed to the sheriff’s office, which contained the coveted chest and then some. I made the mistake of getting greedy though, because soon reinforcements arrived before I could book it out of there. By now I was running low on ammo and health tonics, and there was really no cover in the tiny room. Suffice to say things got hairy as the law was anxious to blitz me to death in there, and I had to switch ammo types in between their individual attempts after running out of express rounds in the middle of it all. It was feeling like my own personal take on the infamous last stand in any number of westerns, and I’m thinking there was no way I’m going down after maybe a dozen failed stealth attempts followed up with a couple dozen minutes of gunning through everyone the hard way.

When the gunshots dissipated enough, I whistled my horse for a quick getaway but quickly realized I’d be on my own making a break for him down by the docks where he’s perfectly content away from the action. So I make a run for it and book it across the tracks towards the nearest building and around the corner see my horse just chillin like it’s a lazy Sunday afternoon. What happened is the game switched out my Hungarian Halfbred for my Red Arabian because I was on what’s technically a story mission, and I never reassigned my latest horse to those. The Arabian is built for speed but certainly not war. At least he made for a quick getaway to the drop point which had me taking the backwoods to avoid any more unwanted attention.

Also finished the railroad contract missions, which were far easier and more varied. For someone who isn’t playing constantly I feel like the Blood Money update is plenty, as I’ve yet to try most of the other crimes. The Quick Draw passes go very quickly is too, and the loot is more than I’ll ever use. Also haven’t tried the Call to Arms mode yet, but might do so tonight as it yields triple rewards this week. First I’ll need to finish restocking ammo and tonics though. I also finally bought the pamphlet for crafting multiple items, along the stew pot. Not sure how many recipes there are, but right off the bat I had a good one for chocolate game chili stew, which I later found out is one of Cripp’s daily specials. I just hope it’s still on the menu when I go back on tonight, because I ended up buying a shitton of kidney beans and chocolate bars for it.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Speaking of Awkward, I mentioned this before in my BOTW commentary, but Links inability/unwillingness to speak feels even more awkward here because now you have conversations between multiple people in the cutscenes, a lot more frequently, and Link is just kinda there hanging out for the most part. For the canonical main character(and numerous characters credit link with victory at times), LInk has very little to contribute to the actual story bits aside from being Zeldas bodyguard.....but she has Impa for that too and Impa can fucking talk. This is where the SIlent Protagonist thing starts to really show it's limitations, where the devs really want the character to be a player insert except it becomes increasingly weird and all the other characters have to do the plot/character heavy lifting for the player character, but that's a whole topic by itself.
It wouldn't be so bad if they gave him expressions beyond 'dull determination'. And made him physically expressive, which Wind Waker succeeded in with flying colors. He doesn't even function as a player insert because he's so very obviously his own character, name and all.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Finished 100%-ing Axiom Verge.
Props to the one person who made the whole game but the amateurishness really shows in the parts he was less interested or simply not as capable.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
It wouldn't be so bad if they gave him expressions beyond 'dull determination'. And made him physically expressive, which Wind Waker succeeded in with flying colors. He doesn't even function as a player insert because he's so very obviously his own character, name and all.
Personally I would be mostly ok with him staying silent protagonist, if they didn't make a point to give him audio lines that are all annoying squeaks and yelps and gasps. Because IIRC, in the cutscenes, he doesn't even make grunting noises right? He's just 100% silent in BOTW during cinematics?

Personally I think they've painted themselves into a corner with his voice. It's been SO long without one, that, honestly who would be THE voice of link? They got around it with Mario, because they got someone to make an iconic, distinctive voice for him, right at the start, so it's always been associated with him. "It's a ME! Mario!" So now all voice actors after, have a baseline to imitate. But link, for...what, 35 years now(?), he's been without a voice. Nobody they pick, will likely be satisfactory for the fanbase at large.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Personally I would be mostly ok with him staying silent protagonist, if they didn't make a point to give him audio lines that are all annoying squeaks and yelps and gasps. Because IIRC, in the cutscenes, he doesn't even make grunting noises right? He's just 100% silent in BOTW during cinematics?
Yeah, but it gets even more confusing, because they do imply he does actually speak in various cutscenes. Link will adress a character and hold out/open up his arms as if to imply he's talking to them. And yet he's not talking, and the game (BotW) I think even has it as a plotpoint that Link can speak yet chooses not to. It's fucking weird.

Breath of the Wild would've been the perfect oppertunity to give the player the ability to create their own character, since Link has zero personality here, even less so than he did in Twilight Princess, which was already minimal. Link being Link adds virtually nothing to the story; He has no familiar connections to anyone, he has amnesia, and he's been alseep for a hundred years prior. He might as well be Derek to stable boy or Miranda the milk maid who accidentally discovered Link's remains and the Sheika slate at the Shrine of Resurrection.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Yeah, but it gets even more confusing, because they do imply he does actually speak in various cutscenes. Link will adress a character and hold out/open up his arms as if to imply he's talking to them. And yet he's not talking, and the game (BotW) I think even has it as a plotpoint that Link can speak yet chooses not to. It's fucking weird.

Breath of the Wild would've been the perfect oppertunity to give the player the ability to create their own character, since Link has zero personality here, even less so than he did in Twilight Princess, which was already minimal. Link being Link adds virtually nothing to the story; He has no familiar connections to anyone, he has amnesia, and he's been alseep for a hundred years prior. He might as well be Derek to stable boy or Miranda the milk maid who accidentally discovered Link's remains and the Sheika slate at the Shrine of Resurrection.
Shit I'd like it even more if it was a case of legacy for the hero. That Link is dead, and someone else has to fill in the slot of Triforce Hero for him, a century later. I would be SO down for that kind of game.

Though I honestly want a game where Zelda is actually the main character, in a game called The Legend of ZELDA. I even came up with the entire premise and setup for it to write Link out for the majority of the game. And given how much fucking fun it was to play as Zelda in AoC, after her unsealing, I would be SO down for a full campaign around that.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Shit I'd like it even more if it was a case of legacy for the hero. That Link is dead, and someone else has to fill in the slot of Triforce Hero for him, a century later. I would be SO down for that kind of game.

Though I honestly want a game where Zelda is actually the main character, in a game called The Legend of ZELDA. I even came up with the entire premise and setup for it to write Link out for the majority of the game. And given how much fucking fun it was to play as Zelda in AoC, after her unsealing, I would be SO down for a full campaign around that.
It's kinda sad that that there are games with Zelda as the PC, but they're games everyone wants to forget or at best, ruthlessly mock. We all know what I'm speaking of here.

Yeah, I'd love to see Zelda get to be the hero for once. They toy with it every so often, like in OoT and Wind Waker, and even BOTW has her basically holding the line for a century until Link can wake up and regain his strength, but it always seems to stop short of her getting to take the lead for once.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
It's kinda sad that that there are games with Zelda as the PC, but they're games everyone wants to forget or at best, ruthlessly mock. We all know what I'm speaking of here.
I actually don't know. I've never been a huge fan of the nintendo line up as I've aged. I've been tangentially aware of most of the major titles, simply by being a gamer on the internet. Are you referring to some of those really old CD-rom games that are like point and click, and were horrible?
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Shit I'd like it even more if it was a case of legacy for the hero. That Link is dead, and someone else has to fill in the slot of Triforce Hero for him, a century later. I would be SO down for that kind of game.
Yep, that humble beginnings is a great launch point for the type of character that Link is supposed to be. It's who he was in Wind Waker, where he basically was just some kid who didn't necessarily needed to be called 'Link'. And allowing players to take it even further and really create their own hero would be a welcome change, which we will obviously never see cuz Nintendo.

Though I honestly want a game where Zelda is actually the main character, in a game called The Legend of ZELDA. I even came up with the entire premise and setup for it to write Link out for the majority of the game. And given how much fucking fun it was to play as Zelda in AoC, after her unsealing, I would be SO down for a full campaign around that.
I would be super down for a change in the formula.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I actually don't know. I've never been a huge fan of the nintendo line up as I've aged. I've been tangentially aware of most of the major titles, simply by being a gamer on the internet. Are you referring to some of those really old CD-rom games that are like point and click, and were horrible?
Pretty much the CD-i games. I only know of them from youtube vids and I have no intention of ever playing them because they look fucking awful in every way. Which makes it even more annoying that the only thing they did that was interesting was let Zelda go out and rescue link for once.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Pretty much the CD-i games. I only know of them from youtube vids and I have no intention of ever playing them because they look fucking awful in every way. Which makes it even more annoying that the only thing they did that was interesting was let Zelda go out and rescue link for once.
Yeah I think I've seen one of those from Game Grumps. Never played any of those.

But yeah, my idea for the game was basically exactly that. Zelda rescuing Link. Basically, they're at a Hyrulean party, Zelda is there with Link, and the various franchise characters, and various random citizens of the kindgom. Ganon storms the party, and tries to assassinate Zelda with an energy beam from his Triforce, mounted on a Doom Scepter or whatever. Link, being the defender, gets in the way to deflect it with the Master Sword, but it shatters it, boring through Link, vaporizing him. But, by sheer random happenstance, him blocking with the sword, lined up his Triforce, with the energy beam, and then Zelda's Triforce as well. So he gets vaporized, but his energy flows into her necklace. The combined energies causes a big boom that wrecks the castle, and Ganon flees, having been seriously wounded. Then various catastrophies are unleashed by him, leading up to the assassination attempt. Zelda wakes up ala Saving Private Ryan, to a landscape in ruin. Fuzzy vision, ringing in the ears, and a broken Master Sword at her feet. She sees what's going on, picks up the broken blade (still long enough to work as a short sword), and rushes out to go try and fix things. Cue title screen, begin game. She has the same setup as the Link games. Rescue the trapped person who can help save the day.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
Despite never clicking with the first game I finally bought and started Divinity Original Sin 2 based on the glowing recommendation of a friend. I have to say, I get it now. I'm still on the initial island (Fort Joy/Swamps) but it is miles better than the first game. Systems mostly make sense and are not obtusely veiled or left unexplained. Voice acting is pretty good, solid turn based combat, and the visuals are actually pretty impressive for being a few years old.

I'm also playing Call of Cthulhu with my girlfriend. We both enjoy horror, and since it's largely story based and undemanding on your control inputs she is able to play large swathes of it without getting too frustrated. It has great atmosphere and the story is interesting enough so far. I find the gameplay... less than engaging. Dialogue wheels and story dumps don't bother me, I knew what I was getting into, but moving through the game is little more than playing hide and seek with the appropriate icons to find clues.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Despite never clicking with the first game I finally bought and started Divinity Original Sin 2 based on the glowing recommendation of a friend. I have to say, I get it now. I'm still on the initial island (Fort Joy/Swamps) but it is miles better than the first game. Systems mostly make sense and are not obtusely veiled or left unexplained. Voice acting is pretty good, solid turn based combat, and the visuals are actually pretty impressive for being a few years old.
While I seem to have a serious problem of keeping attention on isometric, topdown RPGs I did enjoy that starting area in D:OS2. The thing that delightfully surprised me, was that, as a healer PC, I was actually able to fucking heal the random people around me, and the game actually accounted for that. I play a LOT of healer classes in games, and it pisses me off to NO end, when I see character after character, forced to die, when I'm literally wielding the power over death, and can resurrect my allies from the most ridiculous damage. But Random Guard 27, with nothing more complex than a gut wound, is doomed to die, because Plot Demands It. And SO many games just overlook this point. So I was SO pleased, and surprised, when I came across a medical tent, and saw several people laying on the ground with low health, and I casually cast a healing rain in their area, and the fucking nurse actually responded!! The 3 people stopped losing health, and she turned to me and thanked me, declaring they were certain to have died before nightfall if I hadn't come along. I recall being literally dumbstruck for a few seconds, as I just was not expecting that to actually happen. The game devs actually thought out something as basic (but overlooked as) "Hey, so the PC might have healing powers....maybe we should let them be able to fucking heal the random injured NPC's we are dotting around the map?"

Lost interest in the game after that for other reasons but, yeah I will always give that game props for giving me something that very few games with healing in them do, actual agency with my healing in the world itself.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Shit I'd like it even more if it was a case of legacy for the hero. That Link is dead, and someone else has to fill in the slot of Triforce Hero for him, a century later. I would be SO down for that kind of game.
That's the case in most Zelda games... except the new guy is also named Link.
I actually don't know. I've never been a huge fan of the nintendo line up as I've aged. I've been tangentially aware of most of the major titles, simply by being a gamer on the internet. Are you referring to some of those really old CD-rom games that are like point and click, and were horrible?


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
Snip about healing randos
Even though I didn't like it I will give the first game props for that kind of attention to detail. The Divinity games (in my limited experience obviously) both seem to do a great job of making you feel like part of the world rather than someone that's been dropped in just to experience the story or steamroll through it.

I actually had a similar experience to yours. In OS2 you came across a similar setup - innocent people mortally wounded by the Magisters who the field nurse can't save. If you heal them with magic they express immense gratitude and shock at your magical powers and you get a quest reward. It was a cool moment for sure.